
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


namespace content {

// Reflects the web-exposed isolation properties of a given frame or worker.
// For the frame, this depends both on the process in which the frame lives, as
// well as the agent cluster into which it has been placed. For a worker, this
// depends on the process in which the worker lives.
// Three broad categories are possible:
// 1.  The frame or worker may not be isolated in a web-facing way.
// 2.  The frame or worker may be "cross-origin isolated", corresponding to the
//     value returned by `WorkerOrWindowGlobalScope.crossOriginIsolated`, and
//     gating the set of APIs which specify [CrossOriginIsolated] attributes.
//     The requirements for this level of isolation are described in [1] and [2]
//     below.
//     In practice this means that the frame or worker are guaranteed to be
//     hosted in a process that is isolated to the frame or worker's origin.
//     Additionally for frames, the frame may embed cross-origin frames and
//     workers only if they have opted in to being embedded by asserting CORS or
//     CORP headers.
// 3.  The frame or worker may be an "isolated application", corresponding to a
//     mostly TBD set of restrictions we're exploring in
//, and which currently gate the set of APIs
//     which specify [IsolatedContext] attributes.
// The enum below is ordered from least-isolated to most-isolated.
// [1]
// [2]
// NOTE: some of the information needed to fully determine a frame or worker's
// isolation status is currently not available in the browser process.
// Access to web platform API's must be checked in the renderer, with the
// WebExposedIsolationLevel on the browser side only used as a backup to
// catch misbehaving renderers.
enum class WebExposedIsolationLevel {};

}  // namespace content