
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "components/viz/service/hit_test/hit_test_aggregator.h"

#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>

#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "components/viz/common/hit_test/hit_test_region_list.h"
#include "components/viz/common/surfaces/frame_sink_id.h"
#include "components/viz/common/surfaces/surface_id.h"
#include "components/viz/host/host_frame_sink_manager.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display_embedder/server_shared_bitmap_manager.h"
#include "components/viz/service/frame_sinks/compositor_frame_sink_support.h"
#include "components/viz/service/frame_sinks/frame_sink_manager_impl.h"
#include "components/viz/service/hit_test/hit_test_aggregator_delegate.h"
#include "components/viz/service/surfaces/surface_manager.h"
#include "components/viz/test/compositor_frame_helpers.h"
#include "components/viz/test/surface_id_allocator_set.h"
#include "components/viz/test/test_latest_local_surface_id_lookup_delegate.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace viz {
namespace {

constexpr uint32_t kDisplayClientId =;
constexpr FrameSinkId kDisplayFrameSink(kDisplayClientId, 0);

class TestHostFrameSinkManager : public HostFrameSinkManager {};

class TestFrameSinkManagerImpl : public FrameSinkManagerImpl {};

}  // namespace

class TestHitTestAggregator final : public HitTestAggregator {};

class HitTestAggregatorTest : public testing::Test {};

// TODO(gklassen): Add tests for 3D use cases as suggested by and with
// input from rjkroege.

// One surface.
//  +----------+
//  |          |
//  |          |
//  |          |
//  +----------+
TEST_F(HitTestAggregatorTest, OneSurface) {}

// One opaque embedder with two regions.
//  +e-------------+
//  | +r1-+ +r2--+ |
//  | |   | |    | |
//  | |   | |    | |
//  | +---+ +----+ |
//  +--------------+
TEST_F(HitTestAggregatorTest, OneEmbedderTwoRegions) {}

// One embedder with two children.
//  +e-------------+
//  | +c1-+ +c2--+ |
//  | |   | |    | |
//  | |   | |    | |
//  | +---+ +----+ |
//  +--------------+

TEST_F(HitTestAggregatorTest, OneEmbedderTwoChildren) {}

// Occluded child frame (OOPIF).
//  +e-----------+
//  | +c--+      |
//  | | +div-+   |
//  | | |    |   |
//  | | +----+   |
//  | +---+      |
//  +------------+

TEST_F(HitTestAggregatorTest, OccludedChildFrame) {}

// Foreground child frame (OOPIF).
// Same as the previous test except the child is foreground.
//  +e-----------+
//  | +c--+      |
//  | |   |div-+ |
//  | |   |    | |
//  | |   |----+ |
//  | +---+      |
//  +------------+

TEST_F(HitTestAggregatorTest, ForegroundChildFrame) {}

// One embedder with a clipped child with a tab and transparent background.
//  +e-------------+
//  |   +c---------|     Point   maps to
//  | 1 |+a--+     |     -----   -------
//  |   || 2 |  3  |       1        e
//  |   |+b--------|       2        a
//  |   ||         |       3        e (transparent area in c)
//  |   ||   4     |       4        b
//  +--------------+

TEST_F(HitTestAggregatorTest, ClippedChildWithTabAndTransparentBackground) {}

// Three children deep.
//  +e------------+
//  | +c1-------+ |
//  | | +c2---+ | |
//  | | | +c3-| | |
//  | | | |   | | |
//  | | | +---| | |
//  | | +-----+ | |
//  | +---------+ |
//  +-------------+

TEST_F(HitTestAggregatorTest, ThreeChildrenDeep) {}

// Missing / late child.
//  +e-----------+
//  | +c--+      |
//  | |   |div-+ |
//  | |   |    | |
//  | |   |----+ |
//  | +---+      |
//  +------------+

TEST_F(HitTestAggregatorTest, MissingChildFrame) {}

// Exceed limits to ensure that bounds and resize work.
// A tree of embedders each with 8 children and 4 levels deep = 4096 regions.
// This will exceed initial allocation and force a resize.
//  +e--------------------------------------------------------+
//  | +c1----------++c2----------++c3----------++c4----------+|
//  | | +c1--------|| +c1--------|| +c1--------|| +c1--------||
//  | | | +c1-++c2-|| | +c1-++c2-|| | +c1-++c2-|| | +c1-++c2-||
//  | | | |   ||   || | |   ||   || | |   ||   || | |   ||   ||
//  | | | +---++---|| | +---++---|| | +---++---|| | +---++---||
//  | +------------++------------++------------++------------+|
//  | +c5----------++c6----------++c7----------++c8----------+|
//  | | +c1--------|| +c1--------|| +c1--------|| +c1--------||
//  | | | +c1-++c2-|| | +c1-++c2-|| | +c1-++c2-|| | +c1-++c2-||
//  | | | |   ||   || | |   ||   || | |   ||   || | |   ||   ||
//  | | | +---++---|| | +---++---|| | +---++---|| | +---++---||
//  | +------------++------------++------------++------------+|
//  +---------------------------------------------------------+

TEST_F(HitTestAggregatorTest, ExceedLimits) {}

TEST_F(HitTestAggregatorTest, DiscardedSurfaces) {}

// Region c1 is transparent and on top of e, c2 is a child of e, d1 is a
// child of c1.
//  +e/c1----------+
//  |              |     Point   maps to
//  |   +c2-+      |     -----   -------
//  |   | 1 |      |       1        c2
//  |   +d1--------|
//  |   |          |
//  |   |          |
//  +--------------+

TEST_F(HitTestAggregatorTest, TransparentOverlayRegions) {}

TEST_F(HitTestAggregatorTest, HitTestDataNotUpdated) {}

}  // namespace viz