
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "base/debug/crash_logging.h"
#include "content/common/buildflags.h"

namespace content {
class BrowserMessageFilter;
class RenderProcessHost;

namespace bad_message {

// The browser process often chooses to terminate a renderer if it receives
// a bad IPC message. The reasons are tracked for metrics.
// Content embedders should implement their own bad message statistics but
// should use similar histogram names to make analysis easier.
// NOTE: Do not remove or reorder elements in this list. Add new entries at the
// end. Items may be renamed but do not change the values. We rely on the enum
// values in histograms.
enum BadMessageReason {};

// Called when the browser receives a bad IPC message from a renderer process on
// the UI thread. Logs the event, records a histogram metric for the |reason|,
// and terminates the process for |host|.
void ReceivedBadMessage(RenderProcessHost* host, BadMessageReason reason);

// Equivalent to the above, but callable from any thread.
void ReceivedBadMessage(int render_process_id, BadMessageReason reason);

// Called when a browser message filter receives a bad IPC message from a
// renderer or other child process. Logs the event, records a histogram metric
// for the |reason|, and terminates the process for |filter|.
void ReceivedBadMessage(BrowserMessageFilter* filter, BadMessageReason reason);

// Site isolation. These keys help debug renderer kills such as
// Retuns a key for logging a requested SiteInfo.
base::debug::CrashKeyString* GetRequestedSiteInfoKey();

}  // namespace bad_message
}  // namespace content