
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "base/callback_list.h"

#include <memory>
#include <utility>

#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_helpers.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace base {
namespace {

class Listener {};

class Remover {};

class Adder {};

class Summer {};

class Counter {};

// Sanity check that we can instantiate a CallbackList for each arity.
TEST(CallbackListTest, ArityTest) {}

// Sanity check that closures added to the list will be run, and those removed
// from the list will not be run.
TEST(CallbackListTest, BasicTest) {}

// Similar to BasicTest but with OnceCallbacks instead of Repeating.
TEST(CallbackListTest, OnceCallbacks) {}

// Sanity check that callbacks with details added to the list will be run, with
// the correct details, and those removed from the list will not be run.
TEST(CallbackListTest, BasicTestWithParams) {}

// Test the a callback can remove itself or a different callback from the list
// during iteration without invalidating the iterator.
TEST(CallbackListTest, RemoveCallbacksDuringIteration) {}

// Similar to RemoveCallbacksDuringIteration but with OnceCallbacks instead of
// Repeating.
TEST(CallbackListTest, RemoveOnceCallbacksDuringIteration) {}

// Test that a callback can add another callback to the list durning iteration
// without invalidating the iterator. The newly added callback should be run on
// the current iteration as will all other callbacks in the list.
TEST(CallbackListTest, AddCallbacksDuringIteration) {}

// Sanity check: notifying an empty list is a no-op.
TEST(CallbackListTest, EmptyList) {}

// empty() should be callable during iteration, and return false if not all the
// remaining callbacks in the list are null.
TEST(CallbackListTest, NonEmptyListDuringIteration) {}

// empty() should be callable during iteration, and return true if all the
// remaining callbacks in the list are null.
TEST(CallbackListTest, EmptyListDuringIteration) {}

TEST(CallbackListTest, RemovalCallback) {}

TEST(CallbackListTest, AbandonSubscriptions) {}

// Subscriptions should be movable.
TEST(CallbackListTest, MoveSubscription) {}

TEST(CallbackListTest, CancelBeforeRunning) {}

// Verifies Notify() can be called reentrantly and what its expected effects
// are.
TEST(CallbackListTest, ReentrantNotify) {}

}  // namespace
}  // namespace base