// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.content_public.browser;
import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import org.chromium.base.TerminationStatus;
import org.chromium.blink.mojom.ViewportFit;
import org.chromium.ui.base.WindowAndroid;
import org.chromium.ui.mojom.VirtualKeyboardMode;
import org.chromium.url.GURL;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
* This class receives callbacks that act as hooks for various a native web contents events related
* to loading a url. A single web contents can have multiple WebContentObservers.
public abstract class WebContentsObserver {
// TODO(jdduke): Remove the destroy method and hold observer embedders
// responsible for explicit observer detachment.
// Using a weak reference avoids cycles that might prevent GC of WebView's WebContents.
protected WeakReference<WebContents> mWebContents;
public WebContentsObserver(WebContents webContents) {
mWebContents = new WeakReference<WebContents>(webContents);
* Called when a RenderFrame for renderFrameHost is created in the renderer process. To avoid
* creating a RenderFrameHost object without necessity, only its id is passed. Call
* WebContents#getRenderFrameHostFromId() to get the RenderFrameHost object if needed.
public void renderFrameCreated(GlobalRenderFrameHostId id) {}
/** Called when a RenderFrame for renderFrameHost is deleted in the renderer process. */
public void renderFrameDeleted(GlobalRenderFrameHostId id) {}
public void primaryMainFrameRenderProcessGone(@TerminationStatus int terminationStatus) {}
* Called when the browser process starts a navigation in the primary main frame.
* @param navigationHandle NavigationHandle are provided to several WebContentsObserver methods
* to allow observers to track specific navigations. Observers should clear any references
* to a NavigationHandle at didFinishNavigationInPrimaryMainFrame();
public void didStartNavigationInPrimaryMainFrame(NavigationHandle navigationHandle) {}
* Called when the browser process redirect a navigation.
* @param navigationHandle
* NavigationHandle are proided to several WebContentsObserver methods to allow
* observers to track specific navigations. Observers should clear any references to a
* NavigationHandle at didFinishNavigationInPrimaryMainFrame();
public void didRedirectNavigation(NavigationHandle navigationHandle) {}
* Called when the current navigation on the primary main frame is finished. This happens when a
* navigation is committed, aborted or replaced by a new one.
* @param navigationHandle
* NavigationHandle are provided to several WebContentsObserver methods to allow
* observers to track specific navigations. Observers should clear any references to a
* NavigationHandle at the end of this function.
public void didFinishNavigationInPrimaryMainFrame(NavigationHandle navigationHandle) {}
* Called when the a page starts loading.
* @param url The validated url for the loading page.
public void didStartLoading(GURL url) {}
* Called when the a page finishes loading.
* @param url The url for the page.
* @param isKnownValid Whether the url is known to be valid.
* TODO(yfriedman): There's currently a layering violation and this is needed for aw/
* For chrome, the url will always be valid.
public void didStopLoading(GURL url, boolean isKnownValid) {}
* Called when a page's load progress has changed.
* @param progress The load progress in the range of [0,1].
public void loadProgressChanged(float progress) {}
/** Called when a page's visible security state has changed. */
public void didChangeVisibleSecurityState() {}
* Called when an error occurs while loading a document that fails to load.
* @param isInPrimaryMainFrame Whether the navigation occurred in the primary main frame.
* @param errorCode Error code for the occurring error.
* @param failingUrl The url that was loading when the error occurred.
* @param frameLifecycleState The lifecycle state of the associated RenderFrameHost.
public void didFailLoad(
boolean isInPrimaryMainFrame,
int errorCode,
GURL failingUrl,
@LifecycleState int rfhLifecycleState) {}
/** Called when the page had painted something non-empty. */
public void didFirstVisuallyNonEmptyPaint() {}
/** The web contents was shown. */
public void wasShown() {}
/** The web contents was hidden. */
public void wasHidden() {}
* Title was set.
