# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# For feature flags internal to content. See content/public/common:features
# for feature flags that clients of contents need to know about.
buildflag_header("buildflags") {
header = "buildflags.h"
_mbi_mode_per_render_process_host = mbi_mode == "per_render_process_host"
_mbi_mode_per_site_instance = mbi_mode == "per_site_instance"
flags = [
if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
source_set("sandbox_support_linux") {
public = [
sources = [
deps = [
configs += [ "//content:content_implementation" ]
source_set("common") {
# Targets external to content should always link to the public API.
# In addition, targets outside of the content component (shell and tests)
# must not link to this because it will duplicate the code in the component
# build.
visibility = [
sources = [
configs += [
public_deps = [
deps = [
defines = []
include_dirs = []
libs = []
ldflags = []
allow_circular_includes_from = [
if (is_posix) {
sources += [
if (is_android) {
sources += [
if (use_seccomp_bpf) {
deps += [ "//sandbox/policy" ]
if (is_ios) {
# TOOD: Create ios file instead of stealing android
sources += [ "cursors/webcursor_android.cc" ]
if (is_mac) {
sources += [
deps += [ "//sandbox/mac:seatbelt" ]
if (is_apple) {
sources += [ "font_list_mac.mm" ]
if (is_win) {
sources += [
if (is_android) {
deps += [
libs += [ "android" ]
if (is_debug && !is_component_build && enable_ppapi) {
# Content depends on the PPAPI message logging stuff; if this isn't here,
# some unit test binaries won't compile. This only worked in release mode
# because logging is disabled there.
deps += [ "//ppapi/proxy:ipc_sources" ]
if (!is_chromeos_ash) {
sources -= [ "cursors/webcursor_ash.cc" ]
if (use_aura) {
deps += [ "//ui/wm" ]
} else {
sources -= [ "cursors/webcursor_aura.cc" ]
if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
sources += [
public_deps += [ "//sandbox/policy" ]
deps += [
if (use_v4l2_codec) {
deps += [ "//media/gpu/v4l2" ]
if (use_zygote) {
sources += [
if (is_mac || is_win || is_android || is_fuchsia || is_ios) {
sources -= [ "font_list_fontconfig.cc" ]
if (enable_ppapi) {
sources += [
deps += [
if (is_mac) {
deps += [ "//media/gpu" ]
if (enable_ipc_fuzzer) {
configs += [ "//tools/ipc_fuzzer:ipc_fuzzer_config" ]
sources += [
if (is_fuchsia) {
sources += [ "font_list_fuchsia.cc" ]
deps += [ "//third_party/fuchsia-sdk/sdk/pkg/fdio" ]
if (use_clang_profiling_inside_sandbox) {
sources += [ "profiling_utils.cc" ]
# This is used by content/shell as well, which we don't want to depend on the
# entire content/common.
component("main_frame_counter") {
sources = [
deps = [ "//base:base" ]
# See comment at the top of //content/BUILD.gn for how this works.
group("for_content_tests") {
visibility = [
if (!is_component_build) {
public_deps = [ ":common" ]
mojom("mojo_bindings") {
# This interface is internal to content.
visibility = [ "//content/*" ]
disable_variants = true
sources = [
if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
sources += [ "thread_type_switcher.mojom" ]
if (is_android) {
sources += [ "gin_java_bridge.mojom" ]
enabled_features = []
if (enable_ipc_logging) {
enabled_features += [ "ipc_logging" ]
if (use_clang_profiling_inside_sandbox) {
enabled_features += [ "clang_profiling_inside_sandbox" ]
if (is_posix && !is_android) {
enabled_features += [ "is_non_android_posix" ]
if (enable_plugins) {
sources += [ "pepper_plugin.mojom" ]
cpp_typemaps = [
types = [
mojom = "content.mojom.ChildFrameOwnerElementType"
cpp = "::blink::FrameOwnerElementType"
mojom = "content.mojom.NavigationGesture"
cpp = "::content::NavigationGesture"
mojom = "content.mojom.NetworkConnectionType"
cpp = "::net::NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionType"
mojom = "content.mojom.Impression"
cpp = "::blink::Impression"
mojom = "content.mojom.ScrollGranularity"
cpp = "::ui::ScrollGranularity"
mojom = "content.mojom.SyntheticPinch"
cpp = "::content::SyntheticPinchGestureParams"
mojom = "content.mojom.SyntheticPointerAction"
cpp = "::content::SyntheticPointerActionListParams"
mojom = "content.mojom.SyntheticSmoothDrag"
cpp = "::content::SyntheticSmoothDragGestureParams"
mojom = "content.mojom.SyntheticSmoothScroll"
cpp = "::content::SyntheticSmoothScrollGestureParams"
mojom = "content.mojom.SyntheticTap"
cpp = "::content::SyntheticTapGestureParams"
mojom = "content.mojom.SystemThemeColor"
cpp = "::ui::NativeTheme::SystemThemeColor"
mojom = "content.mojom.VisualProperties"
cpp = "::blink::VisualProperties"
traits_headers = [
traits_private_headers = [
traits_sources = [
traits_public_deps = [
# NOTE: These dependencies are here to satisfy gn check because
# common_param_traits_macros.h include their headers.
# Although the mojo bindings target is configured to allow direct circular
# includes from //content/common and //content/public/common, this isn't a
# transitive allowance, so those targets' own public_deps aren't included in
# the set of implied dependencies.
types = [
mojom = "content.mojom.PageState"
cpp = "::blink::PageState"
mojom = "content.mojom.PageTransition"
cpp = "::ui::PageTransition"
traits_headers = [
public_deps = [
if (is_mac) {
sources += [
public_deps += [
cpp_typemaps += [
types = [
mojom = "content.mojom.ScrollerStyle"
cpp = "::blink::ScrollerStyle"
traits_headers =
[ "//third_party/blink/public/platform/mac/web_scrollbar_theme.h" ]
traits_public_deps = [ "//third_party/blink/public:blink_headers" ]
overridden_deps = [
component_deps = [ "//third_party/blink/public/common" ]
component_output_prefix = "content_common_mojo_bindings"
export_class_attribute = "CONTENT_EXPORT"
export_define = "CONTENT_IMPLEMENTATION=1"
export_header = "content/common/content_export.h"
fuzzer_test("content_input_actions_parser_fuzzer") {
sources = [ "input/actions_parser_fuzzer.cc" ]
deps = [