// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.content_public.browser;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
* The NavigationController Java wrapper to allow communicating with the native
* NavigationController object.
public interface NavigationController {
* @return Whether back navigation is possible from the "current entry".
boolean canGoBack();
* @return Whether forward navigation is possible from the "current entry".
boolean canGoForward();
* @param offset The offset into the navigation history.
* @return Whether we can move in history by given offset
boolean canGoToOffset(int offset);
* Navigates to the specified offset from the "current entry". Does nothing if the offset is
* out of bounds.
* @param offset The offset into the navigation history.
void goToOffset(int offset);
* Navigates to the specified index in the navigation entry for this page.
* @param index The navigation index to navigate to.
void goToNavigationIndex(int index);
/** Goes to the first non-skippable navigation entry before the current. */
void goBack();
/** Goes to the first non-skippable navigation entry following the current. */
void goForward();
* @return Whether the tab is navigating to the URL the tab is opened with.
boolean isInitialNavigation();
/** Loads the current navigation if there is a pending lazy load (after tab restore). */
public void loadIfNecessary();
* @return Whether a reload has been requested.
public boolean needsReload();
/** Requests the current navigation to be loaded upon the next call to loadIfNecessary(). */
public void setNeedsReload();
/** Reload the current page. */
public void reload(boolean checkForRepost);
/** Reload the current page, bypassing the contents of the cache. */
public void reloadBypassingCache(boolean checkForRepost);
/** Cancel the pending reload. */
public void cancelPendingReload();
/** Continue the pending reload. */
public void continuePendingReload();
* Load url without fixing up the url string. Consumers of NavigationController are responsible
* for ensuring the URL passed in is properly formatted (i.e. the scheme has been added if left
* off during user input).
* @param params Parameters for this load.
* @return NavigationHandle for the initiated navigation (might be null if the navigation
* couldn't be started for some reason).
public @Nullable NavigationHandle loadUrl(LoadUrlParams params);
* Clears NavigationController's page history in both backwards and
* forwards directions.
public void clearHistory();
* Get a copy of the navigation history of NavigationController.
* @return navigation history of NavigationController.
public NavigationHistory getNavigationHistory();
* Get the navigation history of NavigationController from current navigation entry index
* with direction (forward/backward)
* @param isForward determines forward or backward from current index
* @param itemLimit maximum number of entries to be retrieved in specified
* diection.
* @return navigation history by keeping above constraints.
public NavigationHistory getDirectedNavigationHistory(boolean isForward, int itemLimit);
/** Clears SSL preferences for this NavigationController. */
public void clearSslPreferences();
* Get whether or not we're using a desktop user agent for the currently loaded page.
* @return true, if use a desktop user agent and false for a mobile one.
public boolean getUseDesktopUserAgent();
* Set whether or not we're using a desktop user agent for the currently loaded page.
* @param override If true, use a desktop user agent. Use a mobile one otherwise.
* @param reloadOnChange Reload the page if the UA has changed.
* @param caller The caller of this method.
public void setUseDesktopUserAgent(boolean override, boolean reloadOnChange, int caller);
* Return the NavigationEntry at the given index.
* @param index Index to retrieve the NavigationEntry for.
* @return Entry containing info about the navigation, null if the index is out of bounds.
public NavigationEntry getEntryAtIndex(int index);
* @return The {@link NavigationEntry} that is appropriate to be displayed in the address bar.
NavigationEntry getVisibleEntry();
* @return The pending {@link NavigationEntry} for this controller or {@code null} if none
* exists.
public NavigationEntry getPendingEntry();
* @return The index of the last committed entry.
public int getLastCommittedEntryIndex();
* Removes the entry at the specified |index|.
* @return false, if the index is the last committed index or the pending entry. Otherwise this
* call discards any transient or pending entries.
public boolean removeEntryAtIndex(int index);
* Discards any transient or pending entries, then discards all entries after the current entry
* index.
void pruneForwardEntries();
* Gets extra data on the {@link NavigationEntry} at {@code index}.
* @param index The index of the navigation entry.
* @param key The data key.
* @return The data value, or null if not found.
String getEntryExtraData(int index, String key);
* Sets extra data on the {@link NavigationEntry} at {@code index}.
* @param index The index of the navigation entry.
* @param key The data key.
* @param value The data value.
void setEntryExtraData(int index, String key, String value);