// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstddef>
#include <type_traits>
#include "partition_alloc/buildflags.h"
#include "partition_alloc/partition_alloc_base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "partition_alloc/partition_alloc_base/cxx20_is_constant_evaluated.h"
#include "partition_alloc/partition_alloc_forward.h"
#error "Included under wrong build option"
namespace base::internal {
bool EndOfAliveAllocation(const volatile void* ptr, bool is_adjustable_ptr);
bool LikelySmuggledScalar(const volatile void* ptr);
template <bool IsAdjustablePtr, bool MayDangle>
struct RawPtrAsanUnownedImpl {
// The first two are needed for correctness. The last one isn't technically a
// must, but better to set it.
static constexpr bool kMustZeroOnConstruct = true;
static constexpr bool kMustZeroOnMove = true;
static constexpr bool kMustZeroOnDestruct = true;
// Wraps a pointer.
template <typename T>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE static constexpr T* WrapRawPtr(T* ptr) {
return ptr;
// Notifies the allocator when a wrapped pointer is being removed or replaced.
template <typename T>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE static constexpr void ReleaseWrappedPtr(T* wrapped_ptr) {
if (!partition_alloc::internal::base::is_constant_evaluated()) {
// Unwraps the pointer, while asserting that memory hasn't been freed. The
// function is allowed to crash on nullptr.
template <typename T>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE static constexpr T* SafelyUnwrapPtrForDereference(
T* wrapped_ptr) {
// ASAN will catch use of dereferenced ptr without additional probing.
return wrapped_ptr;
// Unwraps the pointer, while asserting that memory hasn't been freed. The
// function must handle nullptr gracefully.
template <typename T>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE static constexpr T* SafelyUnwrapPtrForExtraction(
T* wrapped_ptr) {
if (!partition_alloc::internal::base::is_constant_evaluated()) {
return wrapped_ptr;
// Unwraps the pointer, without making an assertion on whether memory was
// freed or not.
template <typename T>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE static constexpr T* UnsafelyUnwrapPtrForComparison(
T* wrapped_ptr) {
return wrapped_ptr;
// Upcasts the wrapped pointer.
template <typename To, typename From>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE static constexpr To* Upcast(From* wrapped_ptr) {
static_assert(std::is_convertible_v<From*, To*>,
"From must be convertible to To.");
// Note, this cast may change the address if upcasting to base that lies in
// the middle of the derived object.
return wrapped_ptr;
// Advance the wrapped pointer by `delta_elems`.
template <
typename T,
typename Z,
typename =
std::enable_if_t<partition_alloc::internal::is_offset_type<Z>, void>>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE static constexpr T*
Advance(T* wrapped_ptr, Z delta_elems, bool /*is_in_pointer_modification*/) {
return wrapped_ptr + delta_elems;
// Retreat the wrapped pointer by `delta_elems`.
template <
typename T,
typename Z,
typename =
std::enable_if_t<partition_alloc::internal::is_offset_type<Z>, void>>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE static constexpr T*
Retreat(T* wrapped_ptr, Z delta_elems, bool /*is_in_pointer_modification*/) {
return wrapped_ptr - delta_elems;
template <typename T>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE static constexpr ptrdiff_t GetDeltaElems(T* wrapped_ptr1,
T* wrapped_ptr2) {
return wrapped_ptr1 - wrapped_ptr2;
// Returns a copy of a wrapped pointer, without making an assertion on whether
// memory was freed or not.
template <typename T>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE static constexpr T* Duplicate(T* wrapped_ptr) {
return wrapped_ptr;
template <typename T>
static void ProbeForLowSeverityLifetimeIssue(T* wrapped_ptr) {
if (!MayDangle && wrapped_ptr) {
const volatile void* probe_ptr =
reinterpret_cast<const volatile void*>(wrapped_ptr);
if (!LikelySmuggledScalar(probe_ptr) &&
!EndOfAliveAllocation(probe_ptr, IsAdjustablePtr)) {
reinterpret_cast<const volatile uint8_t*>(probe_ptr)[0];
// `WrapRawPtrForDuplication` and `UnsafelyUnwrapPtrForDuplication` are used
// to create a new raw_ptr<T> from another raw_ptr<T> of a different flavor.
template <typename T>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE static constexpr T* WrapRawPtrForDuplication(T* ptr) {
return ptr;
template <typename T>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE static constexpr T* UnsafelyUnwrapPtrForDuplication(
T* wrapped_ptr) {
return wrapped_ptr;
template <typename T>
static constexpr void Trace(uint64_t owner_id, T* wrapped_ptr) {}
static constexpr void Untrace(uint64_t owner_id) {}
// This is for accounting only, used by unit tests.
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE static constexpr void IncrementSwapCountForTest() {}
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE static constexpr void IncrementLessCountForTest() {}
} // namespace base::internal