// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Message format for the MojoLPM fuzzer for the AdAuctionService interface.
syntax = "proto2";
package content.fuzzing.ad_auction_service.proto;
import "content/browser/interest_group/ad_auction_service_mojolpm_fuzzer_stringifiers.proto";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/interest_group/ad_auction_service.mojom.mojolpm.proto";
// Bind a new AdAuctionService remote
message NewAdAuctionServiceAction {
required uint32 id = 1;
// Run the specific sequence for (an indeterminate) period. This is not
// intended to create a specific ordering, but to allow the fuzzer to delay a
// later task until previous tasks have completed.
message RunThreadAction {
enum ThreadId {
IO = 0;
UI = 1;
required ThreadId id = 1;
// Runs RunUntilIdle() on the test adapter task environment. This is often
// necessary to wait for completion of AdAuctionService API implementation
// threads, like the database thread, so that result callbacks from the database
// can run on the UI thread.
message RunUntilIdle {}
message NetResponseAction {
optional content.fuzzing.ad_auction_service.proto.Script script = 1;
// TODO(crbug.com/41490389): Add more response types.
// Actions that can be performed by the fuzzer.
message Action {
oneof action {
NewAdAuctionServiceAction new_ad_auction_service = 1;
RunThreadAction run_thread = 2;
RunUntilIdle run_until_idle = 4;
NetResponseAction net_response_action = 5;
ad_auction_service_remote_action = 3;
// Sequence provides a level of indirection which allows Testcase to compactly
// express repeated sequences of actions.
message Sequence {
repeated uint32 action_indexes = 1 [packed = true];
// Testcase is the top-level message type interpreted by the fuzzer.
message Testcase {
repeated Action actions = 1;
repeated Sequence sequences = 2;
repeated uint32 sequence_indexes = 3 [packed = true];