
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "content/browser/webid/federated_auth_request_impl.h"

#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/test/metrics/histogram_tester.h"
#include "base/test/scoped_feature_list.h"
#include "components/ukm/test_ukm_recorder.h"
#include "content/browser/web_contents/web_contents_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/webid/fedcm_metrics.h"
#include "content/browser/webid/test/delegated_idp_network_request_manager.h"
#include "content/browser/webid/test/federated_auth_request_request_token_callback_helper.h"
#include "content/browser/webid/test/mock_api_permission_delegate.h"
#include "content/browser/webid/test/mock_auto_reauthn_permission_delegate.h"
#include "content/browser/webid/test/mock_identity_registry.h"
#include "content/browser/webid/test/mock_identity_request_dialog_controller.h"
#include "content/browser/webid/test/mock_idp_network_request_manager.h"
#include "content/browser/webid/test/mock_permission_delegate.h"
#include "content/browser/webid/webid_utils.h"
#include "content/common/content_navigation_policy.h"
#include "content/public/browser/identity_request_dialog_controller.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_features.h"
#include "content/public/test/back_forward_cache_util.h"
#include "content/test/test_render_frame_host.h"
#include "content/test/test_render_view_host.h"
#include "content/test/test_web_contents.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote.h"
#include "net/http/http_status_code.h"
#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/ukm_builders.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/base/page_transition_types.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_unittest_util.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/origin.h"


namespace content {

namespace {

constexpr char kProviderUrlFull[] =;
constexpr char kRpUrl[] =;
constexpr char kRpOtherUrl[] =;
constexpr char kIdpUrl[] =;
constexpr char kAccountsEndpoint[] =;
constexpr char kCrossOriginAccountsEndpoint[] =;
constexpr char kTokenEndpoint[] =;
constexpr char kClientMetadataEndpoint[] =;
constexpr char kMetricsEndpoint[] =;
constexpr char kIdpLoginUrl[] =;
constexpr char kIdpDisconnectUrl[] =;
constexpr char kPrivacyPolicyUrl[] =;
constexpr char kTermsOfServiceUrl[] =;
constexpr char kRpBrandIconUrl[] =;
constexpr char kClientId[] =;
constexpr char kNonce[] =;
constexpr char kAccountEmailNicolas[] =;
constexpr char kAccountEmailPeter[] =;
constexpr char kAccountEmailZach[] =;
constexpr char kAccountId[] =;
constexpr char kAccountIdNicolas[] =;
constexpr char kAccountIdPeter[] =;
constexpr char kAccountIdZach[] =;
constexpr char kAccountPicture[] =;
constexpr char kAccountPicture404[] =;
constexpr int kAccountPictureSize =;
constexpr char kEmail[] =;
constexpr char kDomainHint[] =;
constexpr char kOtherDomainHint[] =;

// Values will be added here as token introspection is implemented.
constexpr char kToken[] =;
constexpr char kEmptyToken[] =;

constexpr char kAccountLabelNoMatchMessage[] =;

constexpr char kLoginHintNoMatchMessage[] =;

constexpr char kDomainHintNoMatchMessage[] =;

static const std::vector<IdentityRequestAccount> kSingleAccount{};

static const std::vector<IdentityRequestAccount> kSingleAccountWithHint{};

static const std::vector<IdentityRequestAccount> kSingleAccountWithDomainHint{};

static const std::vector<IdentityRequestAccount> kTwoAccounts{};

static const std::vector<IdentityRequestAccount> kMultipleAccounts{};

static const std::vector<IdentityRequestAccount>

static const std::set<std::string> kWellKnown{};

struct IdentityProviderParameters {};

// Parameters for a call to RequestToken.
struct RequestParameters {};

// Expected return values from a call to RequestToken.
// Having a lot of members in RequestExpectations encourages bad test design.
// Specifically:
// - It encourages making the test harness more magic
// - It makes each test "test everything", making it really hard to determine
//   at a later date what the test was actually testing.

struct RequestExpectations {};

// Mock configuration values for test.
struct MockClientIdConfiguration {};

struct MockWellKnown {};

// Mock information returned from IdpNetworkRequestManager::FetchConfig().
struct MockConfig {};

struct MockIdpInfo {};

// Action on accounts dialog taken by TestDialogController. Does not indicate a
// test expectation.
enum class AccountsDialogAction {};

