// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module webxr.mojom;
import "device/vr/public/mojom/xr_device.mojom";
import "device/vr/public/mojom/xr_session.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
// Human readable information about the device
struct DeviceInfo {
string operating_system_name;
string operating_system_version;
string gpu_gl_vendor;
string gpu_gl_renderer;
// Human readable information about the session requested record.
struct SessionRequestedRecord {
device.mojom.XRSessionOptions options;
mojo_base.mojom.Time requested_time;
// Human readable information about the session rejected record.
struct SessionRejectedRecord {
// ID of this request, used for tracing.
uint64 trace_id;
device.mojom.RequestSessionError failure_reason;
mojo_base.mojom.Time rejected_time;
string failure_reason_description;
array<device.mojom.XRSessionFeature> rejected_features;
// Human readable information about the session started record.
struct SessionStartedRecord {
// ID of this request, used for tracing.
uint64 trace_id;
device.mojom.XRDeviceId device_id;
mojo_base.mojom.Time started_time;
// Human readable information about the session stopped record.
struct SessionStoppedRecord {
// ID of this request, used for tracing.
uint64 trace_id;
mojo_base.mojom.Time stopped_time;
// Human readable information about the runtime info.
// Note: We don't use device.mojom.XRDeviceData here due to conflicts with
// building the luid for WebUI. Instead, we create RuntimeInfo without
// specifying the luid.
struct RuntimeInfo {
device.mojom.XRDeviceId device_id;
array<device.mojom.XRSessionFeature> supported_features;
bool is_ar_blend_mode_supported;
// Interface for controlling WebXR Internals.
// Handles requests from "chrome://webxr-internals"
// This is expected to be hosted in the browser process and is used from the
// WebUI renderer.
interface WebXrInternalsHandler {
// Returns information about the operating system name,
// operating system version, GPU driver and GPU vendor ID.
GetDeviceInfo() => (DeviceInfo device_info);
// Returns information about active runtimes, including:
// Device ID, Supported Features and the runtime supports AR or not.
GetActiveRuntimes() => (array<RuntimeInfo> active_runtimes);
// Subscribes to events with a pending remote XrInternalsSessionListener
SubscribeToEvents(pending_remote<XRInternalsSessionListener> listener);
// Used by webxr internals WebUI to query browser process about session
// events.
interface XRInternalsSessionListener {
// Begin listening for updates to log session requested record.
LogXrSessionRequested(SessionRequestedRecord session_requested_record);
// Begin listening for updates to log session rejected record.
LogXrSessionRejected(SessionRejectedRecord session_rejected_record);
// Begin listening for updates to log session started record.
LogXrSessionStarted(SessionStartedRecord session_started_record);
// Begin listening for updates to log session stopped record.
LogXrSessionStopped(SessionStoppedRecord session_stopped_record);
// Begin listening for updates to log runtime added record.
// This method does not send historical data.
LogXrRuntimeAdded(RuntimeInfo runtime_added_record);
// Begin listening for updates to log runtime removed
// for the specified XR device.
// This method does not send historical data.
LogXrRuntimeRemoved(device.mojom.XRDeviceId device_id);
// Begin listening for incoming frames for diagnostics calculation.
// This method does not send historical data.
LogFrameData(device.mojom.XrFrameStatistics xrframe_statistics);
// Begin listening for incoming console messages for diagnostics.
// This method does not send historical data.
LogConsoleMessages(device.mojom.XrLogMessage xrlogging_statistics);