// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module content.mojom;
// The primordial interface implemented by a render process host. This should be
// used for implementing renderer-to-browser messages.
interface RendererHost {
// Request a histogram from the browser process. The browser will send the
// histogram data only if it has been passed the command line flag
// switches::kStatsCollectionController. This may or may not include
// histograms and some or all of their data from subprocesses and other
// sources outside the actual browser process.
GetBrowserHistogram(string name) => (string histogram_json);
// Notify the browser that this render process can or can't be suddenly
// terminated.
SuddenTerminationChanged(bool enabled);
// Sends a string to be recorded by UserMetrics.
RecordUserMetricsAction(string action);
// Provides this render process' private memory footprint to the browser.
// Used by the UserLevelMemoryPressureSignalGenerator.
// In case of compromised renderer process:
// - Reporting small values make it less likely for a memory pressure signal
// to be sent. This isn't a big deal, it only increase the changes the OS to
// start killing the renderer process.
// - Reporting large values makes Chrome to dispatch memory pressure
// signal needlessly. There is a 10 minutes wait in between them. It is not
// particularly worrying.
// TODO(crbug.com/40248151): if the
// UserLevelMemoryPressureSignalGenerator is approved, investigate a
// possibility to gather data inside the browser process, via e.g.
// getProcessMemoryInfo.
SetPrivateMemoryFootprint(uint64 private_memory_footprint_bytes);
// A renderer sends this when it wants to know whether a gpu process exists.
[Sync] HasGpuProcess() => (bool has_gpu_process);