
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>

#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/location.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/strings/strcat.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/test/allow_check_is_test_for_testing.h"
#include "base/test/bind.h"
#include "base/test/mock_callback.h"
#include "base/test/scoped_feature_list.h"
#include "content/browser/back_forward_cache_test_util.h"
#include "content/browser/loader/keep_alive_url_loader.h"
#include "content/browser/loader/keep_alive_url_loader_service.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_frame_host_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/storage_partition_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/web_contents/web_contents_impl.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_context.h"
#include "content/public/browser/network_service_util.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_frame_host.h"
#include "content/public/browser/storage_partition.h"
#include "content/public/test/back_forward_cache_util.h"
#include "content/public/test/browser_test.h"
#include "content/public/test/browser_test_utils.h"
#include "content/public/test/content_browser_test.h"
#include "content/public/test/content_browser_test_utils.h"
#include "content/public/test/keep_alive_url_loader_utils.h"
#include "content/public/test/test_utils.h"
#include "content/shell/browser/shell.h"
#include "content/test/content_browser_test_utils_internal.h"
#include "net/dns/mock_host_resolver.h"
#include "net/http/http_request_headers.h"
#include "net/http/http_status_code.h"
#include "net/test/embedded_test_server/controllable_http_response.h"
#include "net/test/embedded_test_server/request_handler_util.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/features.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
#include "url/url_util.h"

namespace content {
namespace {


constexpr char16_t kPromiseResolvedPageTitle[] =;

constexpr char kPrimaryHost[] =;
constexpr char kSecondaryHost[] =;
constexpr char kAllowedCspHost[] =;

constexpr char kKeepAliveEndpoint[] =;

constexpr char k200TextResponse[] =;

constexpr char k301Response[] =;

constexpr char kBeaconId[] =;

constexpr char kFetchLaterEndpoint[] =;

std::string GetKeepAliveEndpoint(std::optional<std::string> id = std::nullopt) {}

std::string GetConnectSrcCSPHeader(const url::Origin& origin) {}

// Encodes the given `url` using the JS method encodeURIComponent.
std::string EncodeURL(const GURL& url) {}


}  // namespace

class KeepAliveURLBrowserTestBase : public ContentBrowserTest {};

class FetchKeepAliveCommonTestBase : public KeepAliveURLBrowserTestBase {};

// Contains the integration tests for loading fetch(url, {keepalive: true})
// requests via browser process that are difficult to reliably reproduce in web
// tests.
// Note that due to using different approach, tests to cover implementation
// before `kKeepAliveInBrowserMigration`, i.e. loading via delaying renderer
// shutdown, cannot be verified with inspecting KeepAliveURLLoaderService here
// and still live in a different file
// content/browser/renderer_host/
class KeepAliveURLBrowserTest
    : public FetchKeepAliveCommonTestBase,
      public ::testing::WithParamInterface<std::string> {};


IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_P(KeepAliveURLBrowserTest, OneRequest) {}

// Verify keepalive request loading works given 2 concurrent requests to the
// same host.
// Note: Chromium allows at most 6 concurrent connections to the same host under
// HTTP 1.1 protocol, which `server()` uses by default.
// Exceeding this limit will hang the browser.
// TODO( Flaky on Fuchsia and Android.
                       DISABLED_TwoConcurrentRequestsPerHost) {}

IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_P(KeepAliveURLBrowserTest, RequestWithCookie) {}

                       RequestAfterNetworkServiceCrashes) {}

// TODO( Re-enable this test on Mac.
#define MAYBE_ReceiveResponseAfterPageUnload
#define MAYBE_ReceiveResponseAfterPageUnload
// Delays response to a keepalive ping until after the page making the keepalive
// ping has been unloaded. The browser must ensure the response is received and
// processed by the browser.
                       MAYBE_ReceiveResponseAfterPageUnload) {}

// Delays response to a keepalive ping until after the page making the keepalive
// ping is put into BackForwardCache. The response should be processed by the
// renderer after the page is restored from BackForwardCache.
                       ReceiveResponseInBackForwardCache) {}

// Tests fetch(..., {keepalive: true}) with a cross-origin & CORS-safelisted
// request that causes a redirect chain of 4 URLs.
// As the mode is set to "no-cors" for CORS-safelisted requests, the redirect is
// processed without an error while the request is cross-origin.
IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_P(KeepAliveURLBrowserTest, MultipleRedirectsRequest) {}