// Action on IdP-sign-in-status-mismatch dialog taken by TestDialogController.
// Does not indicate a test expectation.
enum class IdpSigninStatusMismatchDialogAction {};

// Action on error dialog taken by TestDialogController.
// Does not indicate a test expectation.
enum class ErrorDialogAction {};

// Action on loading dialog taken by TestDialogController.
// Does not indicate a test expectation.
enum class LoadingDialogAction {};

struct MockConfiguration {};

static const MockClientIdConfiguration kDefaultClientMetadata{};

static const IdentityProviderParameters kDefaultIdentityProviderRequestOptions{};

static const RequestParameters kDefaultRequestParameters{};

static const MockIdpInfo kDefaultIdentityProviderInfo{};

static const base::flat_map<std::string, MockIdpInfo> kSingleProviderInfo{};

constexpr char kProviderTwoUrlFull[] =;
static const MockIdpInfo kProviderTwoInfo{};

static const MockConfiguration kConfigurationValid{};

static const RequestExpectations kExpectationSuccess{};

static const RequestParameters kDefaultMultiIdpRequestParameters{};

MockConfiguration kConfigurationMultiIdpValid{};

url::Origin OriginFromString(const std::string& url_string) {}

enum class FetchedEndpoint {};

class TestIdpNetworkRequestManager : public MockIdpNetworkRequestManager {};

// TestIdpNetworkRequestManager subclass which checks the values of the method
// params when executing an endpoint request.
class IdpNetworkRequestManagerParamChecker
    : public TestIdpNetworkRequestManager {};

class TestDialogController
    : public NiceMock<MockIdentityRequestDialogController> {};

class TestApiPermissionDelegate : public MockApiPermissionDelegate {};

class TestPermissionDelegate : public NiceMock<MockPermissionDelegate> {};

class TestAutoReauthnPermissionDelegate
    : public MockAutoReauthnPermissionDelegate {};

class TestIdentityRegistry : public NiceMock<MockIdentityRegistry> {};

}  // namespace

class FederatedAuthRequestImplTest : public RenderViewHostImplTestHarness {};

// Test successful FedCM request.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, SuccessfulRequest) {}

// Test successful well-known fetching.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, WellKnownSuccess) {}

// Test the provider url is not in the well-known.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, WellKnownNotInList) {}

// Test that the well-known file has too many provider urls.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, WellKnownHasTooManyProviderUrls) {}

// Test that the well-known enforcement is bypassed.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, WellKnownEnforcementBypassed) {}

// Test that not having the filename in the well-known fails.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, WellKnownHasNoFilename) {}

// Test that request fails if config is missing token endpoint.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, MissingTokenEndpoint) {}

// Test that request fails if config is missing accounts endpoint.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, MissingAccountsEndpoint) {}

// Test that request does not fail if config is missing an IDP login URL.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, MissingLoginURL) {}

// Test that client metadata endpoint is not required in config.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, MissingClientMetadataEndpoint) {}

// Test that request fails if the accounts endpoint is in a different origin
// than identity provider.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, AccountEndpointDifferentOriginIdp) {}

// Test that request fails if IDP login URL is different origin from IDP config
// URL.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, LoginUrlDifferentOriginIdp) {}

// Test that request fails if the idp is not https.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ProviderNotTrustworthy) {}

// Test that request fails if accounts endpoint cannot be reached.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, AccountEndpointCannotBeReached) {}

// Test that request fails if account endpoint response cannot be parsed.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, AccountsCannotBeParsed) {}

// Test that privacy policy, terms of service or RP brand icon URLs are not
// required in client metadata.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ClientMetadataNoUrls) {}

// Test that privacy policy URL is not required in client metadata.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ClientMetadataNoPrivacyPolicyUrl) {}

// Test that terms of service URL is not required in client metadata.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ClientMetadataNoTermsOfServiceUrl) {}

// Test that RP brand icon URL is not required in client metadata.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ClientMetadataNoRpBrandIconUrl) {}

// Test that request fails if all of the endpoints in the config are invalid.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, AllInvalidEndpoints) {}

// Tests for Login State
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, LoginStateShouldBeSignUpForFirstTimeUser) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, LoginStateShouldBeSignInForReturningUser) {}

       LoginStateSuccessfulSignUpGrantsSharingPermission) {}

       LoginStateFailedSignUpNotGrantSharingPermission) {}

// Test that auto re-authn permission is not embargoed upon explicit sign-in.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ExplicitSigninEmbargo) {}

