
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

package org.chromium.base.shared_preferences;

import android.content.SharedPreferences;

import androidx.annotation.GuardedBy;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;

import org.jni_zero.CalledByNative;
import org.jni_zero.JNINamespace;

import org.chromium.base.ContextUtils;
import org.chromium.base.ResettersForTesting;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

/** Layer over android {@link SharedPreferences}. */
public class SharedPreferencesManager {
    // Without asserts, this is a singleton (because no key names are checked).
    // With asserts, there is one manager per-registry in order to not have to consult
    // all registries each time a key name is checked.
    private static final Map<PreferenceKeyRegistry, SharedPreferencesManager> sInstances =
            BuildConfig.ENABLE_ASSERTS ? new HashMap<>() : null;

    private static final SharedPreferencesManager sInstance =
                    ? null
                    : new SharedPreferencesManager((PreferenceKeyRegistry) null);

    /** An Editor that wraps a regular SharedPreferences.Editor while performing key checks. */
    private class CheckingEditor implements SharedPreferences.Editor {
        final SharedPreferences.Editor mWrappedEditor;

        private CheckingEditor(SharedPreferences.Editor wrappedEditor) {
            mWrappedEditor = wrappedEditor;

        public SharedPreferences.Editor putString(String key, @Nullable String value) {
            mWrappedEditor.putString(key, value);
            return this;

        public SharedPreferences.Editor putStringSet(String key, @Nullable Set<String> values) {
            mWrappedEditor.putStringSet(key, values);
            return this;

        public SharedPreferences.Editor putInt(String key, int value) {
            mWrappedEditor.putInt(key, value);
            return this;

        public SharedPreferences.Editor putLong(String key, long value) {
            mWrappedEditor.putLong(key, value);
            return this;

        public SharedPreferences.Editor putFloat(String key, float value) {
            mWrappedEditor.putFloat(key, value);
            return this;

        public SharedPreferences.Editor putBoolean(String key, boolean value) {
            mWrappedEditor.putBoolean(key, value);
            return this;

        public SharedPreferences.Editor remove(String key) {
            return this;

        public SharedPreferences.Editor clear() {
            return this;

        public boolean commit() {
            return mWrappedEditor.commit();

        public void apply() {

    private PreferenceKeyChecker mKeyChecker;

    protected SharedPreferencesManager(@Nullable PreferenceKeyRegistry registry) {
        mKeyChecker = BuildConfig.ENABLE_ASSERTS ? new StrictPreferenceKeyChecker(registry) : null;

    SharedPreferencesManager(PreferenceKeyChecker keyChecker) {
        mKeyChecker = keyChecker;

     * @param registry registry of supported and deprecated preference keys. Should be null when
     *     ENABLE_ASSERTS = false.
     * @return a {@link SharedPreferencesManager} that operates on SharedPreferences keys registered
     *     in the passed |registry|
    public static SharedPreferencesManager getInstanceForRegistry(
            @Nullable PreferenceKeyRegistry registry) {
        if (!BuildConfig.ENABLE_ASSERTS) {
            return sInstance;
        SharedPreferencesManager manager;
        synchronized (sInstances) {
            manager = sInstances.get(registry);
            if (manager == null) {
                manager = new SharedPreferencesManager(registry);
                sInstances.put(registry, manager);
        return manager;

     * @return an Editor to write multiple values to SharedPreferences.
    public SharedPreferences.Editor getEditor() {
        return new CheckingEditor(ContextUtils.getAppSharedPreferences().edit());

    public void disableKeyCheckerForTesting() {
        PreferenceKeyChecker swappedOut = mKeyChecker;
        mKeyChecker = null;
        ResettersForTesting.register(() -> mKeyChecker = swappedOut);

    private void checkIsKeyInUse(String key) {
        if (mKeyChecker != null) {

    private void checkIsPrefixInUse(KeyPrefix prefix) {
        if (mKeyChecker != null) {

     * Reads set of String values from preferences.
     * <p>If no value was set for the |key|, returns an unmodifiable empty set.
     * @return unmodifiable Set with the values
    public Set<String> readStringSet(String key) {
        return readStringSet(key, Collections.emptySet());

