
# Do NOT add chrome to the list below. We shouldn't be including files
# from src/chrome in src/content.
include_rules = [
  # The subdirectories in content/ will manually allow their own include
  # directories in content/ so we disallow all of them.
  "+content/app/strings/grit",  # For generated headers

  # Content can depend on components that are:
  #   1) related to the implementation of the web platform, or,
  #   2) shared code between third_party/blink and content
  # It should not depend on chrome features or implementation details, i.e. the
  # original components/ directories which was code split out from chrome/ to be
  # shared with iOS. This includes, but isn't limited to, browser features such
  # as autofill or extensions, and chrome implementation details such as
  # settings, packaging details, installation or crash reporting.




  # In general, content/ should not rely on google_apis, since URLs
  # and access tokens should usually be provided by the
  # embedder.
  # There are a couple of specific parts of content that are excepted
  # from this rule, e.g. content/browser/speech/DEPS. These are cases of
  # implementations that are strongly tied to Google servers, i.e. we
  # don't expect alternate implementations to be provided by the
  # embedder.

  # Don't allow inclusion of these other libs we shouldn't be calling directly.

  # Allow inclusion of third-party code:

  # Aura is analogous to Win32 or a Gtk, so it is allowed.
  # Content knows about grd files, but the specifics of how to get a resource
  # given its id is left to the embedder.
  # These files aren't related to grd, so they're fine.

  # Content shouldn't depend on views. While we technically don't need this
  # line, since the top level DEPS doesn't allow it, we add it to make this
  # explicit.


  # For generated JNI includes.

specific_include_rules = {
  ".*_browsertest[a-z_]*\.(cc|h|mm)": [
    # content -> content/shell dependency is disallowed, except browser tests.
  "content_(features|switches).h": [
    # content -> tools dependency is disallowed, except buildflags for switches.