
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#include <string_view>

#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "components/webcrypto/algorithm_dispatch.h"
#include "components/webcrypto/algorithms/test_helpers.h"
#include "components/webcrypto/status.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_crypto_algorithm_params.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_crypto_key.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_crypto_key_algorithm.h"

namespace webcrypto {

namespace {

// Helper for ImportJwkRsaFailures. Restores the JWK JSON
// dictionary to a good state
base::Value::Dict BuildTestJwkPublicKey() {}

base::Value::Dict BuildTestJwkPrivateKey() {}

void SwapDictMembers(base::Value::Dict& d, const char* a, const char* b) {}

std::string FlipHexByte(std::string_view hex, size_t index) {}

blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm RS256Algorithm() {}

blink::WebCryptoKey ImportJwkRS256OrDie(std::string_view jwk) {}

blink::WebCryptoKey ImportJwkRS256OrDie(const base::Value::Dict& jwk) {}

Status ImportJwkRS256MustFail(std::string_view jwk) {}

Status ImportJwkRS256MustFail(const base::Value::Dict& jwk) {}

Status ImportSpkiRS256MustFail(std::string_view spki) {}

Status ImportPkcs8RS256MustFail(std::string_view pkcs8) {}

std::vector<uint8_t> ExportPkcs8OrDie(blink::WebCryptoKey key) {}

class WebCryptoRsaSsaTest : public WebCryptoTestBase {};

TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportExportSpki) {}

TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportExportPkcs8) {}

// Tests JWK import and export by doing a roundtrip key conversion and ensuring
// it was lossless:
//   PKCS8 --> JWK --> PKCS8
TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportRsaPrivateKeyJwkToPkcs8RoundTrip) {}

const char kRsa512Jwk_0[] =;
// Note that the first letter of "d" has been changed.
const char kRsa512Jwk_0_Damaged[] =;
const char kRsa512Pkcs8_0[] =;

const char kRsa512Jwk_1[] =;
const char kRsa512Pkcs8_1[] =;

// This is a regression test for, for which importing
// a sequence of keys from JWK could yield the wrong key. The first key would
// be imported correctly, however every key after that would actually import
// the first key.
TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportMultipleRsaKeysJwk) {}

// Import an RSA private key using JWK. Next import a JWK containing the same
// modulus, but mismatched parameters for the rest. It should NOT be possible
// that the second import retrieves the first key. See
// for how that could happen.
TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportCorruptKeyReusedModulus) {}

TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, GenerateKeyPairRsa) {}

TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, GenerateKeyPairRsaBadModulusLength) {}

// Try generating RSA key pairs using unsupported public exponents. Only
// exponents of 3 and 65537 are supported. Although OpenSSL can support other
// values, it can also hang when given invalid exponents. To avoid hanging, use
// a whitelist of known safe exponents.
TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, GenerateKeyPairRsaBadExponent) {}

TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, SignVerifyFailures) {}

// Try importing an RSA-SSA public key with unsupported key usages using SPKI
// format. RSA-SSA public keys only support the 'verify' usage.
TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportRsaSsaPublicKeyBadUsage_SPKI) {}

// Try importing an RSA-SSA public key with unsupported key usages using JWK
// format. RSA-SSA public keys only support the 'verify' usage.
TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportRsaSsaPublicKeyBadUsage_JWK) {}

// Generate an RSA-SSA key pair with invalid usages. RSA-SSA supports:
//   'sign', 'verify'
TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, GenerateKeyBadUsages) {}

// Generate an RSA-SSA key pair. The public and private keys should select the
// key usages which are applicable, and not have the exact same usages as was
// specified to GenerateKey
TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, GenerateKeyPairIntersectUsages) {}

TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, GenerateKeyPairEmptyUsages) {}

TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportKeyEmptyUsages) {}

TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportExportJwkRsaPublicKey) {}

TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportJwkRsaFailures) {}

// Try importing an RSA-SSA key from JWK format, having specified both Sign and
// Verify usage, AND an invalid JWK.
// Parsing the invalid JWK will fail before the usage check is done.
TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportRsaSsaJwkBadUsageAndData) {}

TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportValidJwkPrivateKey) {}

TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportInvalidJwkPrivateKey_SwapPQ) {}

TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportInvalidJwkPrivateKey_SwapPQDPDQ) {}

TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportInvalidJwkPrivateKey_MissingMostOptionals) {}

TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportInvalidJwkPrivateKey_MissingAllOptionals) {}

TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportInvalidJwkPrivateKey_LeadingZeroesOnE) {}

TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportInvalidJwkPrivateKey_Base64PaddingInD) {}

TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportInvalidJwkPrivateKey_Base64UrlInN) {}

TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportInvalidJwkPrivateKey_Base64UrlInDQ) {}

TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportInvalidSpki_Empty) {}

TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportInvalidSpki_BadDER) {}

TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportInvalidSpki_NotRSA) {}

TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportInvalidSpki_TrailingData) {}

TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportInvalidPkcs8_Empty) {}

TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportInvalidPkcs8_BadDER) {}

TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportInvalidPkcs8_CRTValuesAreZero) {}

TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportInvalidPkcs8_NotRSA) {}

TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportInvalidPkcs8_TrailingData) {}

TEST_F(WebCryptoRsaSsaTest, ImportInvalidPkcs8_CorruptFields) {}

}  // namespace

}  // namespace webcrypto