// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package content;
// Stores information about a Web Notification. This message is the protocol
// buffer meant to serialize the content::NotificationDatabaseData structure.
// Next tag: 16
message NotificationDatabaseDataProto {
enum ClosedReason {
USER = 0;
// DEPRECATED: Use |notification_id| instead.
optional int64 persistent_notification_id = 1;
optional string notification_id = 5;
optional string origin = 2;
optional int64 service_worker_registration_id = 3;
optional bool replaced_existing_notification = 6;
optional int32 num_clicks = 7;
optional int32 num_action_button_clicks = 8;
optional int64 creation_time_millis = 9;
optional int64 time_until_first_click_millis = 10;
optional int64 time_until_last_click_millis = 11;
optional int64 time_until_close_millis = 12;
optional ClosedReason closed_reason = 13;
// A notification action, corresponds to blink::PlatformNotificationAction.
// Next tag: 6
message NotificationAction {
// Corresponds to blink::mojom::NotificationActionType.
enum Type {
TEXT = 1;
optional string action = 1;
optional string title = 2;
optional string icon = 3;
optional Type type = 4;
optional string placeholder = 5;
// Actual data payload of the notification. This message is the protocol
// buffer meant to serialize the blink::PlatformNotificationData structure.
// Next tag: 17
message NotificationData {
enum Direction {
AUTO = 2;
optional string title = 1;
optional Direction direction = 2;
optional string lang = 3;
optional string body = 4;
optional string tag = 5;
optional string image = 15;
optional string icon = 6;
optional string badge = 14;
repeated int32 vibration_pattern = 9 [packed=true];
optional int64 timestamp = 12;
optional bool renotify = 13;
optional bool silent = 7;
optional bool require_interaction = 11;
optional bytes data = 8;
repeated NotificationAction actions = 10;
// Stored as offset from the windows epoch in microseconds.
optional int64 show_trigger_timestamp = 16;
optional NotificationData notification_data = 4;
// Keeps track if a notification with a |show_trigger_timestamp| has been
// displayed already.
optional bool has_triggered = 14;
// Flag for notifications shown by the browser that should not be visible to
// the origin when requesting a list of notifications.
optional bool is_shown_by_browser = 15;