// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.content.browser;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech;
import android.speech.tts.UtteranceProgressListener;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import org.jni_zero.CalledByNative;
import org.jni_zero.JNINamespace;
import org.jni_zero.NativeMethods;
import org.chromium.base.ContextUtils;
import org.chromium.base.LocaleUtils;
import org.chromium.base.TraceEvent;
import org.chromium.base.task.AsyncTask;
import org.chromium.base.task.PostTask;
import org.chromium.base.task.TaskTraits;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
* This class is the Java counterpart to the C++ TtsPlatformImplAndroid class.
* It implements the Android-native text-to-speech code to support the web
* speech synthesis API.
* Threading model note: all calls from C++ must happen on the UI thread.
* Callbacks from Android may happen on a different thread, so we always
* use PostTask.runOrPostTask(TaskTraits.UI_DEFAULT, ...) when calling back to C++.
class TtsPlatformImpl {
private static class TtsVoice {
private final String mName;
private final String mLanguage;
private TtsVoice(String name, String language) {
mName = name;
mLanguage = language;
private static class PendingUtterance {
TtsPlatformImpl mImpl;
int mUtteranceId;
String mText;
String mLang;
String mEngineId;
float mRate;
float mPitch;
float mVolume;
private PendingUtterance(
TtsPlatformImpl impl,
int utteranceId,
String text,
String lang,
String engineId,
float rate,
float pitch,
float volume) {
mImpl = impl;
mUtteranceId = utteranceId;
mText = text;
mLang = lang;
mRate = rate;
mPitch = pitch;
mVolume = volume;
mEngineId = engineId;
private void speak() {
mImpl.speak(mUtteranceId, mText, mLang, mEngineId, mRate, mPitch, mVolume);
private static class TtsEngine {
private TextToSpeech mTextToSpeech;
private @Nullable List<TtsVoice> mVoices;
private boolean mInitialized;
private @Nullable String mCurrentLanguage;
private @Nullable PendingUtterance mPendingUtterance;
private long mNativeTtsPlatformImplAndroid;
/** Constructor with the default TTS Engine */
private TtsEngine(long nativeTtsPlatformImplAndroid) {
mNativeTtsPlatformImplAndroid = nativeTtsPlatformImplAndroid;
mInitialized = false;
mTextToSpeech =
new TextToSpeech(
status -> {
if (status == TextToSpeech.SUCCESS) {
TaskTraits.UI_DEFAULT, () -> initializeDefault());
* Constructor for a specific TTS Engine with package name
* @param engineId Package name for the TTS Engine to be used.
private TtsEngine(String engineId) {
mInitialized = false;
mTextToSpeech =
new TextToSpeech(
status -> {
if (status == TextToSpeech.SUCCESS) {
/** Initialization for non-default TTS Engine does not enumerate voices. */
private void initializeNonDefault() {
mInitialized = true;
if (mPendingUtterance != null) mPendingUtterance.speak();
* Note: we enforce that this method is called on the UI thread, so
* we can call TtsPlatformImplJni.get().voicesChanged directly.
private void initializeDefault() {
TraceEvent.startAsync("TtsEngine:initialize_default", hashCode());
new AsyncTask<List<TtsVoice>>() {
protected List<TtsVoice> doInBackground() {
assert mNativeTtsPlatformImplAndroid != 0;
try (TraceEvent te =
TraceEvent.scoped("TtsEngine:initialize_default.async_task")) {
Locale[] locales = Locale.getAvailableLocales();
final List<TtsVoice> voices = new ArrayList<>();
for (Locale locale : locales) {
if (!locale.getVariant().isEmpty()) continue;
try {
if (mTextToSpeech.isLanguageAvailable(locale) > 0) {
String name = locale.getDisplayLanguage();
if (!locale.getCountry().isEmpty()) {
name += " " + locale.getDisplayCountry();
TtsVoice voice = new TtsVoice(name, locale.toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
// Just skip the locale if it's invalid.
// We used to catch only java.util.MissingResourceException,
// but we need to catch more exceptions to work around a bug
// in Google TTS when we query "bn".
