// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.components.webxr;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.pm.ActivityInfo;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.os.Build;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.SurfaceHolder;
import android.view.SurfaceView;
import android.view.View;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.ScreenOrientationDelegate;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.ScreenOrientationProvider;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContentsObserver;
import org.chromium.ui.display.DisplayAndroid;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* Provides a fullscreen overlay for immersive sessions, allows tailoring setup/etc. due to the
* particular needs of AR/VR sessions via the XrImmersiveOverlay.Delegate interface.
public class XrImmersiveOverlay
implements SurfaceHolder.Callback2, View.OnTouchListener, ScreenOrientationDelegate {
* Abstraction layer for runtime-specific configuration that needs to happen when setting up a
* SurfaceView.
public interface Delegate {
* Called to allow for any configuration that may need to happen (e.g. in the Chrome
* compositor), before a SurfaceView is created. This is required so that AR can ensure that
* it ends up on top of the DOM surface if we don't need to show it.
void prepareToCreateSurfaceView();
* Configure any Z-order, transparency, or other configuration details that may need to be
* attached to the surfaceView. The SurfaceView should not yet be parented or made visible.
* The SurfaceView will already be configured to keep the screen on.
void configureSurfaceView(SurfaceView surfaceView);
* Add the SurfaceView to the Scene Hierarchy in the appropriate place and ensure that it
* (and any relevant parents) are visible.
void parentAndShowSurfaceView(SurfaceView surfaceView);
* Called when the surfaceView is no longer being used. It may or may not have been
* destroyed or unparented just yet (See DEFER_SURFACE_VIEW_DESTRUCTION comments),; but
* there may be some other system configuration that can/should be undone.
void onStopUsingSurfaceView();
* Remove the SurfaceView from the Scene Hierarchy and ensure that it is hidden. Also
* provides an opportunity to restore any state that may have been setup by
* @{link parentAndShowSurfaceView}.
void removeAndHideSurfaceView(SurfaceView surfaceView);
* This allows the delegate the opportunity to forward any touch events that would have
* otherwise been consumed by the XrImmersiveOverlay; e.g. to the compositor.
void maybeForwardTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev);
* Returns the desired @{link android.content.res.Configuration} int representing the
* orientation that the OverlayDelegate desires the device to be in. Should be one of:
int getDesiredOrientation();
* Returns whether the size of the rendering surface should be the size of the entire
* display or should have the size of cutout areas into account.
boolean useDisplaySizes();
private static final String TAG = "XrImmersiveOverlay";
private static final boolean DEBUG_LOGS = false;
// See class comment for XrSurfaceViewImpl below.
private static final boolean DEFER_SURFACE_VIEW_DESTRUCTION =
private XrSessionCoordinator mXrSessionCoordinator;
private Delegate mOverlayDelegate;
private Activity mActivity;
private boolean mSurfaceReportedReady;
private Integer mRestoreOrientation;
private boolean mCleanupInProgress;
private XrSurfaceView mXrSurfaceView;
private WebContents mWebContents;
private boolean mUseOverlay;
// Set containing all currently touching pointers.
private HashMap<Integer, PointerData> mPointerIdToData;
// ID of primary pointer (if present).
private Integer mPrimaryPointerId;
public void show(
@NonNull Delegate overlayDelegate,
@NonNull WebContents webContents,
@NonNull XrSessionCoordinator caller) {
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "constructor");
mXrSessionCoordinator = caller;
mWebContents = webContents;
mOverlayDelegate = overlayDelegate;
mActivity = XrSessionCoordinator.getActivity(webContents);
mPointerIdToData = new HashMap<Integer, PointerData>();
mPrimaryPointerId = null;
// Choose a concrete implementation to create a drawable Surface and make it fullscreen.
// It forwards SurfaceHolder callbacks and touch events to this XrImmersiveOverlay object.
mXrSurfaceView = new XrSurfaceView();
private class PointerData {
public float x;
public float y;
public boolean touching;
public PointerData(float x, float y, boolean touching) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.touching = touching;
private class XrSurfaceView {
private SurfaceView mSurfaceView;
private WebContentsObserver mWebContentsObserver;
private boolean mDomSurfaceNeedsConfiguring;
private boolean mSurfaceViewNeedsDestruction;
private boolean mDestructionFromVisibilityChanged;
// On some versions of Android (primarily N), the onWindowVisibilityChanged event is
// responsible for firing the surfaceDestroyed event which ultimately removes the
// SurfaceView from the window hierarchy. However in these cases, the synchronous
// call to surfaceDestroyed appears to not expect or account for the View in question
// potentially being detached from the window and causes a null reference exception.
