
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "content/browser/attribution_reporting/attribution_storage_sql_migrations.h"

#include <vector>

#include "base/functional/function_ref.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_functions.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/attribution_reporting/event_report_windows.h"
#include "components/attribution_reporting/max_event_level_reports.h"
#include "components/attribution_reporting/source_type.mojom.h"
#include "content/browser/attribution_reporting/attribution_reporting.pb.h"
#include "content/browser/attribution_reporting/attribution_storage_sql.h"
#include "content/browser/attribution_reporting/sql_utils.h"
#include "net/base/schemeful_site.h"
#include "sql/database.h"
#include "sql/meta_table.h"
#include "sql/statement.h"
#include "sql/transaction.h"
#include "url/origin.h"

namespace content {

namespace {

// Ensure that both version numbers are updated together to prevent crashes on
// downgrades as in
[[nodiscard]] bool SetVersionNumbers(sql::MetaTable& meta_table, int version) {}

// Wrap each migration in its own transaction. This results in smaller
// transactions, so it's less likely that a transaction's buffer will need to
// spill to disk. Also, if the database grows a lot and Chrome stops (user
// quit, process kill, etc.) during the migration process, per-migration
// transactions make it more likely that we'll make forward progress each time
// Chrome stops.
[[nodiscard]] bool MaybeMigrate(
    sql::Database& db,
    sql::MetaTable& meta_table,
    int old_version,
    base::FunctionRef<bool(sql::Database&)> migrate) {}

bool To53(sql::Database& db) {}

bool To54(sql::Database& db) {}

bool To55(sql::Database& db) {}

bool To56(sql::Database& db) {}

void DeleteCorruptedReports(AttributionStorageSql& storage) {}

// Version bump only, it was initially added to delete corrupted reports.
// However, given that the corrupted reports logic requires the latest schema,
// it was instead moved to a standalone operation `DeleteCorruptedReports`
// performed after all migrations.
bool To57(sql::Database&) {}

// Version bump only: We avoid having to populate the new trigger_data proto
// field for existing sources by treating absence of the field as equivalent to
// specifying the default trigger-data cardinality for the source's source
// type. We nonetheless bump the DB version to ensure that browser
// downgrades do not result in this new field being ignored for sources
// that *do* use non-default trigger data, because we raze the DB if the
// version is too new.
bool To58(sql::Database&) {}

bool To59(sql::Database& db) {}

bool To60(sql::Database& db) {}

bool To61(sql::Database& db) {}

bool To62(sql::Database& db) {}

bool To63(sql::Database& db) {}

bool To64(sql::Database& db) {}

}  // namespace

bool UpgradeAttributionStorageSqlSchema(AttributionStorageSql& storage,
                                        sql::Database& db,
                                        sql::MetaTable& meta_table) {}

}  // namespace content