
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Protos for persisting Private Aggregation API contribution budgets.

syntax = "proto3";

package content.proto;

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

// Represents the budget used by a site in a particular minute-long window. This
// window must begin and end 'on the minute' in UTC.
message PrivateAggregationBudgetEntry {
  // The time that the entry began in microseconds since the Windows epoch
  // (1601-01-01 00:00:00 UTC). It must be a multiple of kMicrosecondsPerMinute
  // (i.e. 60 million).
  int64 entry_start_timestamp = 1;

  // Should always be positive.
  int32 budget_used = 2;

// Represents a reporting origin that has affected the budgeting data stored for
// this site.
message ReportingOrigin {
  // The serialized reporting origin
  string origin = 1;

  // The start time of the earliest window that this reporting origin was last
  // used in. Stored as microseconds since the Windows epoch (1601-01-01
  // 00:00:00 UTC). It must be a multiple of kMicrosecondsPerMinute
  // (i.e. 60 million). This will allow for old origins to be deleted when no
  // longer relevant for data deletion (i.e. after 24 hours).
  int64 last_used_timestamp = 2;

message PrivateAggregationBudgets {
  // The budgets for the 1440 latest windows (including the current one) are
  // maintained (totalling a duration of 24 hours). Older budgets should be
  // cleared before adding new elements. If a window is not present, the budget
  // used is inferred to be zero. For each API (separately), the sum of
  // budget_used should never be greater than
  // `PrivateAggregationBudgeter::kLargerScopeValues.max_budget_per_scope`.
  // Further, the sum of budget_used in the 10 latest windows (including the
  // current one) should never be greater than
  // `PrivateAggregationBudgeter::kSmallerScopeValues.max_budget_per_scope`.
  repeated PrivateAggregationBudgetEntry protected_audience_budgets = 1;
  repeated PrivateAggregationBudgetEntry shared_storage_budgets = 2;

  // All reporting origins that have affected the budget data stored. This is
  // used solely for data deletion.
  repeated ReportingOrigin reporting_origins_for_deletion = 3;