     * Reads set of String values from preferences.
     * <p>If no value was set for the |key|, returns an unmodifiable view of |defaultValue|.
     * @return unmodifiable Set with the values
    public Set<String> readStringSet(String key, @Nullable Set<String> defaultValue) {
        Set<String> values = ContextUtils.getAppSharedPreferences().getStringSet(key, defaultValue);
        return (values != null) ? Collections.unmodifiableSet(values) : null;

    /** Adds a value to string set in shared preferences. */
    public void addToStringSet(String key, String value) {
        // Construct a new set so it can be modified safely. See
        Set<String> values =
                new HashSet<>(
                                .getStringSet(key, Collections.emptySet()));
        writeStringSetUnchecked(key, values);

    /** Removes value from string set in shared preferences. */
    public void removeFromStringSet(String key, String value) {
        // Construct a new set so it can be modified safely. See
        Set<String> values =
                new HashSet<>(
                                .getStringSet(key, Collections.emptySet()));
        if (values.remove(value)) {
            writeStringSetUnchecked(key, values);

    /** Writes string set to shared preferences. */
    public void writeStringSet(String key, Set<String> values) {
        writeStringSetUnchecked(key, values);

    /** Writes string set to shared preferences. */
    private void writeStringSetUnchecked(String key, Set<String> values) {
        SharedPreferences.Editor ed = ContextUtils.getAppSharedPreferences().edit();
        ed.putStringSet(key, values);

     * Writes the given string set to the named shared preference and immediately commit to disk.
     * @param key The name of the preference to modify.
     * @param value The new value for the preference.
     * @return Whether the operation succeeded.
    public boolean writeStringSetSync(String key, Set<String> value) {
        SharedPreferences.Editor ed = getEditor();
        ed.putStringSet(key, value);
        return ed.commit();

     * Writes the given int value to the named shared preference.
     * @param key The name of the preference to modify.
     * @param value The new value for the preference.
    public void writeInt(String key, int value) {
        writeIntUnchecked(key, value);

    private void writeIntUnchecked(String key, int value) {
        SharedPreferences.Editor ed = ContextUtils.getAppSharedPreferences().edit();
        ed.putInt(key, value);

     * Writes the given int value to the named shared preference and immediately commit to disk.
     * @param key The name of the preference to modify.
     * @param value The new value for the preference.
     * @return Whether the operation succeeded.
    public boolean writeIntSync(String key, int value) {
        SharedPreferences.Editor ed = getEditor();
        ed.putInt(key, value);
        return ed.commit();

     * Reads the given int value from the named shared preference, defaulting to 0 if not found.
     * @param key The name of the preference to return.
     * @return The value of the preference.
    public int readInt(String key) {
        return readInt(key, 0);

     * Reads the given int value from the named shared preference.
     * @param key The name of the preference to return.
     * @param defaultValue The default value to return if the preference is not set.
     * @return The value of the preference.
    public int readInt(String key, int defaultValue) {
        return ContextUtils.getAppSharedPreferences().getInt(key, defaultValue);

     * Reads all int values associated with keys with the given prefix.
     * @param prefix The key prefix for which all values should be returned.
     * @return Map from the keys (in full, not just stem) to Integer values.
    public Map<String, Integer> readIntsWithPrefix(KeyPrefix prefix) {
        return readAllWithPrefix(prefix);

     * Increments the integer value specified by the given key.  If no initial value is present then
     * an initial value of 0 is assumed and incremented, so a new value of 1 is set.
     * @param key The key specifying which integer value to increment.
     * @return The newly incremented value.
    public int incrementInt(String key) {
        int value = readInt(key, 0);
        writeIntUnchecked(key, ++value);
        return value;

     * Writes the given long to the named shared preference.
     * @param key The name of the preference to modify.
     * @param value The new value for the preference.
    public void writeLong(String key, long value) {
        SharedPreferences.Editor ed = getEditor();
        ed.putLong(key, value);