// Test that auto re-authn permission is embargoed upon successful auto
// re-authn.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, AutoReauthnEmbargo) {}

// Test that auto re-authn with a single account where the account is a
// returning user sets the sign-in mode to auto.
       AutoReauthnForSingleReturningUserSingleAccount) {}

// Test that auto re-authn with multiple accounts and a single returning user
// sets the sign-in mode to auto.
       AutoReauthnForSingleReturningUserMultipleAccounts) {}

// Test that auto re-authn with multiple accounts and multiple returning users
// sets the sign-in mode to explicit.
       AutoReauthnForMultipleReturningUsersMultipleAccounts) {}

// Test that auto re-authn with single non-returning account sets the sign-in
// mode to explicit.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, AutoReauthnForZeroReturningUsers) {}

// Test that auto re-authn with multiple accounts and a single returning user
// sets the sign-in mode to kExplicit if `mediation: required` is specified.
       AutoReauthnForSingleReturningUserWithoutSettingAutoReauthn) {}

// Test that auto re-authn with multiple accounts and a single returning user
// sets the sign-in mode to kExplicit if `RequiresUserMediation` is set
       AutoReauthnForSingleReturningUserWithRequiresUserMediation) {}

// Test that auto re-authn with multiple accounts and a single returning user
// sets the sign-in mode to kExplicit if "auto sign-in" is disabled.
       AutoReauthnForSingleReturningUserWithAutoSigninDisabled) {}

// Test that if browser has not observed sign-in in the past, the sign-in mode
// is set to explicit regardless the account's login state.
       AutoReauthnBrowserNotObservedSigninBefore) {}

// Test that if browser has not observed sign-in in the past, but the IdP has
// third-party cookies access, the sign-in mode is set to auto if IdP claims
// that the user is returning.
       AutoReauthnBrowserNotObservedSigninButIdpHasThirdPartyCookiesAccess) {}

// Test that auto re-authn for a first time user sets the sign-in mode to
// explicit.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, AutoReauthnForFirstTimeUser) {}

// Test that auto re-authn where the auto re-authn permission is blocked sets
// the sign-in mode to explicit.
       AutoReauthnWithBlockedAutoReauthnPermissions) {}

// Test that auto re-authn where the auto re-authn cooldown is on sets
// the sign-in mode to explicit.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, AutoReauthnWithCooldown) {}

// Test that no network request is sent if `mediation: silent` is used and user
// has not granted sharing permission in the past.
       AutoReauthnMediationSilentFailWithNoSharingPermission) {}

// Test that no network request is sent if `mediation: silent` is used and auto
// re-authn is in cooldown.
       AutoReauthnMediationSilentFailWithEmbargo) {}

// Test that no network request is sent if `mediation: silent` is used and user
// mediation is required, e.g. `preventSilentAccess` has been invoked
       AutoReauthnMediationSilentFailWithRequiresUserMediation) {}

// Test that no network request is sent if `mediation: silent` is used and user
// has disabled "auto sign-in".
       AutoReauthnMediationSilentFailWithPasswordManagerAutoSigninDisabled) {}

// Test `mediation: silent` could fail silently after fetching accounts
       AutoReauthnMediationSilentFailWithTwoReturningAccounts) {}

// Test that `mediation: required` sets the sign-in mode to explicit even though
// other auto re-authn conditions are met.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, AutoReauthnMediationRequired) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, MetricsForSuccessfulSignInCase) {}

// Test that request fails if account picker is explicitly dismissed.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, MetricsForUIExplicitlyDismissed) {}

// Test that request is not completed if user ignores the UI.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, UIIsIgnored) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, MetricsForWebContentsVisible) {}

// Test that request could succeed with auto re-authn even if the web contents
// invisible.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, MetricsForWebContentsInvisible) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, MetricsForFeatureIsDisabled) {}

       MetricsForFeatureIsDisabledNotDoubleCountedWithUnhandledRequest) {}

       MetricsForFeatureIsDisabledNotDoubleCountedWithAbortedRequest) {}

// Test that sign-in states match if IDP claims that user is signed in and
// browser also observes that user is signed in.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, MetricsForSignedInOnBothIdpAndBrowser) {}

// Test that sign-in states match if IDP claims that user is not signed in and
// browser also observes that user is not signed in.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, MetricsForNotSignedInOnBothIdpAndBrowser) {}

