// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/common/web_contents_ns_view_bridge.mojom.h"
#import "ui/base/cocoa/base_view.h"
#import "ui/base/cocoa/views_hostable.h"
namespace content {
struct DropData;
} // namespace content
namespace remote_cocoa::mojom {
class WebContentsNSViewHost;
} // namespace remote_cocoa::mojom
namespace url {
class Origin;
@class WebDragSource;
@interface WebContentsViewCocoa
: BaseView <ViewsHostable, NSDraggingSource, NSDraggingDestination>
// Set or un-set the mojo interface through which to communicate with the
// browser process.
- (void)setHost:(remote_cocoa::mojom::WebContentsNSViewHost*)host;
- (void)setMouseDownCanMoveWindow:(BOOL)canMove;
// Enable the workaround for https://crbug.com/1148078. This is called by
// in-PWA-process instances, to limit the workaround's effect to just PWAs.
- (void)enableDroppedScreenShotCopier;
// Private interface.
// TODO(ccameron): Document these functions.
- (instancetype)initWithViewsHostableView:(ui::ViewsHostableView*)v;
- (void)registerDragTypes;
- (void)startDragWithDropData:(const content::DropData&)dropData
sourceOrigin:(const url::Origin&)sourceOrigin
- (void)clearViewsHostableView;
- (void)viewDidBecomeFirstResponder:(NSNotification*)notification;
// API exposed for testing.
// Used to set the web contents's visibility status to occluded after a delay.
- (void)performDelayedSetWebContentsOccluded;
// Returns YES if the WCVC is scheduled to set its web contents's to the
// occluded state.
- (BOOL)willSetWebContentsOccludedAfterDelayForTesting;
// Updates the WCVC's web contents's visibility state. The update may occur
// immediately or in the near future.
- (void)updateWebContentsVisibility:(remote_cocoa::mojom::Visibility)visibility;
- (void)updateWindowControlsOverlay:(const gfx::Rect&)boundingRect;
@interface NSWindow (WebContentsViewCocoa)
// Returns all the WebContentsViewCocoas in the window.
- (NSArray<WebContentsViewCocoa*>*)webContentsViewCocoa;
// Returns YES if the window contains at least one WebContentsViewCocoa.
- (BOOL)containsWebContentsViewCocoa;