
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include <string>

#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_helpers.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "testing/gtest_mac.h"

@interface CounterForBindObjcBlockTest : NSObject
@property(nonatomic, assign) NSUInteger counter;

@implementation CounterForBindObjcBlockTest
@synthesize counter = _counter;

@interface HelperForBindObjcBlockTest : NSObject

- (instancetype)initWithCounter:(CounterForBindObjcBlockTest*)counter;
- (void)incrementCounter;


@implementation HelperForBindObjcBlockTest {
  CounterForBindObjcBlockTest* _counter;

- (instancetype)initWithCounter:(CounterForBindObjcBlockTest*)counter {
  if ((self = [super init])) {
    _counter = counter;
  return self;

- (void)incrementCounter {


namespace {

TEST(BindObjcBlockTest, TestScopedClosureRunnerExitScope) {
  int run_count = 0;
  int* ptr = &run_count;
    base::ScopedClosureRunner runner(base::BindOnce(^{
    EXPECT_EQ(0, run_count);
  EXPECT_EQ(1, run_count);

TEST(BindObjcBlockTest, TestScopedClosureRunnerRelease) {
  int run_count = 0;
  int* ptr = &run_count;
  base::OnceClosure c;
    base::ScopedClosureRunner runner(base::BindOnce(^{
    c = runner.Release();
    EXPECT_EQ(0, run_count);
  EXPECT_EQ(0, run_count);
  EXPECT_EQ(1, run_count);

TEST(BindObjcBlockTest, TestReturnValue) {
  const int kReturnValue = 42;
  base::OnceCallback<int(void)> c = base::BindOnce(^{
    return kReturnValue;
  EXPECT_EQ(kReturnValue, std::move(c).Run());

TEST(BindObjcBlockTest, TestArgument) {
  const int kArgument = 42;
  base::OnceCallback<int(int)> c = base::BindOnce(^(int a) {
    return a + 1;
  EXPECT_EQ(kArgument + 1, std::move(c).Run(kArgument));

TEST(BindObjcBlockTest, TestTwoArguments) {
  std::string result;
  std::string* ptr = &result;
  base::OnceCallback<void(const std::string&, const std::string&)> c =
      base::BindOnce(^(const std::string& a, const std::string& b) {
        *ptr = a + b;
  std::move(c).Run("forty", "two");
  EXPECT_EQ(result, "fortytwo");

TEST(BindObjcBlockTest, TestThreeArguments) {
  std::string result;
  std::string* ptr = &result;
  base::OnceCallback<void(const std::string&, const std::string&,
                          const std::string&)>
      cb = base::BindOnce(
          ^(const std::string& a, const std::string& b, const std::string& c) {
            *ptr = a + b + c;
  std::move(cb).Run("six", "times", "nine");
  EXPECT_EQ(result, "sixtimesnine");

TEST(BindObjcBlockTest, TestSixArguments) {
  std::string result1;
  std::string* ptr = &result1;
  int result2;
  int* ptr2 = &result2;
  base::OnceCallback<void(int, int, const std::string&, const std::string&, int,
                          const std::string&)>
      cb = base::BindOnce(^(int a, int b, const std::string& c,
                            const std::string& d, int e, const std::string& f) {
        *ptr = c + d + f;
        *ptr2 = a + b + e;
  std::move(cb).Run(1, 2, "infinite", "improbability", 3, "drive");
  EXPECT_EQ(result1, "infiniteimprobabilitydrive");
  EXPECT_EQ(result2, 6);

TEST(BindObjcBlockTest, TestBlockMoveable) {
  base::OnceClosure c;
  __block BOOL invoked_block = NO;
  @autoreleasepool {
    c = base::BindOnce(
        ^(std::unique_ptr<BOOL> v) {
          invoked_block = *v;

// Tests that the bound block is retained until the end of its execution, even
// if the callback itself is destroyed during the invocation. It was found that
// some code depends on this behaviour (see
TEST(BindObjcBlockTest, TestBlockDeallocation) {
  base::RepeatingClosure closure;
  __block BOOL invoked_block = NO;
  closure = base::BindRepeating(
      ^(base::RepeatingClosure* this_closure) {
        *this_closure = base::RepeatingClosure();
        invoked_block = YES;

