
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and spanify to fix the errors.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers

#include "content/browser/code_cache/generated_code_cache.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <string_view>

#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_helpers.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_functions.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/not_fatal_until.h"
#include "base/numerics/byte_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/strcat.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/services/storage/public/cpp/big_io_buffer.h"
#include "content/common/features.h"
#include "content/public/browser/content_browser_client.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_client.h"
#include "content/public/common/url_constants.h"
#include "crypto/sha2.h"
#include "net/base/completion_once_callback.h"
#include "net/base/features.h"
#include "net/base/network_isolation_key.h"
#include "net/base/url_util.h"
#include "net/http/http_cache.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/scheme_registry.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"


namespace content {

namespace {

constexpr char kPrefix[] =;
constexpr char kSeparator[] =;

// We always expect to receive valid URLs that can be used as keys to the code
// cache. The relevant checks (for ex: resource_url is valid, origin_lock is
// not opque etc.,) must be done prior to requesting the code cache.
// This function doesn't enforce anything in the production code. It is here
// to make the assumptions explicit and to catch any errors when DCHECKs are
// enabled.
void CheckValidKeys(const GURL& resource_url,
                    const GURL& origin_lock,
                    GeneratedCodeCache::CodeCacheType cache_type) {}

// Generates the cache key for the given |resource_url|, |origin_lock| and
// |nik|.
//   |resource_url| is the url corresponding to the requested resource.
//   |origin_lock| is the origin that the renderer which requested this
//   resource is locked to.
//   |nik| is the network isolation key that consists of top-level-site that
//   initiated the request.
// For example, if SitePerProcess is enabled and is
// requested by, then is the
// resource_url and is the origin_lock.
// This returns the key by concatenating the serialized url, origin lock and nik
// with a separator in between. |origin_lock| could be empty when renderer is
// not locked to an origin (ex: SitePerProcess is disabled) and it is safe to
// use only |resource_url| as the key in such cases.
// TODO(wjmaclean): Either convert this to use a SiteInfo object, or convert it
// to something not based on URLs.
std::string GetCacheKey(const GURL& resource_url,
                        const GURL& origin_lock,
                        const net::NetworkIsolationKey& nik,
                        GeneratedCodeCache::CodeCacheType cache_type) {}

constexpr size_t kResponseTimeSizeInBytes =;
constexpr size_t kDataSizeInBytes =;
constexpr size_t kHeaderSizeInBytes =;
// The SHA-256 checksum is used as the key for the de-duplicated code data. We
// must convert the checksum to a string key in a way that is guaranteed not to
// match a key generated by |GetCacheKey|. A simple way to do this is to convert
// it to a hex number string, which is twice as long as the checksum.
constexpr size_t kSHAKeySizeInBytes =;

// This is the threshold for storing the header and cached code in stream 0,
// which is read into memory on opening an entry. JavaScript code caching stores
// time stamps with no data, or timestamps with just a tag, and we observe many
// 8 and 16 byte reads and writes. Make the threshold larger to speed up small
// code entries too.
constexpr size_t kInlineDataLimit =;
// This is the maximum size for code that will be stored under the key generated
// by |GetCacheKey|. Each origin will get its own copy of the generated code for
// a given resource. Code that is larger than this limit will be stored under a
// key derived from the code checksum, and each origin using a given resource
// gets its own small entry under the key generated by |GetCacheKey| that holds
// the hash, enabling a two stage lookup. This limit was determined empirically
// by a Finch experiment.
constexpr size_t kDedicatedDataLimit =;

void WriteCommonDataHeader(net::IOBufferWithSize* buffer,
                           const base::Time& response_time,
                           uint32_t data_size) {}

void ReadCommonDataHeader(net::IOBufferWithSize* buffer,
                          base::Time* response_time,
                          uint32_t* data_size) {}


net::CacheType CodeCacheTypeToNetCacheType(
    GeneratedCodeCache::CodeCacheType type) {}

void CollectStatisticsForEmbedderWebUIPages(
    const GURL& resource_url,
    const GURL& origin_lock,
    GeneratedCodeCache::CacheEntryStatus entry_status) {}