// Tests fetch(..., {keepalive: true}) with a cross-origin & CORS-safelisted
// request that causes a redirect chain of 3 URLs, where the cross-origin URLs
// are the 2nd URL & the 3rd URL in the chain.
// As the mode is set to "cors" for CORS-safelisted requests, the redirect will
// fail at the first cross-origin URL.
                       MultipleRedirectsAndFailInBetweenRequest) {}

// Tests fetch(..., {keepalive: true}) with a cross-origin & CORS-safelisted
// request that causes a redirect chain of 3 URLs, where the cross-origin URL
// is the target URL (3rd URL in the chain).
// As the mode is set to "cors" for CORS-safelisted requests, the redirect will
// fail at the first cross-origin URL.
                       MultipleRedirectsAndFailAtLastRequest) {}

// Delays handling redirect for a keepalive ping until after the page making the
// keepalive ping has been unloaded. The browser must ensure the redirect is
// verified and properly processed by the browser.
                       ReceiveRedirectAfterPageUnload) {}

// Delays handling an unsafe redirect for a keepalive ping until after the page
// making the keepalive ping has been unloaded.
// The browser must ensure the unsafe redirect is not followed.
                       ReceiveUnSafeRedirectAfterPageUnload) {}

// Delays handling an violating CSP redirect for a keepalive ping until after
// the page making the keepalive ping has been unloaded.
// The browser must ensure the redirect is not followed.
                       ReceiveViolatingCSPRedirectAfterPageUnload) {}

// Verifies a redirect to mixed content target URL is not loaded.
IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_P(KeepAliveURLBrowserTest, ReceiveMixedContentRedirect) {}

// Verifies a redirect to mixed content target URL is allowed by
// KeepAliveURLLoader if the page making the fetch keepalive request has been
// unloaded, the same as pre-migration approach
// Note that the current implementation in Blink & content cannot handle mixed
// content checking without the RFHI of the page that loads the request.
                       ReceiveMixedContentRedirectAfterUnload) {}

// TODO( Re-enable this test on Mac.
#define MAYBE_ReceiveViolatingCSPRedirectInChildFrame
#define MAYBE_ReceiveViolatingCSPRedirectInChildFrame
// Ensures that a keepalive request in a child frame use its RFH's data instead
// of its parent frame's:
// The main frame CSP allows `kAllowedCspHost`, while the child frame CSP does
// not. See also
                       MAYBE_ReceiveViolatingCSPRedirectInChildFrame) {}

// Contains the browser tests for loading fetch(url, {keepalive: true})
// requests **without** routing to browser process.
class FetchKeepAlivePreMigrationBrowserTest
    : public FetchKeepAliveCommonTestBase,
      public ::testing::WithParamInterface<std::string> {};


IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_P(FetchKeepAlivePreMigrationBrowserTest, OneRequest) {}

                       ReceiveResponseAfterPageUnload) {}

class SendBeaconBrowserTestBase : public KeepAliveURLBrowserTestBase {};

class SendBeaconBrowserTest
    : public SendBeaconBrowserTestBase,
      public ::testing::WithParamInterface<std::string> {};


// TODO( Re-enable this test on Mac.
#define MAYBE_MultipleRedirectsRequestWithIframeRemoval
#define MAYBE_MultipleRedirectsRequestWithIframeRemoval
// Tests navigator.sendBeacon() with a cross-origin & CORS-safelisted request
// that causes a redirect chain of 4 URLs.
// The JS call happens in an iframe that is removed right after the sendBeacon()
// call, so the chain of redirects & response handling must survive the iframe
// unload.
                       MAYBE_MultipleRedirectsRequestWithIframeRemoval) {}

// Tests navigator.sendBeacon() with a cross-origin & CORS-safelisted request
// that causes a redirect chain of 4 URLs.
// Unlike the `MultipleRedirectsRequestWithIframeRemoval` test case above, the
// request here is fired within an iframe that will be removed shortly
// (delayed by 0ms, roughly in the JS next event cycle).
// This is to mimic the following scenario:
// 1. The server returns a redirect.
// 2. In the browser process KeepAliveURLLoader::OnReceiveRedirect(),
//    forwarding_client_ is not null (as renderer/iframe still exists), so it
//    calls forwarding_client_->OnReceiveRedirect() IPC to forward to renderer.
// 3. The renderer process is somehow shut down before its
//    URLLoaderClient::OnReceiveRedirect() is finished, so the redirect chain is
//    incompleted.
// 4. KeepAliveURLLoader::OnRendererConnectionError() is triggered, and only
//    aware of forwarding_client_'s disconnection. It should take over redirect
//    chain handling.
// Without delaying iframe removal, renderer disconnection may happen in between
// (2) and (3).
                       MultipleRedirectsRequestWithDelayedIframeRemoval) {}