// Test that sign-in states mismatch if IDP claims that user is signed in but
// browser observes that user is not signed in.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, MetricsForOnlyIdpClaimedSignIn) {}

// Test that sign-in states mismatch if IDP claims that user is not signed in
// but browser observes that user is signed in.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, MetricsForOnlyBrowserObservedSignIn) {}

// Test that embargo is requested if the
// IdentityRequestDialogController::ShowAccountsDialog() callback requests it.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, RequestEmbargo) {}

// Test that the embargo dismiss count is reset when the user grants consent via
// the FedCM dialog.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, RemoveEmbargoOnUserConsent) {}

// Test that token request fails if FEDERATED_IDENTITY_API content setting is
// disabled for the RP origin.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ApiBlockedForOrigin) {}

// Test that token request succeeds if FEDERATED_IDENTITY_API content setting is
// enabled for RP origin but disabled for an unrelated origin.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ApiBlockedForUnrelatedOrigin) {}

class FederatedAuthRequestImplTestCancelConsistency
    : public FederatedAuthRequestImplTest,
      public ::testing::WithParamInterface<int> {};

// Test that the RP cannot use CancelTokenRequest() to determine whether
// Option 1: FedCM dialog is shown but user has not interacted with it
// Option 2: FedCM API is disabled via variations
TEST_P(FederatedAuthRequestImplTestCancelConsistency, AccountNotSelected) {}

namespace {

// TestDialogController which disables FedCM API when FedCM account selection
// dialog is shown.
class DisableApiWhenDialogShownDialogController : public TestDialogController {};

}  // namespace

// Test that the request fails if user proceeds with the sign in workflow after
// disabling the API while an existing accounts dialog is shown.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ApiDisabledAfterAccountsDialogShown) {}

// Test the disclosure_text_shown value in the token post data for sign-up case.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, DisclosureTextShownForFirstTimeUser) {}

// Test the disclosure_text_shown value in the token post data for returning
// user case.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, DisclosureTextNotShownForReturningUser) {}

// Test that the values in the token post data are escaped according to the
// application/x-www-form-urlencoded spec.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, TokenEndpointPostDataEscaping) {}

// Test that the is_auto_selected value in the token post
// data for sign-up case.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, AutoSelectedFlagForNewUser) {}

// Test that the is_auto_selected value in the token post
// data for returning user with `mediation:required`.
       AutoSelectedFlagForReturningUserWithMediationRequired) {}

// Test that the is_auto_selected value in the token post
// data for returning user with `mediation:optional`.
       AutoSelectedFlagForReturningUserWithMediationOptional) {}

// Test that the is_auto_selected value in the token post
// data for the quiet period use case.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, AutoSelectedFlagIfInQuietPeriod) {}

namespace {

// TestIdpNetworkRequestManager subclass which runs the `account_list_task`
// passed-in to the constructor prior to the accounts endpoint returning.
class IdpNetworkRequestManagerClientMetadataTaskRunner
    : public TestIdpNetworkRequestManager {};

void NavigateToUrl(content::WebContents* web_contents, const GURL& url) {}

}  // namespace

// Test that the account chooser is not shown if the page navigates prior to the
// client metadata endpoint request completing and BFCache is enabled.
       NavigateDuringClientMetadataFetchBFCacheEnabled) {}

// Test that the account chooser is not shown if the page navigates prior to the
// accounts endpoint request completing and BFCache is disabled.
       NavigateDuringClientMetadataFetchBFCacheDisabled) {}

// Test that the accounts are reordered so that accounts with a LoginState equal
// to kSignIn are listed before accounts with a LoginState equal to kSignUp.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ReorderMultipleAccounts) {}

// Test that first API call with a given IDP is not affected by the
// IdpSigninStatus bit.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, IdpSigninStatusTestFirstTimeFetchSuccess) {}

// Test that first API call with a given IDP will not show a UI in case of
// failure during fetching accounts.
       IdpSigninStatusTestFirstTimeFetchNoFailureUi) {}

// Test that a failure UI will be displayed if the accounts fetch is failed but
// the IdpSigninStatus claims that the user is signed in.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, IdpSigninStatusTestShowFailureUi) {}

// Test that API calls will fail before sending any network request if
// IdpSigninStatus shows that the user is not signed in with the IDP. No failure
// UI is displayed.
       IdpSigninStatusTestApiFailedIfUserNotSignedInWithIdp) {}

namespace {

// TestIdpNetworkRequestManager which enables specifying the ParseStatus for
// config and accounts endpoint fetch.
class ParseStatusOverrideIdpNetworkRequestManager
    : public TestIdpNetworkRequestManager {};

