// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import "base/apple/foundation_util.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#import "content/browser/cocoa/system_hotkey_map.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_paths.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace content {
class SystemHotkeyMapTest : public ::testing::Test {
SystemHotkeyMapTest() = default;
NSDictionary* DictionaryFromTestFile(const char* file) {
base::FilePath test_data_dir;
bool result = base::PathService::Get(DIR_TEST_DATA, &test_data_dir);
if (!result) {
return nil;
base::FilePath test_path = test_data_dir.AppendASCII(file);
return [NSDictionary
void AddEntryToDictionary(BOOL enabled,
unsigned short key_code,
NSUInteger modifiers,
int index = 0) {
const NSInteger kUnused = 65535;
NSArray* parameters = @[ @(kUnused), @(key_code), @(modifiers) ];
NSDictionary* values = @{@"parameters" : parameters, @"type" : @"standard"};
NSDictionary* outer_dictionary =
@{@"value" : values,
@"enabled" : @(enabled)};
if (!index) {
index = count_;
[system_hotkey_inner_dictionary_ setObject:outer_dictionary
void SetUp() override {
system_hotkey_dictionary_ = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
system_hotkey_inner_dictionary_ = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[system_hotkey_dictionary_ setObject:system_hotkey_inner_dictionary_
count_ = 100;
void TearDown() override {
system_hotkey_dictionary_ = nil;
system_hotkey_inner_dictionary_ = nil;
// A constructed dictionary that matches the format of the one that would be
// parsed from the system hotkeys plist.
NSMutableDictionary* __strong system_hotkey_dictionary_;
// A reference to the mutable dictionary to which new entries are added.
NSMutableDictionary* __strong system_hotkey_inner_dictionary_;
// Each entry in the system_hotkey_inner_dictionary_ needs to have a unique
// key. This count is used to generate those unique keys.
int count_;
TEST_F(SystemHotkeyMapTest, Parse) {
// This plist was pulled from a real machine. It is extensively populated,
// and has no missing or incomplete entries.
NSDictionary* dictionary =
SystemHotkeyMap map;
bool parse_successful = map.ParseDictionary(dictionary);
// Command + ` is a common key binding. It should exist.
unsigned short key_code = kVK_ANSI_Grave;
NSUInteger modifiers = NSEventModifierFlagCommand;
EXPECT_TRUE(map.IsHotkeyReserved(key_code, modifiers));
// Command + Shift + ` is a common key binding. It should exist.
modifiers = NSEventModifierFlagCommand | NSEventModifierFlagShift;
EXPECT_TRUE(map.IsHotkeyReserved(key_code, modifiers));
// Command + Shift + Ctr + ` is not a common key binding.
modifiers = NSEventModifierFlagCommand | NSEventModifierFlagShift |
EXPECT_FALSE(map.IsHotkeyReserved(key_code, modifiers));
// Command + L is not a common key binding.
key_code = kVK_ANSI_L;
modifiers = NSEventModifierFlagCommand;
EXPECT_FALSE(map.IsHotkeyReserved(key_code, modifiers));
TEST_F(SystemHotkeyMapTest, ParseNil) {
NSDictionary* dictionary = nil;
SystemHotkeyMap map;
bool parse_successful = map.ParseDictionary(dictionary);
TEST_F(SystemHotkeyMapTest, ParseMouse) {
// This plist was pulled from a real machine. It has missing entries,
// incomplete entries, and mouse hotkeys.
NSDictionary* dictionary =
SystemHotkeyMap map;
bool parse_successful = map.ParseDictionary(dictionary);
// Command + ` is a common key binding. It is missing, but since OS X uses the
// default value the hotkey should still be reserved.
// https://crbug.com/383558
// https://crbug.com/145062
unsigned short key_code = kVK_ANSI_Grave;
NSUInteger modifiers = NSEventModifierFlagCommand;
EXPECT_TRUE(map.IsHotkeyReserved(key_code, modifiers));
// There is a mouse keybinding for 0x08. It should not apply to keyboard
// hotkeys.
key_code = kVK_ANSI_C;
modifiers = 0;
EXPECT_FALSE(map.IsHotkeyReserved(key_code, modifiers));
// Command + Alt + = is an accessibility shortcut. Its entry in the plist is
// incomplete.