TEST(BindObjcBlockTest, TestBlockReleased) {
  __weak NSObject* weak_nsobject;
  @autoreleasepool {
    NSObject* nsobject = [[NSObject alloc] init];
    weak_nsobject = nsobject;

    auto callback = base::BindOnce(^{
      [nsobject description];
  EXPECT_NSEQ(nil, weak_nsobject);

// Tests that base::BindOnce(..., __strong NSObject*, ...) strongly captures
// the Objective-C object.
TEST(BindObjcBlockTest, TestBindOnceBoundStrongPointer) {
  CounterForBindObjcBlockTest* counter =
      [[CounterForBindObjcBlockTest alloc] init];
  ASSERT_EQ(counter.counter, 0u);

  base::OnceClosure closure;
  @autoreleasepool {
    HelperForBindObjcBlockTest* helper =
        [[HelperForBindObjcBlockTest alloc] initWithCounter:counter];

    // Creates a closure with a lambda taking the parameter as a __strong
    // pointer and bound with a __strong pointer. This should retain the
    // object.
    closure = base::BindOnce(
        [](HelperForBindObjcBlockTest* helper) { [helper incrementCounter]; },

  // Check that calling the closure increments the counter since the helper
  // object was captured strongly and thus is retained by the closure.
  EXPECT_EQ(counter.counter, 1u);

// Tests that base::BindOnce(..., __weak NSObject*, ...) weakly captures
// the Objective-C object.
TEST(BindObjcBlockTest, TestBindOnceBoundWeakPointer) {
  CounterForBindObjcBlockTest* counter =
      [[CounterForBindObjcBlockTest alloc] init];
  ASSERT_EQ(counter.counter, 0u);

  base::OnceClosure closure;
  @autoreleasepool {
    HelperForBindObjcBlockTest* helper =
        [[HelperForBindObjcBlockTest alloc] initWithCounter:counter];

    // Creates a closure with a lambda taking the parameter as a __strong
    // pointer and bound with a __weak pointer. This should not retain the
    // object.
    __weak HelperForBindObjcBlockTest* weak_helper = helper;
    closure = base::BindOnce(
        [](HelperForBindObjcBlockTest* helper) { [helper incrementCounter]; },

  // Check that calling the closure does not increment the counter since
  // the helper object was captured weakly and thus is not retained by
  // the closure.
  EXPECT_EQ(counter.counter, 0u);

// Tests that base::BindRepeating(..., __strong NSObject*, ...) strongly
// captures the Objective-C object.
TEST(BindObjcBlockTest, TestBindRepeatingBoundStrongPointer) {
  CounterForBindObjcBlockTest* counter =
      [[CounterForBindObjcBlockTest alloc] init];
  ASSERT_EQ(counter.counter, 0u);

  base::RepeatingClosure closure;
  @autoreleasepool {
    HelperForBindObjcBlockTest* helper =
        [[HelperForBindObjcBlockTest alloc] initWithCounter:counter];

    // Creates a closure with a lambda taking the parameter as a __strong
    // pointer and bound with a __strong pointer. This should retain the
    // object.
    closure = base::BindRepeating(
        [](HelperForBindObjcBlockTest* helper) { [helper incrementCounter]; },

  // Check that calling the closure increments the counter since the helper
  // object was captured strongly and thus is retained by the closure.
  EXPECT_EQ(counter.counter, 3u);

// Tests that base::BindRepeating(..., __weak NSObject*, ...) weakly captures
// the Objective-C object.
TEST(BindObjcBlockTest, TestBindRepeatingBoundWeakPointer) {
  CounterForBindObjcBlockTest* counter =
      [[CounterForBindObjcBlockTest alloc] init];
  ASSERT_EQ(counter.counter, 0u);

  base::RepeatingClosure closure;
  @autoreleasepool {
    HelperForBindObjcBlockTest* helper =
        [[HelperForBindObjcBlockTest alloc] initWithCounter:counter];

    // Creates a closure with a lambda taking the parameter as a __strong
    // pointer and bound with a __weak pointer. This should not retain the
    // object.
    __weak HelperForBindObjcBlockTest* weak_helper = helper;
    closure = base::BindRepeating(
        [](HelperForBindObjcBlockTest* helper) { [helper incrementCounter]; },

  // Check that calling the closure does not increment the counter since
  // the helper object was captured weakly and thus is not retained by
  // the closure.
  EXPECT_EQ(counter.counter, 0u);

}  // namespace