
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// This header defines fenced frame configs, which are objects that can be
// loaded into a fenced frame and determine its subsequent behavior. Different
// APIs like Protected Audience and Shared Storage use fenced frame configs in
// order to achieve different end-to-end privacy guarantees.
// Certain information stored in configs may be sensitive and therefore should
// be redacted before it is sent to a renderer process. Whether information is
// sensitive depends on the entity receiving the information, because
// "sensitivity" often refers to the possibility of joining data from multiple
// sites.
// As a way of specifying access controls, we represent different entities
// using the `FencedFrameEntity` enum:
// * `kEmbedder`: the renderer process that embeds the fenced frame and calls
//   the config-generating API
// * `kSameOriginContent`: the renderer process for the fenced frame content,
//   if the fenced frame content is same-origin to the config's mapped url
// * `kCrossOriginContent`: the renderer process for the fenced frame content,
//   if the fenced frame content is cross-origin to the config's mapped url
// When a config-generating API constructs a config, for each field in the
// config it must specify whether the field is opaque or transparent to
// the embedder and content (`VisibilityToEmbedder` and `VisibilityToContent`).
// If a field is marked as opaque for an entity, the field is redacted whenever
// the config is sent to that entity's renderer by IPC. When a field is
// redacted, the viewer can tell whether there is a value defined for that
// field, but not what the value is.
// Here is a summary of the information flow:
// * The embedder calls a config-generating API on the web platform, let's say
//   Protected Audience, which makes an IPC to the browser.
// * In the browser, Protected Audience generates a `FencedFrameConfig`
//   (including the visibility of each field to different entities) and stores
//   it in the Page's `FencedFrameURLMapping` data structure.
// * Protected Audience constructs a `RedactedFencedFrameConfig` from the
//   `FencedFrameConfig` and the `kEmbedder` entity. The constructor
//   automatically performs the redaction process.
// * Protected Audience returns the redacted config to the embedder's renderer.
//   `RedactedFencedFrameConfig` supports mojom type mappings for
//   `blink::mojom::FencedFrameConfig`.
// * Later, the embedder loads the config into a fenced frame on the web
//   platform, which sends an IPC to the browser, containing an identifier for
//   the config in the `FencedFrameURLMapping`.
// * The browser looks up the desired config, and creates an instance of it.
//   We call an instance of a config `FencedFrameProperties`. For most fields
//   of the config, instantiating just means copying over the original values.
//   But for some values, we do additional transformations.
// * The browser stores the `FencedFrameProperties` in the `NavigationRequest`
//   for the navigation to the fenced frame's initial src. During the navigation
//   handling, certain values inside the `FencedFrameProperties` may be used by
//   the browser, e.g. the partition nonce for network requests.
// * Upon navigation commit, the browser constructs a
//   `RedactedFencedFrameProperties` from the `FencedFrameProperties` and the
//   `kSameOriginContent` or `kCrossOriginContent` entity. The constructor
//   automatically performs the redaction process.
// Note: Because configs may contain nested configs (to be loaded into nested
// fenced frames), the redaction process may recurse in order to redact these
// nested configs. Nested configs are redacted for the `kEmbedder` entity,
// because the top-level fenced frame is the embedder with respect to any nested
// fenced frames.


#include <optional>

#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "content/browser/fenced_frame/fenced_frame_reporter.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/fenced_frame/redacted_fenced_frame_config.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/fenced_frame/fenced_frame.mojom.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/origin.h"

namespace content {

class FencedFrameURLMapping;

extern const char kUrnUuidPrefix[];

// Used by the fenced frame properties getter. It specifies the node source
// of the fenced frame properties. TODO(crbug/40256574): kClosestAncestor is an
// artifact to support URN iframes. When URN iframes are removed, we can remove
// FencedFramePropertiesNodeSource, and all FencedFrameProperties objects will
// originate from the fenced frame root.
enum class FencedFramePropertiesNodeSource {};

// Returns a new string based on input where the matching substrings have been
// replaced with the corresponding substitutions. This function avoids repeated
// string operations by building the output based on all substitutions, one
// substitution at a time. This effectively performs all substitutions
// simultaneously, with the earliest match in the input taking precedence.
std::string SubstituteMappedStrings(
    const std::string& input,
    const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>& substitutions);


// Different kinds of entities (renderers) that should receive different
// views of the information in fenced frame configs.
enum class FencedFrameEntity {};

// Visibility levels specify whether information should be redacted when it is
// communicated to different entities (renderers).
// * kOpaque: must be concealed from the web platform
// * kTransparent: may be exposed to the web platform
// When renderer process allocation for site isolation is sufficiently
// strict, this distinction provides security against compromised renderers,
// because the renderers receive no more information than is necessary for
// web platform-exposed features.
// Each entity has a different enum class, even though its values are
// (currently) identical, for stronger type safety.
enum class VisibilityToEmbedder {};
enum class VisibilityToContent {};

// A field in a fenced frame configuration, including:
// * an actual value for the field
// * a declaration of the visibility to the embedder
// * a declaration of the visibility to the content
template <class T>
class CONTENT_EXPORT FencedFrameProperty {};

enum class DisableUntrustedNetworkStatus {};

// A collection of properties that can be loaded into a fenced frame and
// specifies its subsequent behavior. (During a navigation, they are
// transformed into a `FencedFrameProperties` object, and installed at
// navigation commit. Most properties are copied over directly from the
// configuration, but some require additional processing (e.g.
// `nested_configs`.)
// Config-generating APIs like Protected Audience's runAdAuction and
// sharedStorage's selectURL return urns as handles to `FencedFrameConfig`s.
// TODO( Use a single constructor that requires values to be
// specified for all fields, to ensure none are accidentally omitted.
class CONTENT_EXPORT FencedFrameConfig {};

// Contains a set of fenced frame properties. These are generated at
// urn:uuid navigation time according to a fenced frame configuration,
// specified by `FencedFrameConfig` above.
// Most of these are copied from `FencedFrameConfig` directly, but some
// are generated by another transformation, e.g.:
// * We generate urns for the configs in `nested_configs` and store
//   them in `nested_urn_config_pairs`.
// * We generate a pointer to `shared_storage_budget_metadata` and store it in
//   `shared_storage_budget_metadata`, because it should only take effect once
//   across all fenced frames navigated to a particular configuration.
// These `FencedFrameProperties` are stored in the fenced frame root
// `FrameTreeNode`, and live between embedder-initiated fenced frame
// navigations.
class CONTENT_EXPORT FencedFrameProperties {};

}  // namespace content