* @param title The updated title.
public void titleWasSet(String title) {}
/** Called once the window.document object of the main frame was created. */
public void primaryMainDocumentElementAvailable() {}
* Notifies that a load has finished for the primary main frame.
* @param rfhId Identifier of the navigating frame.
* @param url The validated URL that is being navigated to.
* @param isKnownValid Whether the URL is known to be valid.
* @param rfhLifecycleState The lifecycle state of the associated frame.
public void didFinishLoadInPrimaryMainFrame(
GlobalRenderFrameHostId rfhId,
GURL url,
boolean isKnownValid,
@LifecycleState int rfhLifecycleState) {}
* Notifies that the document has finished loading for the primary main frame.
* @param rfhId Identifier of the navigating frame.
* @param rfhLifecycleState The lifecycle state of the associated frame.
public void documentLoadedInPrimaryMainFrame(
GlobalRenderFrameHostId rfhId, @LifecycleState int rfhLifecycleState) {}
* Notifies that a navigation entry has been committed.
* @param details Details of committed navigation entry.
public void navigationEntryCommitted(LoadCommittedDetails details) {}
/** Called when navigation entries were removed. */
public void navigationEntriesDeleted() {}
/** Called when navigation entries were changed. */
public void navigationEntriesChanged() {}
/** Called when a frame receives user activation. */
public void frameReceivedUserActivation() {}
/** Called when the theme color was changed. */
public void didChangeThemeColor() {}
/** Called when the background color was changed. */
public void onBackgroundColorChanged() {}
* Called when media started playing. Unlike the native version, this does not identify which
* player because we don't have a type for it, but nothing currently needs it anyway.
public void mediaStartedPlaying() {}
* Called when media stopped playing. Unlike the native version, this does not identify which
* player because we don't have a type for it, but nothing currently needs it anyway.
public void mediaStoppedPlaying() {}
* Called when Media in the Web Contents leaves or enters fullscreen mode.
* @param isFullscreen whether fullscreen is being entered or left.
public void hasEffectivelyFullscreenVideoChange(boolean isFullscreen) {}
* Called when the Web Contents is toggled into or out of fullscreen mode by the renderer.
* @param enteredFullscreen whether fullscreen is being entered or left.
* @param willCauseResize whether the change to fullscreen will cause the contents to resize.
public void didToggleFullscreenModeForTab(boolean enteredFullscreen, boolean willCauseResize) {}
* The Viewport Fit Type passed to viewportFitChanged. This is mirrored
* in an enum in display_cutout.mojom.
@IntDef({ViewportFit.AUTO, ViewportFit.CONTAIN, ViewportFit.COVER})
public @interface ViewportFitType {}
* Called when the viewport fit of the Web Contents changes.
* @param value the new viewport fit value.
public void viewportFitChanged(@ViewportFitType int value) {}
* Called when the virtual keyboard mode of the Web Contents changes.
* @param mode the new virtual keyboard mode.
public void virtualKeyboardModeChanged(@VirtualKeyboardMode.EnumType int mode) {}
/** This method is invoked when a RenderWidgetHost for a WebContents gains focus. */
public void onWebContentsFocused() {}
* This method is invoked when a RenderWidgetHost for a WebContents loses focus. This may
* be immediately followed by onWebContentsFocused if focus was moving between two
* RenderWidgetHosts within the same WebContents.
public void onWebContentsLostFocus() {}
/** Called when the top level WindowAndroid changes. */
public void onTopLevelNativeWindowChanged(@Nullable WindowAndroid windowAndroid) {}
/** Called when a MediaSession is created for the WebContents. */
public void mediaSessionCreated(MediaSession mediaSession) {}
/** Stop observing the web contents and clean up associated references. */
public void destroy() {
if (mWebContents == null) return;
final WebContents webContents = mWebContents.get();
mWebContents = null;
if (webContents == null) return;
protected WebContentsObserver() {}