
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

package org.chromium.base;

import android.content.ComponentCallbacks2;

import org.jni_zero.CalledByNative;
import org.jni_zero.NativeMethods;

import org.chromium.base.library_loader.LibraryLoader;
import org.chromium.base.memory.MemoryPressureCallback;

 * This class is Java equivalent of base::MemoryPressureListener: it distributes pressure
 * signals to callbacks.
 * The class also serves as an entry point to the native side - once native code is ready,
 * it adds native callback.
 * notifyMemoryPressure() is called exclusively by MemoryPressureMonitor, which
 * monitors and throttles pressure signals.
 * NOTE: this class should only be used on UiThread as defined by ThreadUtils (which is
 *       Android main thread for Chrome, but can be some other thread for WebView).
public class MemoryPressureListener {
     * Sending an intent with this action to Chrome will cause it to issue a call to onLowMemory
     * thus simulating a low memory situations.
    private static final String ACTION_LOW_MEMORY = "org.chromium.base.ACTION_LOW_MEMORY";

     * Sending an intent with this action to Chrome will cause it to issue a call to onTrimMemory
     * thus simulating a low memory situations.
    private static final String ACTION_TRIM_MEMORY = "org.chromium.base.ACTION_TRIM_MEMORY";

     * Sending an intent with this action to Chrome will cause it to issue a call to onTrimMemory
     * with notification level TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_CRITICAL thus simulating a low memory situation
    private static final String ACTION_TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_CRITICAL =

     * Sending an intent with this action to Chrome will cause it to issue a call to onTrimMemory
     * with notification level TRIM_MEMORY_MODERATE thus simulating a low memory situation
    private static final String ACTION_TRIM_MEMORY_MODERATE =

    private static ObserverList<MemoryPressureCallback> sCallbacks;

    /** Called by the native side to add native callback. */
    private static void addNativeCallback() {
        addCallback((pressure) -> MemoryPressureListenerJni.get().onMemoryPressure(pressure));

     * Adds a memory pressure callback.
     * Callback is only added once, regardless of the number of addCallback() calls.
     * This method should be called only on ThreadUtils.UiThread.
    public static void addCallback(MemoryPressureCallback callback) {
        if (sCallbacks == null) sCallbacks = new ObserverList<>();

     * Removes previously added memory pressure callback.
     * This method should be called only on ThreadUtils.UiThread.
    public static void removeCallback(MemoryPressureCallback callback) {
        if (sCallbacks == null) return;

     * Distributes |pressure| to all callbacks.
     * This method should be called only on ThreadUtils.UiThread.
     * This includes sending the notification to the native side, provided that addNativeCallback()
     * has been called. It does not trigger all the clients listening directly to
     * ComponentCallbacks2 notifications.
    public static void notifyMemoryPressure(@MemoryPressureLevel int pressure) {
        if (sCallbacks == null) return;
        for (MemoryPressureCallback callback : sCallbacks) {

    public static void onPreFreeze() {
        // We only need the library to be loaded, not the whole browser
        // to be initialized because the native side would have no tasks
        // to run in this case (they are registered at various points by
        // callers elsewhere).
        if (!LibraryLoader.getInstance().isInitialized()) return;

    public static boolean isTrimMemoryBackgroundCritical() {
        if (!LibraryLoader.getInstance().isInitialized()) return false;
        return MemoryPressureListenerJni.get().isTrimMemoryBackgroundCritical();

     * Used by applications to simulate a memory pressure signal. By throwing certain intent
     * actions.
    public static boolean handleDebugIntent(Activity activity, String action) {
        if (ACTION_LOW_MEMORY.equals(action)) {
        } else if (ACTION_TRIM_MEMORY.equals(action)) {
            simulateTrimMemoryPressureSignal(activity, ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_COMPLETE);
        } else if (ACTION_TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_CRITICAL.equals(action)) {
                    activity, ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_CRITICAL);
        } else if (ACTION_TRIM_MEMORY_MODERATE.equals(action)) {
            simulateTrimMemoryPressureSignal(activity, ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_MODERATE);
        } else {
            return false;

        return true;

    private static void simulateLowMemoryPressureSignal(Activity activity) {
        // The Application and the Activity each have a list of callbacks they notify when this
        // method is called.  Notifying these will simulate the event at the App/Activity level
        // as well as trigger the listener bound from native in this process.

    private static void simulateTrimMemoryPressureSignal(Activity activity, int level) {
        // The Application and the Activity each have a list of callbacks they notify when this
        // method is called.  Notifying these will simulate the event at the App/Activity level
        // as well as trigger the listener bound from native in this process.

    interface Natives {
        void onMemoryPressure(@MemoryPressureLevel int pressure);

        void onPreFreeze();

        boolean isTrimMemoryBackgroundCritical();