// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.content_public.browser;
import android.content.Context;
import android.util.Pair;
import org.chromium.base.Callback;
import org.chromium.content.browser.TracingControllerAndroidImpl;
* Controller for Chrome's tracing feature. The embedder may use this class to implement a UI for
* recording and sharing Chrome performance traces.
public interface TracingControllerAndroid {
* Creates a new TracingControllerAndroid instance.
* @param context the Context in which to create the controller.
* @return the controller.
public static TracingControllerAndroid create(Context context) {
return new TracingControllerAndroidImpl(context);
* @return true if a trace is being recorded.
boolean isTracing();
* @return the path of the current output file. Null if isTracing() false.
String getOutputPath();
* Start recording a trace to the specified file (if not null) or to a new file in the Downloads
* directory.
* Only one TracingControllerAndroid can be running at the same time. If another profiler is
* running when this method is called, it will be cancelled. If this profiler is already
* running, this method does nothing and returns false.
* @param filename The name of the file to output the profile data to, or null.
* @param showToasts Whether or not we want to show toasts during this profiling session.
* When we are timing the profile run we might not want to incur extra draw overhead of showing
* notifications about the profiling system, or the embedder may want to show such notifications
* themselves.
* @param categories Which categories to trace. See TracingController::StartTracing()
* (in content/public/browser/tracing_controller.h) for the format.
* @param traceOptions Which trace options to use. See
* TraceOptions::TraceOptions(const std::string& options_string)
* (in base/trace_event/trace_event_impl.h) for the format.
* @param compressFile Whether the trace file should be compressed (gzip).
* @param useProtobuf Whether to generate a binary protobuf trace or use
* the legacy JSON format.
* @return Whether tracing was started successfully.
boolean startTracing(
String filename,
boolean showToasts,
String categories,
String traceOptions,
boolean compressFile,
boolean useProtobuf);
* Stop recording and run |callback| when stopped.
* @param callback the Callback executed when tracing has stopped.
void stopTracing(Callback<Void> callback);
* Get known tracing categories and run |callback| with the set of known categories.
* @param callback the callback that receives the result.
* @return whether initiating the request was successful.
boolean getKnownCategories(Callback<String[]> callback);
* Get the current estimated trace buffer usage and approximate total event count in the buffer.
* @param callback the callback that receives the result as a Pair of (percentage_full,
* approximate_event_count).
* @return whether initiating the request was successful.
boolean getTraceBufferUsage(Callback<Pair<Float, Long>> callback);
* Clean any native dependencies of the controller. After the call, this class instance
* shouldn't be used.
void destroy();