// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "components/segmentation_platform/public/segmentation_platform_service.h"
#include "components/webapps/browser/android/installable/installable_ambient_badge_client.h"
#include "components/webapps/browser/android/installable/installable_ambient_badge_message_controller.h"
#include "components/webapps/browser/installable/installable_metrics.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
class PrefService;
namespace webapps {
struct AddToHomescreenParams;
// Coordinates the creation of an install ambient badge, from detecting the
// eligibility to promote the associated web/native app and creating the ambient
// badge. Lifecycle: This class is owned by the AppBannerManagerAndroid class
// and is instantiated when an ambient badge may be shown.
class AmbientBadgeManager : public InstallableAmbientBadgeClient {
// Returns if the bottom sheet was shown.
using MaybeShowPwaBottomSheetCallback =
explicit AmbientBadgeManager(
content::WebContents& web_contents,
PrefService& prefs);
AmbientBadgeManager(const AmbientBadgeManager&) = delete;
AmbientBadgeManager& operator=(const AmbientBadgeManager&) = delete;
~AmbientBadgeManager() override;
// This enum backs a UMA histogram , so it should be treated as append-only.
// GENERATED_JAVA_ENUM_PACKAGE: org.chromium.chrome.browser.banners
enum class State {
// The ambient badge pipeline has not yet been triggered for this page load.
kInactive = 0,
// The ambient badge pipeline is running.
kActive = 1,
// Ambient badge blocked because of recently dismissed
kBlocked = 2,
// Waiting for service worker install to trigger the banner.
kPendingWorker = 3, // Deprecated
// Waiting for sufficient engagement to trigger the ambient badge.
kPendingEngagement = 4, // Deprecated
// Showing Ambient Badge.
kShowing = 5,
// Ambient badge dismissed.
kDismissed = 6,
// Ambient badge clicked by the user.
kClicked = 7,
// Ambient badge pipeline completed.
kComplete = 8,
// Getting classification result from the segmentation platform.
kPendingSegmentation = 9,
// Blocked by segmentation result.
kSegmentationBlock = 10,
kMaxValue = kSegmentationBlock,
State state() const { return state_; }
void MaybeShow(const GURL& validated_url,
const std::u16string& app_name,
const std::string& app_identifier,
std::unique_ptr<AddToHomescreenParams> a2hs_params,
base::OnceClosure show_banner_callback,
MaybeShowPwaBottomSheetCallback maybe_show_pwa_bottom_sheet);
// InstallableAmbientBadgeClient overrides.
void AddToHomescreenFromBadge() override;
void BadgeDismissed() override;
void BadgeIgnored() override;
// Hides the ambient badge if it is showing.
void HideAmbientBadge();
static void SetOverrideSegmentationResultForTesting(bool show);
virtual void UpdateState(State state);
content::WebContents* web_contents() const { return &web_contents_.get(); }
PrefService* pref_service() const { return &pref_service_.get(); }
// Called to show UI that promotes installation of a PWA. This is normally the
// mini-infobar ("banner") but clients can override it by providing a
// specialization of this class.
void ShowAmbientBadge();
// Uses the segmentation APIs to decide showing the install ambient badge
void MaybeShowAmbientBadgeSmart();
void OnGotClassificationResult(
const segmentation_platform::ClassificationResult& result);
// Returns true if the prompt should be block.
bool ShouldMessageBeBlockedByGuardrail();
// Message controller for the ambient badge.
InstallableAmbientBadgeMessageController message_controller_{this};
// This class is owned by a class that is a WebContentsUserData, so this is
// safe.
const raw_ref<content::WebContents> web_contents_;
const raw_ptr<segmentation_platform::SegmentationPlatformService>
raw_ref<PrefService> pref_service_;
GURL validated_url_;
std::u16string app_name_;
std::string app_identifier_;
// Contains app parameters such as its type and the install source used.
std::unique_ptr<AddToHomescreenParams> a2hs_params_;
base::OnceClosure show_banner_callback_;
MaybeShowPwaBottomSheetCallback maybe_show_pwa_bottom_sheet_;
// The current ambient badge status.
State state_ = State::kInactive;
base::WeakPtrFactory<AmbientBadgeManager> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace webapps