// http://crbug.com/792856
return voices;
protected void onPostExecute(List<TtsVoice> voices) {
mVoices = voices;
mInitialized = true;
if (mPendingUtterance != null) mPendingUtterance.speak();
"TtsEngine:initialize_default", TtsEngine.this.hashCode());
private boolean isInitialized() {
return mInitialized;
private void setPendingUtterance(PendingUtterance pendingUtterance) {
mPendingUtterance = pendingUtterance;
private void clearPendingUtterance() {
mPendingUtterance = null;
private boolean speak(
int utteranceId, String text, String lang, float rate, float pitch, float volume) {
if (!isInitialized()) {
return false;
if (lang == null) {
mCurrentLanguage = null;
} else if (!TextUtils.equals(lang, mCurrentLanguage)) {
mTextToSpeech.setLanguage(LocaleUtils.forLanguageTag(lang.replace("_", "-")));
mCurrentLanguage = lang;
Bundle params = new Bundle();
if (volume != 1.0) {
params.putFloat(TextToSpeech.Engine.KEY_PARAM_VOLUME, volume);
int result =
text, TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, params, Integer.toString(utteranceId));
return (result == TextToSpeech.SUCCESS);
private void stop() {
if (isInitialized()) mTextToSpeech.stop();
if (mPendingUtterance != null) mPendingUtterance = null;
private TextToSpeech getTextToSpeech() {
return mTextToSpeech;
private List<TtsVoice> getVoices() {
return mVoices;
private long mNativeTtsPlatformImplAndroid;
private final TtsEngine mDefaultTtsEngine;
private final Map<String, TtsEngine> mNonDefaultTtsEnginesMap;
private TtsPlatformImpl(long nativeTtsPlatformImplAndroid) {
mNativeTtsPlatformImplAndroid = nativeTtsPlatformImplAndroid;
mDefaultTtsEngine = new TtsEngine(mNativeTtsPlatformImplAndroid);
mNonDefaultTtsEnginesMap = new HashMap<String, TtsEngine>();
private boolean isEngineInstalled(String engineId) {
for (TextToSpeech.EngineInfo engineInfo :
mDefaultTtsEngine.getTextToSpeech().getEngines()) {
if (TextUtils.equals(engineInfo.name, engineId)) return true;
return false;
private TtsEngine getOrCreateTtsEngine(String engineId) {
if (!mDefaultTtsEngine.isInitialized()
|| TextUtils.isEmpty(engineId)
|| TextUtils.equals(
engineId, mDefaultTtsEngine.getTextToSpeech().getDefaultEngine())
|| !isEngineInstalled(engineId)) {
return mDefaultTtsEngine;
if (mNonDefaultTtsEnginesMap.containsKey(engineId)) {
return mNonDefaultTtsEnginesMap.get(engineId);
TtsEngine ttsEngine = new TtsEngine(engineId);
mNonDefaultTtsEnginesMap.put(engineId, ttsEngine);
return ttsEngine;
* Create a TtsPlatformImpl object, which is owned by TtsPlatformImplAndroid
* on the C++ side.
* @param nativeTtsPlatformImplAndroid The C++ object that owns us.
private static TtsPlatformImpl create(long nativeTtsPlatformImplAndroid) {
return new TtsPlatformImpl(nativeTtsPlatformImplAndroid);
* Called when our C++ counterpoint is deleted. Clear the handle to our
* native C++ object, ensuring it's never called.
private void destroy() {
mNativeTtsPlatformImplAndroid = 0;
* @return true if our TextToSpeech object is initialized and we've
* finished scanning the list of voices.
private boolean isInitialized() {
return mDefaultTtsEngine.isInitialized();
* @return the number of voices.
private int getVoiceCount() {
assert mDefaultTtsEngine.isInitialized();
return mDefaultTtsEngine.getVoices().size();
* @return the name of the voice at a given index.
private String getVoiceName(int voiceIndex) {
assert mDefaultTtsEngine.isInitialized();
return mDefaultTtsEngine.getVoices().get(voiceIndex).mName;
* @return the language of the voice at a given index.
private String getVoiceLanguage(int voiceIndex) {
assert mDefaultTtsEngine.isInitialized();
return mDefaultTtsEngine.getVoices().get(voiceIndex).mLanguage;
* Attempt to start speaking an utterance. If it returns true, will call back on
* start and end.
* @param utteranceId A unique id for this utterance so that callbacks can be tied
* to a particular utterance.
* @param text The text to speak.
* @param lang The language code for the text (e.g., "en-US").
* @param engineId The ID of the underlying TTS engine to use for this utterance.
* If not specified or we are unable to create the engine, we use the default
* engine.
* @param rate The speech rate, in the units expected by Android TextToSpeech.
* @param pitch The speech pitch, in the units expected by Android TextToSpeech.
* @param volume The speech volume, in the units expected by Android TextToSpeech.
* @return true on success.
private boolean speak(
int utteranceId,
String text,
String lang,
String engineId,
float rate,
float pitch,
float volume) {
TtsEngine ttsEngine = getOrCreateTtsEngine(engineId);
if (!ttsEngine.isInitialized()) {
PendingUtterance pendingUtterance =
new PendingUtterance(
this, utteranceId, text, lang, engineId, rate, pitch, volume);
return true;
return ttsEngine.speak(utteranceId, text, lang, rate, pitch, volume);
/** Stop the current utterance. */
private void stop() {
for (Map.Entry<String, TtsEngine> entry : mNonDefaultTtsEnginesMap.entrySet()) {
private void clearPendingUtterances() {
for (Map.Entry<String, TtsEngine> entry : mNonDefaultTtsEnginesMap.entrySet()) {
/** Post a task to the UI thread to send the TTS "end" event. */
private void sendEndEventOnUiThread(final String utteranceId) {
() -> {
if (mNativeTtsPlatformImplAndroid != 0) {
/** Post a task to the UI thread to send the TTS "error" event. */
private void sendErrorEventOnUiThread(final String utteranceId) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(utteranceId)) {
// An empty string here is not supposed to happen, but crashes dictate that it does.
// https://crbug.com/40922353
() -> {
if (mNativeTtsPlatformImplAndroid != 0) {
/** Post a task to the UI thread to send the TTS "start" event. */
private void sendStartEventOnUiThread(final String utteranceId) {
() -> {
if (mNativeTtsPlatformImplAndroid != 0) {
private void addOnUtteranceProgressListener(TextToSpeech tts) {
new UtteranceProgressListener() {
public void onDone(final String utteranceId) {
public void onError(final String utteranceId, int errorCode) {
public void onError(final String utteranceId) {}
public void onStart(final String utteranceId) {
interface Natives {
void voicesChanged(long nativeTtsPlatformImplAndroid);
void onEndEvent(long nativeTtsPlatformImplAndroid, int utteranceId);
void onStartEvent(long nativeTtsPlatformImplAndroid, int utteranceId);
void onErrorEvent(long nativeTtsPlatformImplAndroid, int utteranceId);