
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "components/webapps/browser/installable/installable_logging.h"

#include <vector>

#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "components/webapps/browser/installable/installable_evaluator.h"
#include "content/public/browser/installability_error.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_frame_host.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/devtools/console_message.mojom.h"

namespace webapps {

namespace {

// Error message strings corresponding to the InstallableStatusCode enum.
static const char kNotFromSecureOriginMessage[] =;
static const char kNoManifestMessage[] =;
static const char kManifestParsingOrNetworkErrorMessage[] =;
static const char kStartUrlNotValidMessage[] =;
static const char kManifestMissingNameOrShortNameMessage[] =;
static const char kManifestDisplayNotSupportedMessage[] =;
static const char kManifestMissingSuitableIconMessage[] =;
static const char kNoAcceptableIconMessage[] =;
static const char kCannotDownloadIconMessage[] =;
static const char kNoIconAvailableMessage[] =;
static const char kPlatformNotSupportedOnAndroidMessage[] =;
static const char kNoIdSpecifiedMessage[] =;
static const char kIdsDoNotMatchMessage[] =;
static const char kAlreadyInstalledMessage[] =;
static const char kUrlNotSupportedForWebApkMessage[] =;
static const char kInIncognitoMessage[] =;
static const char kPreferRelatedApplications[] =;
static const char kPreferRelatedApplicationsSupportedOnlyBetaStable[] =;
static const char kManifestLocationChanged[] =;
static const char kManifestDisplayOverrideNotSupportedMessage[] =;
static const char kPipelineRestarted[] =;

static const char kNotFromSecureOriginId[] =;
static const char kNoManifestId[] =;
static const char kManifestParsingOrNetworkErrorId[] =;
static const char kStartUrlNotValidId[] =;
static const char kManifestMissingNameOrShortNameId[] =;
static const char kManifestDisplayNotSupportedId[] =;
static const char kManifestMissingSuitableIconId[] =;
static const char kMinimumIconSizeInPixelsId[] =;
static const char kNoAcceptableIconId[] =;
static const char kCannotDownloadIconId[] =;
static const char kNoIconAvailableId[] =;
static const char kPlatformNotSupportedOnAndroidId[] =;
static const char kNoIdSpecifiedId[] =;
static const char kIdsDoNotMatchId[] =;
static const char kAlreadyInstalledId[] =;
static const char kUrlNotSupportedForWebApkId[] =;
static const char kInIncognitoId[] =;
static const char kPreferRelatedApplicationsId[] =;
static const char kPreferRelatedApplicationsSupportedOnlyBetaStableId[] =;
static const char kManifestLocationChangedId[] =;
static const char kManifestDisplayOverrideNotSupportedId[] =;
static const char kPipelineRestartedId[] =;

const std::string& GetMessagePrefix() {}

}  // namespace

std::string GetErrorMessage(InstallableStatusCode code) {}

content::InstallabilityError GetInstallabilityError(
    InstallableStatusCode code) {}

void LogToConsole(content::WebContents* web_contents,
                  InstallableStatusCode code,
                  blink::mojom::ConsoleMessageLevel level) {}

}  // namespace webapps