
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "components/web_package/signed_web_bundles/ed25519_signature.h"

#include <vector>

#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/ranges/algorithm.h"
#include "base/test/gmock_expected_support.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace web_package {

namespace {

constexpr uint8_t kMessage[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kOtherMessage[] =;

// Signature and public key were generated with the following Go script:
// package main
// import (
//  "crypto/ed25519"
//  "fmt"
//  "strings"
// )
// func printHex(data []byte) string {
//  var result strings.Builder
//  for i, byte := range data {
//   if i > 0 {
//    result.WriteString(", ")
//   }
//   fmt.Fprintf(&result, "0x%02x", byte)
//  }
//  return result.String()
// }
// func main() {
//  public_key, private_key, _ := ed25519.GenerateKey(nil)
//  fmt.Print("Public Key: ")
//  fmt.Println(printHex(public_key))
//  fmt.Print("Signature: ")
//  fmt.Println(printHex(ed25519.Sign(private_key, []byte("test message"))))
// }
constexpr uint8_t kPublicKey[] =;

constexpr uint8_t kSignature[] =;

// This is a different signature with the first byte changed to 0xFF.
constexpr uint8_t kOtherSignature[] =;

}  // namespace

TEST(Ed25519SignatureTest, ValidSignatureFromVector) {}

TEST(Ed25519SignatureTest, ValidSignatureFromArray) {}

TEST(Ed25519SignatureTest, Equality) {}

TEST(Ed25519SignatureTest, InvalidSignature) {}

TEST(Ed25519SignatureTest, Verify) {}

}  // namespace web_package