}  // namespace

// Test behavior for the following sequence of events:
// 1) Failure dialog is shown due to IdP sign-in status mismatch
// 2) User signs-in
// 3) User selects "Continue" in account chooser dialog.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, FailureUiThenSuccessfulSignin) {}

// Test behavior for the following sequence of events:
// 1) Failure dialog is shown due to IdP sign-in status mismatch
// 2) User switches tabs
// 3) User signs into IdP in different tab
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, FailureUiThenSuccessfulSigninButHidden) {}

// Test behavior for the following sequence of events:
// 1) Failure dialog is shown due to IdP sign-in status mismatch
// 2) In a different tab, user signs into different IdP
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, FailureUiSigninFromDifferentIdp) {}

// Test that for the following sequence of events:
// 1) Failure dialog is shown due to IdP sign-in status mismatch
// 2) IdP sign-in status is updated
// 3) Accounts endpoint still returns an empty list
// That ShowFailureDialog() is called a 2nd time after the IdP sign-in status
// update.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, FailureUiAccountEndpointKeepsFailing) {}

// Test that for the following sequence of events:
// 1) Failure dialog is shown due to IdP sign-in status mismatch
// 2) IdP sign-in status is updated
// 3) A different endpoint fails during the fetch initiated by the IdP sign-in
// status update.
// That user is shown IdP-sign-in-failure dialog.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, FailureUiThenFailDifferentEndpoint) {}

// Test that when IdpSigninStatus API is in the metrics-only mode, that an IDP
// signed-out status stays signed-out regardless of what is returned by the
// accounts endpoint.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, IdpSigninStatusMetricsModeStaysSignedout) {}

// Test that when IdpSigninStatus API does not have any state for an IDP, that
// the state transitions to sign-in if the accounts endpoint returns a
// non-empty list of accounts.
    IdpSigninStatusMetricsModeUndefinedTransitionsToSignedinWhenHaveAccounts) {}

// Test that when IdpSigninStatus API is in metrics-only mode, that IDP sign-in
// status transitions to signed-out if the accounts endpoint returns no
// information.
       IdpSigninStatusMetricsModeTransitionsToSignedoutWhenNoAccounts) {}

// Tests that multiple IDPs provided results in an error if the
// `kFedCmMultipleIdentityProviders` flag is disabled.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, MultiIdpDisabled) {}

       AllSuccessfulMultiIdpRequestWithoutIdpReorder) {}

// Test successful multi IDP FedCM request.
       AllSuccessfulMultiIdpRequestWithIdpReorder) {}

// Test fetching information for the 1st IdP failing, and succeeding for the
// second.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, FirstIdpWellKnownInvalid) {}

// Test fetching information for the 1st IdP succeeding, and failing for the
// second.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, SecondIdpWellKnownInvalid) {}

// Test fetching information for all of the IdPs failing.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, AllWellKnownsInvalid) {}

// Test multi IDP FedCM request with duplicate IDPs should throw an error.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, DuplicateIdpMultiIdpRequest) {}

// Test that API can succeed with multiple IdPs, if one IdP is signed out but
// the other isn't.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, MultiIdpWithOneIdpSignedOut) {}

// Test that API shows all accounts if the user logs in to the IDP with the
// mismatch UI.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, MultiIdpLoginToOneIdp) {}

// Test that API can succeed with multiple IdPs, if all IDPs have login status
// mismatch.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, MultiIdpWithAllIdpsMismatch) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, MultiIdpWithOneIdpMismatch) {}

// Test that API can succeed with multiple IdPs, if silent mediation is used but
// only one IdP has a returning account.
       MultiIdpWithSilentMediationAndReturningAccountInSecondIdp) {}

// Test that API fails with multiple IdPs, if silent mediation is used and two
// IdPs have a single returning account.
       MultiIdpWithSilentMediationAndReturningAccountInTwoIdps) {}

// Test that when there are two IDPs with sharing permissions but the account
// fetch fails for one of them, mediation silent can still succeed.
       MultiIdpWithSilentMediationAndOneIdpFetchFailure) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, MultiIdpLoggedOut) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, MultiIdpWithError) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, TooManyRequests) {}

