
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "content/browser/renderer_host/frame_token_message_queue.h"

#include <vector>

#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace content {

namespace {

// Test verision of FrameTokenMessageQueue::Client which tracks the number of
// calls to client methods, and the associated input parameters.
class TestFrameTokenMessageQueueClient : public FrameTokenMessageQueue::Client {};

void TestFrameTokenMessageQueueClient::Reset() {}

void TestFrameTokenMessageQueueClient::OnInvalidFrameToken(
    uint32_t frame_token) {}

// Test class which provides FrameTokenCallback() to be used as a closure when
// enqueueing non-IPC callbacks. This only tracks if the callback was called.
class TestNonIPCMessageEnqueuer {};

void TestNonIPCMessageEnqueuer::FrameTokenCallback(
    base::TimeTicks activation_time) {}

}  // namespace

class FrameTokenMessageQueueTest : public testing::Test {};

FrameTokenMessageQueueTest::FrameTokenMessageQueueTest() {}

// Tests that if we only have a non-IPC callback enqueued that it is called once
// the frame token arrive.
TEST_F(FrameTokenMessageQueueTest, EnqueueOnlyNonIPC) {}

// Verifies that if there are multiple non-IPC messages enqueued that they are
// all called.
TEST_F(FrameTokenMessageQueueTest, MultipleNonIPCMessages) {}

// Tests that if a non-IPC callback is enqueued, after its frame token as been
// received, that it is immediately processed.
TEST_F(FrameTokenMessageQueueTest, EnqueuedAfterFrameTokenImmediatelyRuns) {}

// Test that if non-IPC callbacks are enqueued for different frame tokens, that
// we only process the messages associated with the arriving token, and keep the
// others enqueued.
TEST_F(FrameTokenMessageQueueTest, DifferentFrameTokensEnqueuedNonIPC) {}

// Tests that if DidProcessFrame is called with an invalid token, that it is
// rejected, and that no callbacks are processed.
TEST_F(FrameTokenMessageQueueTest, InvalidDidProcessFrameTokenNotProcessed) {}

// Test that if DidProcessFrame is called with an earlier frame token, that it
// is rejected, and that no callbacks are processed.
TEST_F(FrameTokenMessageQueueTest, EarlierTokenForDidProcessFrameRejected) {}

// Tests that if we have already enqueued a callback for a frame token, that if
// a request for an earlier frame token arrives, that it is still enqueued. Then
// once the large frame token arrives, both are processed.
TEST_F(FrameTokenMessageQueueTest, OutOfOrderFrameTokensEnqueue) {}

}  // namespace content