
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
    <!-- Approximately 24mm height. -->
    <dimen name="align_marker_height">150dp</dimen>
    <!-- Thickess of thin line. -->
    <dimen name="align_marker_thickness">2dip</dimen>

    <dimen name="ui_button_width">48dp</dimen>
    <dimen name="ui_button_height">48dp</dimen>
    <dimen name="ui_settings_button_margin_top">16dp</dimen>
    <dimen name="ui_settings_button_margin_right">16dp</dimen>
    <dimen name="ui_close_button_margin_top">16dp</dimen>
    <dimen name="ui_close_button_margin_left">16dp</dimen>

    <!-- Right at the end of the parent. -->
    <dimen name="pop_up_menu_margin_horizontal">0dp</dimen>
    Given that the menu has to overlap the button, a vertical offset of
    -48dp is needed, which is the expected height of the button image.
    <dimen name="pop_up_menu_margin_vertical">-48dp</dimen>