}  // namespace

bool GeneratedCodeCache::IsValidHeader(
    scoped_refptr<net::IOBufferWithSize> small_buffer) const {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::ReportPeriodicalHistograms() {}

std::string GeneratedCodeCache::GetResourceURLFromKey(const std::string& key) {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::CollectStatistics(
    const GURL& resource_url,
    const GURL& origin_lock,
    GeneratedCodeCache::CacheEntryStatus status) {}

// Stores the information about a pending request while disk backend is
// being initialized or another request for the same key is live.
class GeneratedCodeCache::PendingOperation {};

GeneratedCodeCache::PendingOperation::~PendingOperation() = default;

GeneratedCodeCache::GeneratedCodeCache(const base::FilePath& path,
                                       int max_size_bytes,
                                       CodeCacheType cache_type)

GeneratedCodeCache::~GeneratedCodeCache() = default;

void GeneratedCodeCache::GetBackend(GetBackendCallback callback) {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::WriteEntry(const GURL& url,
                                    const GURL& origin_lock,
                                    const net::NetworkIsolationKey& nik,
                                    const base::Time& response_time,
                                    mojo_base::BigBuffer data) {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::FetchEntry(const GURL& url,
                                    const GURL& origin_lock,
                                    const net::NetworkIsolationKey& nik,
                                    ReadDataCallback read_data_callback) {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::DeleteEntry(const GURL& url,
                                     const GURL& origin_lock,
                                     const net::NetworkIsolationKey& nik) {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::CreateBackend() {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::DidCreateBackend(disk_cache::BackendResult result) {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::EnqueueOperation(
    std::unique_ptr<PendingOperation> op) {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::IssuePendingOperations() {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::IssueOperation(PendingOperation* op) {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::WriteEntryImpl(PendingOperation* op) {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::OpenCompleteForWrite(
    PendingOperation* op,
    disk_cache::EntryResult entry_result) {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::WriteSmallBufferComplete(PendingOperation* op,
                                                  int rv) {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::WriteLargeBufferComplete(PendingOperation* op,
                                                  int rv) {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::WriteComplete(PendingOperation* op) {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::FetchEntryImpl(PendingOperation* op) {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::OpenCompleteForRead(
    PendingOperation* op,
    disk_cache::EntryResult entry_result) {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::ReadSmallBufferComplete(PendingOperation* op, int rv) {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::ReadLargeBufferComplete(PendingOperation* op, int rv) {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::ReadComplete(PendingOperation* op) {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::DeleteEntryImpl(PendingOperation* op) {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::DoomEntry(PendingOperation* op) {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::IssueNextOperation(const std::string& key) {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::CloseOperationAndIssueNext(PendingOperation* op) {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::EnqueueOperationAndIssueIfNext(
    std::unique_ptr<PendingOperation> op) {}

GeneratedCodeCache::DequeueOperation(PendingOperation* op) {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::DoPendingGetBackend(PendingOperation* op) {}

bool GeneratedCodeCache::IsDeduplicationEnabled() const {}

bool GeneratedCodeCache::ShouldDeduplicateEntry(uint32_t data_size) const {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::SetLastUsedTimeForTest(
    const GURL& resource_url,
    const GURL& origin_lock,
    const net::NetworkIsolationKey& nik,
    base::Time time,
    base::OnceClosure user_callback) {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::ClearInMemoryCache() {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::OpenCompleteForSetLastUsedForTest(
    base::Time time,
    base::OnceClosure callback,
    disk_cache::EntryResult result) {}

void GeneratedCodeCache::CollectStatisticsForTest(
    const GURL& resource_url,
    const GURL& origin_lock,
    GeneratedCodeCache::CacheEntryStatus status) {}

}  // namespace content