// TODO(erikchen): macOS uses the default bindings, so this hotkey should
// still be reserved. http://crbug.com/383558
key_code = kVK_ANSI_Equal;
modifiers = NSEventModifierFlagCommand | NSEventModifierFlagOption;
EXPECT_FALSE(map.IsHotkeyReserved(key_code, modifiers));
TEST_F(SystemHotkeyMapTest, ParseCustomEntries) {
unsigned short key_code = kVK_ANSI_C;
AddEntryToDictionary(YES, key_code, 0);
AddEntryToDictionary(YES, key_code, NSEventModifierFlagCapsLock);
AddEntryToDictionary(YES, key_code, NSEventModifierFlagShift);
AddEntryToDictionary(YES, key_code, NSEventModifierFlagControl);
AddEntryToDictionary(YES, key_code, NSEventModifierFlagFunction);
YES, key_code, NSEventModifierFlagFunction | NSEventModifierFlagControl);
AddEntryToDictionary(NO, key_code, NSEventModifierFlagOption);
SystemHotkeyMap map;
bool parse_successful = map.ParseDictionary(system_hotkey_dictionary_);
// Entries without control, command, or alternate key mask should not be
// reserved.
EXPECT_FALSE(map.IsHotkeyReserved(key_code, 0));
EXPECT_FALSE(map.IsHotkeyReserved(key_code, NSEventModifierFlagCapsLock));
EXPECT_FALSE(map.IsHotkeyReserved(key_code, NSEventModifierFlagShift));
EXPECT_FALSE(map.IsHotkeyReserved(key_code, NSEventModifierFlagFunction));
// Unlisted entries should not be reserved.
EXPECT_FALSE(map.IsHotkeyReserved(key_code, NSEventModifierFlagCommand));
// Disabled entries should not be reserved.
EXPECT_FALSE(map.IsHotkeyReserved(key_code, NSEventModifierFlagOption));
// Other entries should be reserved.
EXPECT_TRUE(map.IsHotkeyReserved(key_code, NSEventModifierFlagControl));
key_code, NSEventModifierFlagFunction | NSEventModifierFlagControl));
// Tests that we add a shifted (i.e. reverse) variant of the window cycling
// hotkey.
TEST_F(SystemHotkeyMapTest, ReverseWindowCyclingHotkeyExists) {
const int kCycleThroughWindowsHotkey = 27;
AddEntryToDictionary(YES, kVK_ANSI_Grave, NSEventModifierFlagCommand,
SystemHotkeyMap map;
bool parse_successful = map.ParseDictionary(system_hotkey_dictionary_);
EXPECT_TRUE(map.IsHotkeyReserved(kVK_ANSI_Grave, NSEventModifierFlagCommand));
kVK_ANSI_Grave, NSEventModifierFlagCommand | NSEventModifierFlagShift));
// Tests that we skip over certain undocumented shortcut entries that appear in
// AppleSymbolicHotKeys. See https://crbug.com/874219 .
TEST_F(SystemHotkeyMapTest, IgnoreUndocumentedShortcutEntries) {
const int kSpacesLeftHotkey = 79;
const int kSpacesLeftShiftedHotkey = 80;
const int kSpacesRightHotkey = 81;
const int kSpacesRightShiftedHotkey = 82;
AddEntryToDictionary(YES, kVK_ANSI_A, NSEventModifierFlagControl,
AddEntryToDictionary(YES, kVK_ANSI_B, NSEventModifierFlagControl,
AddEntryToDictionary(YES, kVK_ANSI_C, NSEventModifierFlagControl,
AddEntryToDictionary(YES, kVK_ANSI_D, NSEventModifierFlagControl,
SystemHotkeyMap map;
bool parse_successful = map.ParseDictionary(system_hotkey_dictionary_);
EXPECT_TRUE(map.IsHotkeyReserved(kVK_ANSI_A, NSEventModifierFlagControl));
EXPECT_FALSE(map.IsHotkeyReserved(kVK_ANSI_B, NSEventModifierFlagControl));
EXPECT_TRUE(map.IsHotkeyReserved(kVK_ANSI_C, NSEventModifierFlagControl));
EXPECT_FALSE(map.IsHotkeyReserved(kVK_ANSI_D, NSEventModifierFlagControl));
} // namespace content