
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "content/browser/renderer_host/navigation_policy_container_builder.h"

#include <iosfwd>
#include <utility>

#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/test/bind.h"
#include "base/test/gtest_util.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
#include "content/public/test/navigation_simulator.h"
#include "content/test/test_render_view_host.h"
#include "content/test/test_web_contents.h"
#include "net/test/embedded_test_server/embedded_test_server.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/content_security_policy.mojom.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/referrer_policy.mojom-shared.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "url/url_constants.h"

namespace content {
namespace {


network::mojom::ContentSecurityPolicyPtr MakeTestCSP() {}

// Returns non-default policies for use in tests.
PolicyContainerPolicies MakeTestPolicies() {}

// Shorthand.
scoped_refptr<PolicyContainerHost> NewHost(PolicyContainerPolicies policies) {}

GURL AboutBlankUrl() {}

GURL AboutSrcdocUrl() {}

// RenderViewHostImplTestHarness allows interacting with RenderFrameHosts in the
// form of TestRenderFrameHosts. This allows us to easily set policies on frames
// for testing. It also instantiates a BrowserTaskEnvironment so that tests are
// executed "on the UI thread".
// This test fixture is moderately expensive to set up (~100ms overhead per
// test), but still an order of magnitude faster than browser tests.
class NavigationPolicyContainerBuilderTest
    : public RenderViewHostImplTestHarness {};

// Verifies that the initial delivered policies are default-constructed.
TEST_F(NavigationPolicyContainerBuilderTest, DefaultDeliveredPolicies) {}

// Verifies that SetIPAddressSpace sets the address space in the builder's
// delivered policies.
TEST_F(NavigationPolicyContainerBuilderTest, SetIPAddressSpace) {}

// Verifies that SetIsOriginPotentiallyTrustworthy sets the secure context bit
// in the builder's delivered policies.
       SetIsOriginPotentiallyTrustworthy) {}

// Verifies that SetCrossOriginOpenerPolicy sets the cross-origin-opener-policy
// in the builder's delivered policies.
TEST_F(NavigationPolicyContainerBuilderTest, SetCrossOriginOpenerPolicy) {}

// Verifies that SetDocumentIsolationPolicy sets the document-isolation-policy
// in the builder's delivered policies.
TEST_F(NavigationPolicyContainerBuilderTest, SetDocumentIsolationPolicy) {}

// Verifies that the default final policies of a builder are
// default-constructed, and are equal to the policies of the builder's policy
// container host.
TEST_F(NavigationPolicyContainerBuilderTest, DefaultFinalPolicies) {}

// Verifies that when the URL of the document to commit does not have a local
// scheme, then the final policies are copied from the delivered policies.
TEST_F(NavigationPolicyContainerBuilderTest, FinalPoliciesNormalUrl) {}

// Verifies the final policies when the URL of the document to commit is
// `about:blank` but there is no initiator.
       FinalPoliciesAboutBlankWithoutInitiator) {}

// Verifies the final policies when the URL of the document to commit is
// `about:blank` but there is no initiator, and we have some additional CSPs.
       FinalPoliciesAboutBlankWithoutInitiatorAdditionalCSP) {}

// This test verifies the default final policies on error pages.
TEST_F(NavigationPolicyContainerBuilderTest, DefaultFinalPoliciesForErrorPage) {}

// This test verifies that error pages commit in the same IP address space as
// the underlying page would have, had it not failed to load.
TEST_F(NavigationPolicyContainerBuilderTest, ErrorPageIPAddressSpace) {}

// Variation of: NavigationPolicyContainerBuilderTest.ErrorPageIPAddressSpace
// The decision to commit an error happens after receiving the response.
       ErrorPageIPAddressSpaceAfterResponse) {}

// CSP delivered by the HTTP response are ignored for error document.
       DeliveredCSPIgnoredForErrorDocument) {}

// Verifies that InitiatorPolicies() returns nullptr in the absence of an
// initiator frame token.
       InitiatorPoliciesWithoutInitiator) {}

// Verifies that ParentPolicies returns nullptr in the absence of a parent.
TEST_F(NavigationPolicyContainerBuilderTest, ParentPoliciesWithoutParent) {}

// Verifies that ParentPolicies returns a pointer to a copy of the parent's
// policies.
TEST_F(NavigationPolicyContainerBuilderTest, ParentPoliciesWithParent) {}

// Verifies that when the the URL of the document to commit is `about:srcdoc`,
// the builder's final policies are copied from the parent.
       FinalPoliciesAboutSrcdocWithParent) {}

// Verifies that when a document has a potentially-trustworthy origin and no
// parent, then it is a secure context.
       IsWebSecureContextTrustworthyOriginNoParent) {}

// Verifies that when a document has a non-potentially-trustworthy origin and no
// parent, then it is not a secure context.
       IsWebSecureContextNonTrustworthyOriginNoParent) {}

// Verifies that when a document has a potentially-trustworthy origin and a
// parent that is not a secure context, then it is not a secure context.
       IsWebSecureContextTrustworthyOriginNonSecureParent) {}

// Verifies that when a document has a non-potentially-trustworthy origin and a
// parent that is a secure context, then it is not a secure context.
       IsWebSecureContextNonTrustworthyOriginSecureParent) {}

// Verifies that when a document has a potentially-trustworthy origin and a
// parent that is a secure context, then it is a secure context.
       IsWebSecureContextTrustworthyOriginSecureParent) {}

// Verifies that when the the URL of the document to commit is `about:srcdoc`,
// the builder's final policies are copied from the parent, and additional
// delivered policies are merged.
       FinalPoliciesAboutSrcdocWithParentAndAdditionalCSP) {}

// Calling ComputePolicies() twice triggers a DCHECK.
TEST_F(NavigationPolicyContainerBuilderTest, ComputePoliciesTwiceDCHECK) {}

// Calling ComputePolicies() followed by ComputePoliciesForError() is supported.
TEST_F(NavigationPolicyContainerBuilderTest, ComputePoliciesThenError) {}

// After ComputePolicies() or ComputePoliciesForError(), the parent
// policies are still accessible.
       AccessParentAfterComputingPolicies) {}

// Verifies that the parent policies are preserved on
// ResetForCrossDocumentRestart.
       ResetForCrossDocumentRestartParentPolicies) {}

}  // namespace
}  // namespace content