// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include <memory>
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
namespace content {
// The spring models. Internal to `PhysicsModel`.
class Spring;
// The animation model that drives the animations for session history
// navigations. See `animation_driver_` for what this model is composed of.
class CONTENT_EXPORT PhysicsModel {
// The live page of the current content will stop at 85% of the screen width
// while wait for the navigation to the new page to commit.
static constexpr float kTargetCommitPendingRatio = 0.85f;
// Initially the screenshot is placed at (-0.25W, 0) with respect to the
// viewport.
static constexpr float kScreenshotInitialPositionRatio = -0.25f;
// The calculated layer offsets by this physics model.
struct Result {
// The calculated offsets for the foreground and background layers. They are
// physical pixel values.
float foreground_offset_physical;
float background_offset_physical;
// Indicating if the animation has finished. Set to true when the invoke
// animation or cancel animation has finished playing.
bool done;
PhysicsModel(int screen_width_physical, float device_scale_factor);
PhysicsModel(const PhysicsModel&) = delete;
PhysicsModel& operator=(const PhysicsModel&) = delete;
// Called when the user swipes the finger across the screen. Uses
// `FingerDragCurve()` to calculate the layers' positions. `movement_physical`
// is the delta pixels since the last user gesture, meaning it can be positive
// or negative.
Result OnGestureProgressed(float movement_physical,
base::TimeTicks timestamp);
// Called when a frame is requested at `request_animation_frame`. Uses the
// corresponding spring models to calculate the layers' positions. It is
// called at each vsync, except when the UI thread is busy.
Result OnAnimate(base::TimeTicks request_animation_frame);
enum SwitchSpringReason {
// Switch to `kSpringCancel` because the user lifts the finger and signals
// to not start the navigation.
kGestureCancelled = 0,
// Switch to `kSpringCommitPending` because the user lifts the finger and
// signals to start the navigation.
// Switch to `kSpringCancel` because the browser has dispatched the
// BeforeUnload message to the renderer.
// Switch to `kSpringCommitPending` because the renderer has acked to
// proceed the navigation, in response to the BeforeUnload message.
// Switch to a different spring model for various reasons.
void SwitchSpringForReason(SwitchSpringReason reason);
// Called when the navigation is finished (destruction of the navigation
// request). The caller is responsible for reacting to the targeted navigation
// request (when there are multiple navigation requests).
void OnNavigationFinished(bool navigation_committed);
// The "state" of the physics model. The animations can be driven by four
// models:
// - A drag curve when the user swipes across the screen and before the user
// lifts the finger.
// - A spring model that bounces around the commit-pending point. It drives
// the commit-pending animation: to bounce the live page around the
// commit-pending point while waiting for the history navigation to commit.
// Equilibrium is the commit-pending position.
// - A spring model that plays the invoke animation: to bring the page from
// the commit-pending point to completely out of the view port. Equilibrium
// is at the right edge for a back navigation.
// - A spring model that plays the cancel animation: to bring the old live
// content back to the center of the viewport. Equilibrium is at the left
// edge for a back navigation.
// A big difference between a drag curve and a spring model is the drag curve
// user-gesture driven while the spring models are vsync driven. The
// implication is that for the drag curve the caller will need to provide a
// timestamp associated with the finger movement, whereas for spring models we
// get the timestamp from the wallclock.
enum class Driver {
kDragCurve = 0,
// Record the starting point of the next animation driver. Called every time
// `driver_` changes.
void StartAnimating(base::TimeTicks time);
// Calculates the background layer's viewport offset based on the foreground.
float ForegroundToBackGroundOffset(float foreground_offset_viewport);
// Calculate the foreground layer's viewport offset based on the finger's
// movement.
float FingerDragCurve(float movement_viewport);
// Interpolates the velocity based off `touch_points_history_`. Used to set
// the initial velocity of the spring model when the physics model switches
// from drag cruve to any of the spring models.
float CalculateVelocity();
// Record `commit_pending_acceleration_start_`, if needed.
void RecordCommitPendingAccelerationStartIfNeeded(
base::TimeTicks request_animation_frame);
// Advance the physics model to the next animation driver at
// `request_animation_frame`. Updates `animation_driver_` and sets its initial
// velocity. No-op for the terminal drivers (the invoke and cancel springs).
void AdvanceToNextAnimationDriver(base::TimeTicks request_animation_frame);
// Normalizes `request_animation_frame` with respect to the start of the
// animation (i.e., when we first switched to the current animation driver).
base::TimeDelta CalculateRequestAnimationFrameSinceStart(
base::TimeTicks request_animation_frame);
const float viewport_width_;
// Used to convert the physical sizes into CSS/viewport sizes.
const float device_scale_factor_;
// Tracks the current state of the navigation.
enum class NavigationState {
kNotStarted = 0,
// The navigation never starts. This is a terminal state for
// `OnGestureCancelled()`.
// The navigation has started, WITHOUT a BeforeUnload handler.
// The browser has sent the BeforeUnload message to the renderer.
// The renderer has acked the BeforeUnload message and to start the
// navigation.
// No state when BeforeUnload ack'ed to not proceed.
// The navigation has committed in the browser. This is one of the two
// terminal states for `OnNavigationFinished()`.
// The navigation is cancelled. This is another terminal state for
// `OnNavigationFinished()`.
NavigationState navigation_state_ = NavigationState::kNotStarted;
// The spring models correspond to
// `Driver::{kSpringCommitPending|kSpringInvoke|kSpringCancel}`. See the
// comments on `Driver` that describe the springs behavior. Always non-null.
std::unique_ptr<Spring> spring_commit_pending_;
std::unique_ptr<Spring> spring_invoke_;
std::unique_ptr<Spring> spring_cancel_;
// Wallclock.
base::TimeTicks last_request_animation_frame_;
// The physics model always starts with the drag curve.
Driver animation_driver_ = Driver::kDragCurve;
// Used to "speed up" the animation on `spring_commit_pending_` when the
// invoke animation is ready to play. Set in
// `RecordCommitPendingAccelerationStartIfNeeded()` and applied in
// `CalculateRequestAnimationFrameSinceStart()`. Wallclock.
base::TimeTicks commit_pending_acceleration_start_;
// Wallclock.
base::TimeTicks animation_start_time_;
float animation_start_offset_viewport_ = 0.f;
// Measured with respect to the left edge of the device.
float foreground_offset_viewport_ = 0.f;
bool foreground_has_reached_target_commit_pending_ = false;
struct TouchEvent {
float position_viewport;
base::TimeTicks timestamp;
// Records the last few touch events. Used to interpolate the velocity. It has
// a max size defined in the .cc file.
std::deque<TouchEvent> touch_points_history_;
} // namespace content