// This class works around that by setting and checking flags to ensure that on the
// OS's where this is necessary, the SurfaceView is only *actually* detached from the
// window after the parent onWindowVisibilityChanged event has finished processing
// (assuming that the onWindowVisibilityChanged event would have caused the destruction).
private class XrSurfaceViewImpl extends SurfaceView {
public XrSurfaceViewImpl(Activity activity) {
protected void onWindowVisibilityChanged(int visibility) {
if (mCleanupInProgress) return;
mDestructionFromVisibilityChanged = true;
mDestructionFromVisibilityChanged = false;
if (DEFER_SURFACE_VIEW_DESTRUCTION && mSurfaceViewNeedsDestruction) {
mSurfaceViewNeedsDestruction = false;
public XrSurfaceView() {
mSurfaceView = new XrSurfaceViewImpl(mActivity);
// Process touch input events for XR input. This consumes them, they'll be resent to
// the compositor view via forwardMotionEvent.
mWebContentsObserver =
new WebContentsObserver() {
public void didToggleFullscreenModeForTab(
boolean enteredFullscreen, boolean willCauseResize) {
"didToggleFullscreenModeForTab(), enteredFullscreen="
+ enteredFullscreen);
if (!enteredFullscreen) {
// Watch for fullscreen exit triggered from JS, this needs to end the session.
public void destroy() {
if (!(DEFER_SURFACE_VIEW_DESTRUCTION && mDestructionFromVisibilityChanged)) {
} else {
mSurfaceViewNeedsDestruction = true;
private void removeAndDestroySurfaceView() {
if (mSurfaceView == null) return;
mSurfaceView = null;
@Override // View.OnTouchListener
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent ev) {
// Only forward primary actions, ignore more complex events such as secondary pointer
// touches. Ignore batching since we're only sending one ray pose per frame.
"Received motion event, action: "
+ MotionEvent.actionToString(ev.getAction())
+ ", pointer count: "
+ ev.getPointerCount()
+ ", action index: "
+ ev.getActionIndex());
for (int i = 0; i < ev.getPointerCount(); i++) {
"Pointer index: "
+ i
+ ", id: "
+ ev.getPointerId(i)
+ ", coordinates: ("
+ ev.getX(i)
+ ", "
+ ev.getY(i)
+ ")");
final int action = ev.getActionMasked();
if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN
|| action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP
|| action == MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN
|| action == MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP
|| action == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL
|| action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {
// ACTION_DOWN - gesture starts. Pointer with index 0 will be considered as a primary
// pointer until it's raised. Then, there will be no primary pointer until the
// gesture ends (ACTION_UP / ACTION_CANCEL).
if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
int pointerId = ev.getPointerId(0);
// Remember primary pointer's ID. The start of the gesture is the only time when the
// primary pointer is set.
mPrimaryPointerId = pointerId;
PointerData previousData =
mPrimaryPointerId, new PointerData(ev.getX(0), ev.getY(0), true));
if (previousData != null) {
// Not much we can do here, just log and continue.
"New pointer with ID "
+ pointerId
+ " introduced by ACTION_DOWN when old pointer with the same ID"
+ " already exists.");
// Send the events to the device.
// This needs to happen after we have updated the state.
// ACTION_UP - gesture ends.
// ACTION_CANCEL - gesture was canceled - there will be no more points in it.
if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP || action == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL) {
// Send the events to the device - all pointers are no longer `touching`:
// Clear the state - the gesture has ended.
mPrimaryPointerId = null;
// ACTION_POINTER_DOWN - new pointer joined the gesture. Its index is passed
// through MotionEvent.getActionIndex().
if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN) {
int pointerIndex = ev.getActionIndex();
int pointerId = ev.getPointerId(pointerIndex);
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "New pointer, ID=" + pointerId);
PointerData previousData =
new PointerData(
ev.getX(pointerIndex), ev.getY(pointerIndex), true));
if (previousData != null) {
// Not much we can do here, just log and continue.