     * Writes the given long value to the named shared preference and immediately commit to disk.
     * @param key The name of the preference to modify.
     * @param value The new value for the preference.
     * @return Whether the operation succeeded.
    public boolean writeLongSync(String key, long value) {
        SharedPreferences.Editor ed = getEditor();
        ed.putLong(key, value);
        return ed.commit();

     * Reads the given long value from the named shared preference.
     * @param key The name of the preference to return.
     * @return The value of the preference if stored; defaultValue otherwise.
    public long readLong(String key) {
        return readLong(key, 0);

     * Reads the given long value from the named shared preference.
     * @param key The name of the preference to return.
     * @param defaultValue The default value to return if there's no value stored.
     * @return The value of the preference if stored; defaultValue otherwise.
    public long readLong(String key, long defaultValue) {
        return ContextUtils.getAppSharedPreferences().getLong(key, defaultValue);

     * Reads all long values associated with keys with the given prefix.
     * @param prefix The key prefix for which all values should be returned.
     * @return Map from the keys (in full, not just stem) to Long values.
    public Map<String, Long> readLongsWithPrefix(KeyPrefix prefix) {
        return readAllWithPrefix(prefix);

     * Writes the given float to the named shared preference.
     * @param key The name of the preference to modify.
     * @param value The new value for the preference.
    public void writeFloat(String key, float value) {
        SharedPreferences.Editor ed = getEditor();
        ed.putFloat(key, value);

     * Writes the given float value to the named shared preference and immediately commit to disk.
     * @param key The name of the preference to modify.
     * @param value The new value for the preference.
     * @return Whether the operation succeeded.
    public boolean writeFloatSync(String key, float value) {
        SharedPreferences.Editor ed = getEditor();
        ed.putFloat(key, value);
        return ed.commit();

     * Reads the given float value from the named shared preference.
     * @param key The name of the preference to return.
     * @param defaultValue The default value to return if there's no value stored.
     * @return The value of the preference if stored; defaultValue otherwise.
    public float readFloat(String key, float defaultValue) {
        return ContextUtils.getAppSharedPreferences().getFloat(key, defaultValue);

     * Reads all float values associated with keys with the given prefix.
     * @param prefix The key prefix for which all values should be returned.
     * @return Map from the keys (in full, not just stem) to Float values.
    public Map<String, Float> readFloatsWithPrefix(KeyPrefix prefix) {
        return readAllWithPrefix(prefix);

     * Writes the given double value to the named shared preference.
     * @param key The name of the preference to modify.
     * @param value The new value for the preference.
    public void writeDouble(String key, double value) {
        SharedPreferences.Editor ed = getEditor();
        // Matches the conversion used in DoubleCachedFieldTrialParameter#writeCacheValueToEditor().
        long ieee754LongValue = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(value);
        ed.putLong(key, ieee754LongValue);

     * Reads the given double value from the named shared preference.
     * @param key The name of the preference to return.
     * @param defaultValue The default value to return if there's no value stored.
     * @return The value of the preference if stored; defaultValue otherwise.
    public Double readDouble(String key, double defaultValue) {
        SharedPreferences prefs = ContextUtils.getAppSharedPreferences();
        if (!prefs.contains(key)) {
            return defaultValue;
        long ieee754LongValue = prefs.getLong(key, 0L);
        return Double.longBitsToDouble(ieee754LongValue);

     * Reads all double values associated with keys with the given prefix.
     * @param prefix The key prefix for which all values should be returned.
     * @return Map from the keys (in full, not just stem) to Double values.
    public Map<String, Double> readDoublesWithPrefix(KeyPrefix prefix) {
        Map<String, Long> longMap = readLongsWithPrefix(prefix);
        Map<String, Double> doubleMap = new HashMap<>();

        for (Map.Entry<String, Long> longEntry : longMap.entrySet()) {
            long ieee754LongValue = longEntry.getValue();
            double doubleValue = Double.longBitsToDouble(ieee754LongValue);
            doubleMap.put(longEntry.getKey(), doubleValue);
        return doubleMap;