       ButtonModeTooManyRequestsWithNewWidgetFlow) {}

       ButtonModeTooManyRequestsWithNewButtonFlow) {}

// TestIdpNetworkRequestManager subclass which records requests to metrics
// endpoint.
class IdpNetworkRequestMetricsRecorder : public TestIdpNetworkRequestManager {};

// Test that the metrics endpoint is notified as a result of a successful
// multi-IDP FederatedAuthRequestImpl::RequestToken() call.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, MetricsEndpointMultiIdp) {}

// Test that the metrics endpoint is notified when
// FederatedAuthRequestImpl::RequestToken() call fails.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, MetricsEndpointMultiIdpFail) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, AccountsSortedWithTimestamps) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, AccountLabelMultipleAccountsNoMatch) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, AccountLabelMultipleAccountsOneMatch) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, LoginHintSingleAccountIdMatch) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, LoginHintSingleAccountEmailMatch) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, LoginHintSingleAccountNoMatch) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, LoginHintFirstAccountMatch) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, LoginHintLastAccountMatch) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, LoginHintMultipleAccountsNoMatch) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, DomainHintSingleAccountMatch) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, DomainHintSingleAccountStarMatch) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, DomainHintSingleAccountStarNoMatch) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, DomainHintSingleAccountNoMatch) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, DomainHintNoMatch) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, DomainHintMultipleAccountsSingleMatch) {}

       DomainHintMultipleAccountsMultipleMatches) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, DomainHintMultipleAccountsStar) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, DomainHintMultipleAccountsNoMatch) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, PictureFetch) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, PictureFetchMultipleAccounts) {}

// Test that when FedCmRpContext flag is enabled and rp_context is specified,
// the FedCM request succeeds with the specified rp_context.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, RpContextIsSetToNonDefaultValue) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, WellKnownInvalidContentType) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ConfigInvalidContentType) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ClientMetadataInvalidContentType) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, AccountsInvalidContentType) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, IdTokenInvalidContentType) {}

// Test that the implementation ignores the fields parameter when AuthZ is
// disabled.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ScopeGetsIgnoredWhenAuthzIsDisabled) {}

// Test successful AuthZ request that returns tokens without opening
// pop-up windows.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, SuccessfulAuthZRequestNoPopUpWindow) {}

// Test successful AuthZ request that request the opening of pop-up
// windows.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, SuccessfulAuthZRequestWithPopUpWindow) {}

// Test the continuation popup calling close().
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ContinuationPopupCallingClose) {}

// Test successful AuthZ request that request the opening of pop-up
// windows.
       FailsLoadingAContinueOnForADifferentOrigin) {}

// Test metrics for a request with parameters.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, RequestWithParameters) {}

// Test metrics for a request with parameters and scopes.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, RequestWithParametersAndScopes) {}

// Test successfully signing-in users when they are signed-out on
// button flows.
       SignInWhenSignedOutOnButtonModeWithUserActivation) {}

// Test button flow failure outside of user activation.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ButtonFlowRequiresUserActivation) {}

// Test the button flow request fails without delay if IdP config is wrong.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ButtonFlowWellKnownNotInList) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ButtonFlowWithUnknownLoginStatus) {}

// Test that button flow can skip the mismatch UI.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ButtonFlowSkipsMismatchUI) {}

// Test that button flow shows the loading dialog.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ButtonFlowShowsLoadingUI) {}

// Test dismissing a button flow through the loading UI.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ButtonFlowDismissLoadingUI) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, CloseModalDialogView) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ShouldNotMediateAuthz) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ShouldMediateAuthz) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ShouldMediateAuthzWithoutFeatureEnabled) {}

class FederatedAuthRequestImplNewTabTest : public FederatedAuthRequestImplTest {};

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplNewTabTest, SuccessfulFlow) {}

class UserInfoCallbackHelper {};

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, RequestUserInfoFailure) {}

// Tests that when an accounts dialog is shown, the appropriate metrics are
// recorded.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, AccountsDialogShownMetric) {}

// Tests that when a mismatch dialog is shown, the appropriate metrics are
// recorded.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, MismatchDialogShownMetric) {}

// Tests that a mismatch dialog is shown twice.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, DoubleMismatchDialog) {}

// Tests that when an accounts request is sent, the appropriate metrics are
// recorded.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, AccountsRequestSentMetric) {}

// Tests that when an accounts dialog is aborted, the appropriate duration
// metrics are recorded.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, AbortedAccountsDialogShownDurationMetric) {}