"New pointer with ID "
+ pointerId
+ " introduced by ACTION_POINTER_DOWN when old pointer with the"
+ " same ID already exists.");
Log.i(TAG, "Known pointer IDs after ACTION_POINTER_DOWN:");
for (Map.Entry<Integer, PointerData> entry : mPointerIdToData.entrySet()) {
Log.i(TAG, "ID=" + entry.getKey());
// Send the events to the device.
// ACTION_POINTER_UP - pointer left the gesture. Its index is passed though
// MotionEvent.getActionIndex().
if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP) {
int pointerIndex = ev.getActionIndex();
int pointerId = ev.getPointerId(pointerIndex);
if (!mPointerIdToData.containsKey(pointerId)) {
// The pointer with ID that was not previously known has been somehow introduced
// outside of ACTION_DOWN / ACTION_POINTER_DOWN - this should never happen!
// Nevertheless, it happens in the wild, so ignore the pointer to prevent crash.
"Pointer with ID "
+ pointerId
+ " not found in mPointerIdToData, ignoring ACTION_POINTER_UP"
+ " for it.");
} else {
// Send the events to the device.
// The pointer that was raised needs to no longer be `touching`.
mPointerIdToData.get(pointerId).touching = false;
// If it so happened that it was a primary pointer, we need to remember that
// there is no primary pointer anymore.
if (mPrimaryPointerId != null && mPrimaryPointerId == pointerId) {
mPrimaryPointerId = null;
if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {
for (int i = 0; i < ev.getPointerCount(); i++) {
int pointerId = ev.getPointerId(i);
PointerData pd = mPointerIdToData.get(pointerId);
// If pointer data is null for the given pointer id, then something is wrong
// with the code's assumption - new pointers can only appear due to ACTION_DOWN
// and ACTION_POINTER_DOWN, but it did not seem to happen in this case. In case
// logs are enabled, log this information.
if (DEBUG_LOGS && pd == null) {
"Pointer with ID "
+ pointerId
+ " (index "
+ i
+ ") not found in mPointerIdToData. Known pointer IDs:");
for (Map.Entry<Integer, PointerData> entry : mPointerIdToData.entrySet()) {
Log.i(TAG, "ID=" + entry.getKey());
if (pd == null) {
// The pointer with ID that was not previously known has been somehow
// introduced outside of ACTION_DOWN / ACTION_POINTER_DOWN - this should
// never happen! Nevertheless, it happens in the wild, so ignore the pointer
// to prevent crash.
"Pointer with ID "
+ pointerId
+ "(index "
+ i
+ ") not found in mPointerIdToData, ignoring ACTION_MOVE"
+ " for it.");
pd.x = ev.getX(i);
pd.y = ev.getY(i);
// We need to consume the touch (returning true) to ensure that we get
// followup events such as MOVE and UP. DOM Overlay mode needs to forward
// the touch to the content view so that its UI elements keep working, so
// we need to afford the particular session the chance to forward the event.
return true;
// If the gestureEnded is set to true, the touching state present on the
// PointerData entries will be ignored - none of them will be touching and
// the entire collection will be cleared anyway.
private void sendMotionEvents(boolean gestureEnded) {
for (Map.Entry<Integer, PointerData> entry : mPointerIdToData.entrySet()) {
mPrimaryPointerId != null && mPrimaryPointerId.equals(entry.getKey()),
gestureEnded ? false : entry.getValue().touching,
@Override // ScreenOrientationDelegate
public boolean canUnlockOrientation(Activity activity, int defaultOrientation) {
if (mActivity == activity && mRestoreOrientation != null) {
mRestoreOrientation = defaultOrientation;
return false;
return true;
@Override // ScreenOrientationDelegate
public boolean canLockOrientation() {
return false;
@Override // SurfaceHolder.Callback2
public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) {
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "surfaceCreated");
// Do nothing here, we'll handle setup on the following surfaceChanged.
@Override // SurfaceHolder.Callback2
public void surfaceRedrawNeeded(SurfaceHolder holder) {
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "surfaceRedrawNeeded");
@Override // SurfaceHolder.Callback2
public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height) {
// The surface may not immediately start out at the expected fullscreen size due to
// animations or not-yet-hidden navigation bars. WebXR immersive sessions use a fixed-size
// frame transport that can't be resized, so we need to pick a single size and stick with it
// for the duration of the session. Use the expected fullscreen size for WebXR frame
// transport even if the currently-visible part in the surface view is smaller than this. We
// shouldn't get resize events since we're using FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE and are locking screen
// orientation.
