
// This file is generated by TypeBuilder_cpp.template.

// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "content/browser/devtools/protocol/background_service.h"

#include "content/browser/devtools/protocol/protocol.h"

#include "third_party/inspector_protocol/crdtp/cbor.h"
#include "third_party/inspector_protocol/crdtp/find_by_first.h"
#include "third_party/inspector_protocol/crdtp/span.h"

namespace content {
namespace protocol {
namespace BackgroundService {


// ------------- Enum values from types.

const char Metainfo::domainName[] =;
const char Metainfo::commandPrefix[] =;
const char Metainfo::version[] =;

namespace ServiceNameEnum {
const char BackgroundFetch[] =;
const char BackgroundSync[] =;
const char PushMessaging[] =;
const char Notifications[] =;
const char PaymentHandler[] =;
const char PeriodicBackgroundSync[] =;
} // namespace ServiceNameEnum





// ------------- Enum values from params.

// ------------- Frontend notifications.

void Frontend::RecordingStateChanged(bool isRecording, const String& service)

void Frontend::BackgroundServiceEventReceived(std::unique_ptr<protocol::BackgroundService::BackgroundServiceEvent> backgroundServiceEvent)

void Frontend::flush()

void Frontend::sendRawNotification(std::unique_ptr<Serializable> notification)

// --------------------- Dispatcher.

class DomainDispatcherImpl : public protocol::DomainDispatcher {};

namespace {
// This helper method with a static map of command methods (instance methods
// of DomainDispatcherImpl declared just above) by their name is used immediately below,
// in the DomainDispatcherImpl::Dispatch method.
DomainDispatcherImpl::CallHandler CommandByName(crdtp::span<uint8_t> command_name) {}
}  // namespace

std::function<void(const crdtp::Dispatchable&)> DomainDispatcherImpl::Dispatch(crdtp::span<uint8_t> command_name) {}

class StartObservingCallbackImpl : public Backend::StartObservingCallback, public DomainDispatcher::Callback {};

namespace {

struct startObservingParams : public crdtp::DeserializableProtocolObject<startObservingParams> {};


}  // namespace

void DomainDispatcherImpl::startObserving(const crdtp::Dispatchable& dispatchable)

namespace {

struct stopObservingParams : public crdtp::DeserializableProtocolObject<stopObservingParams> {};


}  // namespace

void DomainDispatcherImpl::stopObserving(const crdtp::Dispatchable& dispatchable)

namespace {

struct setRecordingParams : public crdtp::DeserializableProtocolObject<setRecordingParams> {};


}  // namespace

void DomainDispatcherImpl::setRecording(const crdtp::Dispatchable& dispatchable)

namespace {

struct clearEventsParams : public crdtp::DeserializableProtocolObject<clearEventsParams> {};


}  // namespace

void DomainDispatcherImpl::clearEvents(const crdtp::Dispatchable& dispatchable)

namespace {
// This helper method (with a static map of redirects) is used from Dispatcher::wire
// immediately below.
const std::vector<std::pair<crdtp::span<uint8_t>, crdtp::span<uint8_t>>>& SortedRedirects() {}
}  // namespace

// static
void Dispatcher::wire(UberDispatcher* uber, Backend* backend)

} // BackgroundService
} // namespace content
} // namespace protocol