// Tests that when a mismatch dialog is aborted, the appropriate duration
// metrics are recorded.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, AbortedMismatchDialogShownDurationMetric) {}

// Tests that when requests are made to FedCM in succession, the appropriate
// metrics are recorded upon destruction.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, RecordNumRequestsPerDocumentMetric) {}

// Test that an error dialog is shown when the token response is invalid.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, InvalidResponseErrorDialogShown) {}

// Test that an error dialog is shown when the token response is missing.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, NoResponseErrorDialogShown) {}

// Test that the error UI has proper url set.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ErrorUrlDisplayedWithProperUrl) {}

// Test that permission is embargoed upon closing a mismatch dialog.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, IdpSigninStatusCloseMismatchEmbargo) {}

// Test that permission is not embargoed upon closing an IDP sign-in flow
// pop-up.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, IdpSigninStatusClosePopupEmbargo) {}

// Test that no registered IdP is added without a registry requested.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, MaybeAddRegisteredProvidersEmptyList) {}

// Test that no registered IdP with only named providers requested.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, MaybeAddRegisteredProvidersNamed) {}

// Test that a registered provider is added.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, MaybeAddRegisteredProvidersAdded) {}

// Test that all registered IdPs are expanded.
       MaybeAddRegisteredProvidersAllRequestsForRegisteredIdPsAreExpanded) {}

// Test that the registry can add two idps.
       MaybeAddRegisteredProvidersTwoRegisteredIdPs) {}

// Test that registered idps are inserted inline.
       MaybeAddRegisteredProvidersInsertedInline) {}

// Test that error dialog type metrics are recorded.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ErrorDialogTypeMetrics) {}

// Test that error dialog result metrics are recorded.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ErrorDialogResultMetrics) {}

// Test that token response type metrics are recorded.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, TokenResponseTypeMetrics) {}

// Test that error url type metrics are recorded.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ErrorUrlTypeMetrics) {}

// Test that cross-site URL fails the request with the appropriate devtools
// issue.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, CrossSiteErrorDialogDevtoolsIssue) {}

// Test that the account UI is not displayed if FedCM is disabled after accounts
// fetch.
       AccountUiNotDisplayedIfFedCmDisabledAfterAccountsFetch) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, DomainHintInLoginUrl) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, LoginHintInLoginUrl) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, DomainHintAndLoginHintInLoginUrl) {}

       DomainHintAndLoginHintInLoginUrlWithQuery) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, DomainHintAddAccount) {}

// Test that auto re-authn works in button mode.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, AutoReauthnInButtonMode) {}

// Test that IdP claimed SignUp takes precedence over browser observed SignIn.
       IdPClaimedSignUpTakesPrecedenceOverBrowserObservedSignIn) {}

// Test that IdP claimed SignIn does not affect browser observed SignUp.
       IdPClaimedSignInDoesNotAffectBrowserObservedSignUp) {}

// Test that IdP claimed SignIn can affect browser observed SignUp if they have
// third-party cookies access.
       IdPClaimedSignInAffectsBrowserObservedSignUpWith3PCAccess) {}

// Test button flow is exempted if the FedCM is disabled in  settings.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ButtonFlowNotAffectedBySettings) {}

// Test button flow is exempted if the FedCM is embargoed in the widget flow.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ButtonFlowNotAffectedByEmbargo) {}

// Test dismissing UI in button flow does not trigger embargo.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ButtonFlowNotAffectEmbargo) {}

// Tests that when background text is passed but no background color, the
// background text is ignored.
       BrandingWithTextColorAndNoBackgroundColor) {}

// Tests that when background text does not contrast enough with the background
// color, the text color is ignored.
       BrandingWithInsufficientContrastTextColor) {}

class FederatedAuthRequestExampleOrgTest : public FederatedAuthRequestImplTest {};

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestExampleOrgTest, WellKnownSameSite) {}

class TestDialogControllerWithImmediateDismiss : public TestDialogController {};

// Crash test for
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, ImmediateDismiss) {}

// Tests that dismissing during ShowFailureDialog() does not crash.
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, FailureDialogImmediateDismiss) {}

TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, UseOtherAccountAccountOrder) {}

// Tests that when use a different account is used and multiple accounts are
// logged in at once, all the new accounts are part of the new_idp_accounts().
TEST_F(FederatedAuthRequestImplTest, UseOtherAccountMultipleNewAccounts) {}

}  // namespace content