
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <map>

#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/per_web_ui_browser_interface_broker.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_ui_controller.h"

namespace content {

// A lightweight class to help interface registration. Shouldn't be used outside
// of registration process.
template <typename ControllerType>
class InterfaceRegistrationHelper {};

// Maintains a mapping from WebUIController::Type to a list of interfaces
// exposed to MojoJS, and provides methods to set up an interface broker that
// only brokers the registered interfaces for the WebUIController.
// To register interfaces for WebUI, use the following code:
// registry.ForWebUI<ControllerType>
//    .Add<Interface1>()
//    .Add<Interface2>();
// Background:
// Renderer exposed Mojo interfaces in general use a mojo::BinderMap where
// *all* interface binders are registered. When the renderer requests an
// interface, we look for the interface binder in that map and run it.
// At a high level, WebUI interfaces work slightly different. Rather than
// using the general mojo::BinderMap that has all renderer-exposed
// interfaces, each WebUI has its own mojo::BinderMap that contains only the
// interfaces exposed to the WebUI. When a WebUI's JS requests an interface,
// it uses that mojo::BinderMap and not the general one.
// The implementation of this is done through
// WebUIBrowserInterfaceBrokerRegistry which works as follows:
//   1. When we register interfaces for a WebUI, we create a
//      a vector of "binder initializers" and add it to a map i.e.
//      (WebUI type -> vector<BinderInitializer>). These binder initializers
//      are repeating callbacks that wrap a call to BinderMap::Add() with an
//      interface binder. Interface binders themselves are repeating callbacks
//      that bind Mojo interfaces. Ideally, we would store the binders directly
//      and pass them to the BinderMap in step 2., but BinderMap::Add() requires
//      a template argument, so we need the binder initializer wrapper.
//   2. When a WebUI starts loading, we check the binder initialializers map to
//      see if the WebUI is in the map, and if it is, we create a
//      PerWebUIBrowserInterfaceBroker, which subclasses BrowserInterfaceBroker.
//      PerWebUIBrowserInterfaceBroker owns a mojo::BinderMap and runs the
//      binder initializers for the WebUI, registering all the interface binders
//      for the WebUI in the mojo::BinderMap.
//   3. The PerWebUIBrowserInterfaceBroker is then stored in the
//      WebUIController and a `BrowserInterfaceBroker` remote endpoint is sent
//      to the renderer.
//   4. Through `BrowserInterfaceBroker::GetInterface()` the JS can request
//      other remote endpoints.
class CONTENT_EXPORT WebUIBrowserInterfaceBrokerRegistry {};

}  // namespace content