// Tests navigator.sendBeacon() with a cross-origin & CORS-safelisted request
// that redirects from url1 to url2. The redirect is handled by a server
// endpoint (/no-cors-server-redirect-307) which does not support CORS.
// As navigator.sendBeacon() marks its request with `no-cors`, the redirect
// should succeed.
// TODO( Flaky on Android and Mac.
#define MAYBE_CrossOriginAndCORSSafelistedRedirectRequest
#define MAYBE_CrossOriginAndCORSSafelistedRedirectRequest
                       MAYBE_CrossOriginAndCORSSafelistedRedirectRequest) {}

class SendBeaconBlobBrowserTest : public SendBeaconBrowserTestBase {};

// Tests navigator.sendBeacon() with a cross-origin & non-CORS-safelisted
// request that redirects from url1 to url2. The redirect is handled by a server
// endpoint (/no-cors-server-redirect-307) which does not support CORS.
// As navigator.sendBeacon() marks its request with `no-cors`, the redirect
// should fail.
                       CrossOriginAndNonCORSSafelistedRedirectRequest) {}

// A base class to help testing JS fetchLater() API behaviors.
class FetchLaterBrowserTestBase : public KeepAliveURLBrowserTestBase {};

// A type to support parameterized testing for timeout-related tests.
struct TestTimeoutType {};

// Tests to cover FetchLater's behaviors when BackForwardCache is off.
// Disables BackForwardCache such that a page is discarded right away on user
// navigating to another page.
class FetchLaterNoBackForwardCacheBrowserTest
    : public FetchLaterBrowserTestBase,
      public testing::WithParamInterface<TestTimeoutType> {};


// All pending FetchLater requests should be sent after the initiator page is
// gone, no matter how much time their activateAfter has left.
// Disables BackForwardCache such that a page is discarded right away on user
// navigating to another page.
                       SendOnPageDiscardBeforeActivationTimeout) {}

class FetchLaterWithBackForwardCacheMetricsBrowserTestBase
    : public FetchLaterBrowserTestBase,
      public BackForwardCacheMetricsTestMatcher {};

// Tests to cover FetchLater's behaviors when BackForwardCache is on but does
// not come into play.
// Setting long `BackForwardCache TTL (1min)` so that FetchLater sending cannot
// be caused by page eviction out of BackForwardCache.
class FetchLaterNoActivationTimeoutBrowserTest
    : public FetchLaterWithBackForwardCacheMetricsBrowserTestBase {};

// A pending FetchLater request with default options should be sent after the
// initiator page is gone.
// Similar to SendOnPageDiscardBeforeActivationTimeout.
                       SendOnPageDeletion) {}

// A pending FetchLater request should have been sent after its page gets
// restored from BackForwardCache before getting evicted. It is because, by
// default, pending requests are all flushed on BFCache no matter
// BackgroundSync is on or not. See http://b/310541607#comment28.
    FlushedWhenPageIsRestoredBeforeBeingEvictedFromBackForwardCache) {}

// Without an activateAfter set, a pending FetchLater request should not be
// sent out during its page frozen state.
// Similar to ResetActivationTimeoutTimerOnPageResume.
                       NotSendWhenPageIsResumedAfterBeingFrozen) {}

// Tests to cover FetchLater's activateAfter behaviors when BackForwardCache
// is on and may come into play.
// BackForwardCache eviction is simulated by calling
// `DisableBFCacheForRFHForTesting(previous_document())` instead of relying on
// its TTL.
class FetchLaterActivationTimeoutBrowserTest
    : public FetchLaterWithBackForwardCacheMetricsBrowserTestBase {};

// When setting activateAfter>0, a pending FetchLater request should be sent
// after around the specified time, if no navigation happens.
                       SendOnActivationTimeout) {}

// A pending FetchLater request should be sent when its page is evicted out of
// BackForwardCache.
                       SendOnBackForwardCachedEviction) {}

// All other send-on-BFCache behaviors are covered in
// send-on-deactivate.tentative.https.window.js

}  // namespace content