     * Writes the given boolean to the named shared preference.
     * @param key The name of the preference to modify.
     * @param value The new value for the preference.
    public void writeBoolean(String key, boolean value) {
        SharedPreferences.Editor ed = getEditor();
        ed.putBoolean(key, value);

     * Writes the given boolean value to the named shared preference and immediately commit to disk.
     * @param key The name of the preference to modify.
     * @param value The new value for the preference.
     * @return Whether the operation succeeded.
    public boolean writeBooleanSync(String key, boolean value) {
        SharedPreferences.Editor ed = getEditor();
        ed.putBoolean(key, value);
        return ed.commit();

     * Reads the given boolean value from the named shared preference.
     * @param key The name of the preference to return.
     * @param defaultValue The default value to return if there's no value stored.
     * @return The value of the preference if stored; defaultValue otherwise.
    public boolean readBoolean(String key, boolean defaultValue) {
        return ContextUtils.getAppSharedPreferences().getBoolean(key, defaultValue);

     * Reads all boolean values associated with keys with the given prefix.
     * @param prefix The key prefix for which all values should be returned.
     * @return Map from the keys (in full, not just stem) to Boolean values.
    public Map<String, Boolean> readBooleansWithPrefix(KeyPrefix prefix) {
        return readAllWithPrefix(prefix);

     * Writes the given string to the named shared preference.
     * @param key The name of the preference to modify.
     * @param value The new value for the preference.
    public void writeString(String key, String value) {
        SharedPreferences.Editor ed = getEditor();
        ed.putString(key, value);

     * Writes the given string value to the named shared preference and immediately commit to disk.
     * @param key The name of the preference to modify.
     * @param value The new value for the preference.
     * @return Whether the operation succeeded.
    public boolean writeStringSync(String key, String value) {
        SharedPreferences.Editor ed = getEditor();
        ed.putString(key, value);
        return ed.commit();

     * Reads the given String value from the named shared preference.
     * @param key The name of the preference to return.
     * @param defaultValue The default value to return if there's no value stored.
     * @return The value of the preference if stored; defaultValue otherwise.
    public String readString(String key, @Nullable String defaultValue) {
        return ContextUtils.getAppSharedPreferences().getString(key, defaultValue);

     * Reads all String values associated with keys with the given prefix.
     * @param prefix The key prefix for which all values should be returned.
     * @return Map from the keys (in full, not just stem) to String values.
    public Map<String, String> readStringsWithPrefix(KeyPrefix prefix) {
        return readAllWithPrefix(prefix);

     * Removes the shared preference entry.
     * @param key The key of the preference to remove.
    public void removeKey(String key) {
        SharedPreferences.Editor ed = getEditor();

    public boolean removeKeySync(String key) {
        SharedPreferences.Editor ed = getEditor();
        return ed.commit();

     * Removes all shared preference entries with the given prefix.
     * @param prefix The KeyPrefix for which all entries should be removed.
    public void removeKeysWithPrefix(KeyPrefix prefix) {
        SharedPreferences.Editor ed = getEditor();
        Map<String, ?> allPrefs = ContextUtils.getAppSharedPreferences().getAll();
        for (Map.Entry<String, ?> pref : allPrefs.entrySet()) {
            String key = pref.getKey();
            if (prefix.hasGenerated(key)) {

     * Checks if any value was written associated to a key in shared preferences.
     * @param key The key of the preference to check.
     * @return Whether any value was written for that key.
    public boolean contains(String key) {
        return ContextUtils.getAppSharedPreferences().contains(key);

    private <T> Map<String, T> readAllWithPrefix(KeyPrefix prefix) {
        Map<String, ?> allPrefs = ContextUtils.getAppSharedPreferences().getAll();
        Map<String, T> allPrefsWithPrefix = new HashMap<>();
        for (Map.Entry<String, ?> pref : allPrefs.entrySet()) {
            String key = pref.getKey();
            if (prefix.hasGenerated(key)) {
                allPrefsWithPrefix.put(key, (T) pref.getValue());
        return allPrefsWithPrefix;