DisplayAndroid display = mWebContents.getTopLevelNativeWindow().getDisplay();
if (mSurfaceReportedReady) {
int rotation = display.getRotation();
"surfaceChanged ignoring change to width="
+ width
+ " height="
+ height
+ " rotation="
+ rotation);
// Need to ensure orientation is locked at this point to avoid race conditions. Save current
// orientation mode, and then lock current orientation. It's unclear if there's still a risk
// of races, for example if an orientation change was already in progress at this point but
// wasn't fully processed yet. In that case the user may need to exit and re-enter the
// session to get the intended layout.
if (mRestoreOrientation == null) {
mRestoreOrientation = mActivity.getRequestedOrientation();
int desiredOrientation = mOverlayDelegate.getDesiredOrientation();
int currentOrientation = mActivity.getResources().getConfiguration().orientation;
int requestOrientation = configurationToActivityInfoOrientation(desiredOrientation);
// If we have a desired orientation and it does not equal the current orientation, then we
// will need to swap dimensions.
boolean swapScreenDimensions =
desiredOrientation != Configuration.ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED
&& desiredOrientation != currentOrientation;
// While it would be preferable to wait until the surface is at the desired fullscreen
// resolution, i.e. via mActivity.getFullscreenManager().getPersistentFullscreenMode(), that
// causes a chicken-and-egg problem for XrSurfaceView mode as used for DOM overlay.
// Chrome's fullscreen mode is triggered by the Blink side setting an element fullscreen
// after the session starts, but the session doesn't start until we report the drawing
// surface being ready (including a configured size), so we use the reported size of the
// display assuming that's what the fullscreen mode will use.
if (mOverlayDelegate.useDisplaySizes()) {
int screenWidth = display.getDisplayWidth();
int screenHeight = display.getDisplayHeight();
if (width < screenWidth || height < screenHeight) {
"surfaceChanged adjusting size from "
+ width
+ "x"
+ height
+ " to"
+ screenWidth
+ "x"
+ screenHeight);
width = screenWidth;
height = screenHeight;
if (swapScreenDimensions) {
// Swap width and height.
int auxWidth = width;
width = height;
height = auxWidth;
int rotation = display.getRotation();
Log.i(TAG, "surfaceChanged size=" + width + "x" + height + " rotation=" + rotation);
mSurfaceReportedReady = true;
@Override // SurfaceHolder.Callback2
public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) {
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "surfaceDestroyed");
public void cleanupAndExit() {
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "cleanupAndExit");
// Avoid duplicate cleanup if we're exiting via XrSessionCoordinator's endSession.
// That triggers cleanupAndExit -> remove SurfaceView -> surfaceDestroyed -> cleanupAndExit.
if (mCleanupInProgress) return;
mCleanupInProgress = true;
// The surface is destroyed when exiting via "back" button, but also in other lifecycle
// situations such as switching apps or toggling the phone's power button. Treat each of
// these as exiting the immersive session. At this point, the surface isn't destroyed yet.
// but will be soon. We need to give the native code a chance to cleanup any state before
// we start any other logic to ensure that the surface is destroyed. We also need to run
// the destroy callbacks to ensure consistent state after non-exiting lifecycle events.
// The JS app may have put an element into fullscreen mode during the immersive session,
// even if this wasn't visible to the user. Ensure that we fully exit out of any active
// fullscreen state on session end to avoid being left in a confusing state.
if (!mWebContents.isDestroyed()) {
// Restore orientation.
if (mRestoreOrientation != null) mActivity.setRequestedOrientation(mRestoreOrientation);
mRestoreOrientation = null;
* Translates the provided int, which is expected to be of the result of
* @{link Delegate.getDesiredOrientation} and thus one of:
* and translates it to a corresponding "ActivityInfo" value that can then be passed on to
* setRequestedOrientation.
private int configurationToActivityInfoOrientation(int configurationOrientation) {
switch (configurationOrientation) {
case Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT:
"Unexpected configurationOrientation: "
+ configurationOrientation
+ " using default of 'Locked'.");