// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module content.mojom;
import "ipc/ipc.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/file.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/generic_pending_receiver.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/memory_pressure_level.mojom";
import "services/tracing/public/mojom/background_tracing_agent.mojom";
import "services/tracing/public/mojom/system_tracing_service.mojom";
// Information about how logging should be configured.
// Corresponds to logging::LoggingSettings.
struct LoggingSettings {
uint32 logging_dest;
handle<platform> log_file_descriptor;
// The primordial interface child processes use to push requests to their
// browser-side host object.
interface ChildProcessHost {
// Pings the parent process, expecting a reply. Used to verify that the
// process and this interface connection are operational. When a child
// process is started, it begins a timer (default 15 seconds) and sends this
// message to the browser. If no reply comes back before time runs out, the
// process self-terminates. There are no other interesting side effects, nor
// are there any constraints on what either process can do while this is in
// flight.
Ping() => ();
// Requests that the browser bind |receiver| on behalf of the child process.
// Whether or not the interface type encapsulated by |receiver| is supported
// depends on the process type and potentially on the Content embedder.
BindHostReceiver(mojo_base.mojom.GenericPendingReceiver receiver);
// A control interface the browser uses to drive the behavior of all types of
// Content child processes.
interface ChildProcess {
// Tells the child process that it's safe to shutdown.
// Requests the child process send its Mach task port to the caller.
GetTaskPort() => (handle<platform> task_port);
// Tells the child process to begin or end IPC message logging.
SetIPCLoggingEnabled(bool on);
// Used to configure triggering for background tracing of child processes.
pending_receiver<tracing.mojom.BackgroundTracingAgentProvider> receiver);
// Used for connecting to the Perfetto system tracing service in the child
// process. The child process uses |remote| to request the browser process
// to make the socket connection and pass the connection back to the child.
// This interface only accesses the producer socket. A child process
// should never access the consumer socket.
// Enabled on POSIX platforms except Android: Android child processes connects
// to the system tracing service directly.
pending_remote<tracing.mojom.SystemTracingService> remote);
// Force the child process to crash immediately (i.e. a hard crash, no
// cleanup, generating a crash report).
// Requests that the process bind a receiving pipe targeting the service
// interface named by |receiver|.
// TODO(crbug.com/40633267): Rename this to |RunService()| once the above method
// is removed.
BindServiceInterface(mojo_base.mojom.GenericPendingReceiver receiver);
// Requests that the process bind a receiving pipe targeting the interface
// named by |receiver|. Unlike |BindServiceInterface()| this may be used to
// bind arbitrary interfaces on many different types of child processes.
// Calls to this method generally end up in
// |ChildThreadImpl::OnBindReceiver()|.
// Whether or not the interface type encapsulated by |receiver| is supported
// depends on the process type and potentially on the Content embedder.
BindReceiver(mojo_base.mojom.GenericPendingReceiver receiver);
// Sets the profiling file for the child process.
// Used for the coverage builds.
SetProfilingFile(mojo_base.mojom.File file);
// Write out the accumulated code profiling profile to the configured file.
// The callback is invoked once the profile has been flushed to disk.
WriteClangProfilingProfile() => ();
// Sets the pseudonymization salt in a child process.
// PRIVACY NOTE: It is important that the `salt` is never persisted anywhere
// or sent to a server. Whoever has access to the salt can de-anonymize
// results of the content::PseudonymizationUtil::PseudonymizeString method.
SetPseudonymizationSalt(uint32 salt);
// Reinitializes the child process's logging with the given settings. This
// is needed on Chrome OS, which switches to a log file in the user's home
// directory once they log in.
ReinitializeLogging(LoggingSettings settings);
// Notifies a child process of current memory pressure level.
// OnMemoryPressure is called when the browser process receives OS's
// memory pressure signals, and also when the browser process triggers
// user-level memory pressure signals.
// This method is only for an experimental feature, and may be removed
// shortly. Other code should not use this method.
// See https://crbug.com/1393283 for details.
OnMemoryPressure(mojo_base.mojom.MemoryPressureLevel memory_pressure_level);
// Asks the child process to modify its internal settings to bias towards
// energy efficiency because the embedder is in battery saver mode. The
// default is `false`.
SetBatterySaverMode(bool battery_saver_mode_enabled);