# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
if (is_android) {
# See //content/BUILD.gn for how this works. Note that targets in `//content`
# will want to include `:common_sources` directly.
group("common") {
if (is_component_build) {
public_deps = [ "//content" ]
} else {
public_deps = [ ":common_sources" ]
# This target allows other targets to depend on result_codes.h which is a
# header-only dependency, without bringing in all of content.
source_set("result_codes") {
sources = [ "result_codes.h" ]
# This target allows other targets to depend on content_descriptors.h which is
# a header-only dependency, without bringing in all of content.
source_set("content_descriptors") {
sources = [ "content_descriptors.h" ]
deps = [ "//build:chromeos_buildflags" ]
source_set("content_descriptor_keys") {
sources = [
# This target allows other targets to depend on sandbox_support_linux.h which is
# a header-only dependency, without bringing in all of content.
if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
source_set("sandbox_support_linux") {
public = [
deps = [
# Forces static linking for targets using the static_switches constants, even
# in the component build. This config makes it impossible to use the static
# switches target and use the rest of content at the same time, because the
# component export flags won't be consistent.
config("static_switches_defines") {
# This target allows you to use the content_switches constants and statically
# link to it, without depending on the rest of content. This is only for use
# without content, or you will get multiply defined symbols.
source_set("static_switches") {
public = [ "content_switches.h" ]
sources = [
public_configs = [ ":static_switches_defines" ]
# Deps required by the above headers.
deps = [
# This target allowing depending on content_switches without depending on the
# rest of common_sources and its dependencies. Note that unlike the targets
# above, this is for use inside of content/ only and does not link statically.
source_set("switches") {
visibility = [ "//content/*" ]
public = [ "content_switches.h" ]
sources = [
# Deps required by the above header.
deps = [
configs += [ "//content:content_implementation" ]
if (enable_ipc_fuzzer) {
configs += [ "//tools/ipc_fuzzer:ipc_fuzzer_config" ]
# This target allows you to use the content MainFunctionParams struct and
# statically link to it, without depending on the rest of content. This is only
# for use without content, or you will get multiply defined symbols.
source_set("static_main_function_params") {
public = [ "main_function_params.h" ]
sources = [
public_deps = [ "//base" ]
public_configs = [ ":static_switches_defines" ]
# Target for depending on main_function_params.h. This can be included without
# depending on all the rest of content, but unlike static_main_function_params,
# this can be combined with the rest of content.
component("main_function_params") {
public = [ "main_function_params.h" ]
sources = [
deps = [ "//base" ]
configs += [ "//content:content_implementation" ]
source_set("common_sources") {
# External code should depend on via ":common" above.
visibility = [ "//content/*" ]
sources = [
if (is_win) {
sources += [
if (is_android) {
sources += [
configs += [
public_configs = [ "//v8:external_startup_data" ]
public_deps = [
deps = [
# This looks needless as we have //content/common in public_deps, but it's
# needed because of allow_circular_includes_from.
if (use_aura) {
deps += [ "//ui/aura" ]
if (is_android) {
deps += [ "//content/public/android:public_common_jni" ]
if (is_win) {
deps += [ "//sandbox/win:common" ]
if (is_chromeos_ash) {
public_deps += [ "//media/capture/video/chromeos/public" ]
if (is_linux || is_chromeos) {
sources += [
if (use_zygote) {
sources += [ "zygote/zygote_handle.h" ]
if (rtc_use_pipewire) {
configs +=
[ "//third_party/webrtc/modules/desktop_capture:pipewire_config" ]
# //content/common needs to include public headers.
allow_circular_includes_from = [
if (enable_plugins) {
sources += [
if (enable_ppapi) {
deps += [ "//ppapi/c" ]
if (use_clang_profiling_inside_sandbox) {
sources += [ "profiling_utils.h" ]
_common_param_traits_headers = [ "common_param_traits_macros.h" ]
_common_param_traits_deps = [
mojom("interfaces") {
# We don't want Blink variants of these bindings to be generated.
disable_variants = true
# Must depend on //content/public/common/ instead, for component build.
visibility = [
sources = [
if (is_win) {
sources += [ "font_cache_win.mojom" ]
deps = [
# This dependency is really a dependency for the typemaps, but we need
# it here so that we can override it correctly for the component build.
component_output_prefix = "content_public_common_mojo_bindings"
export_class_attribute = "CONTENT_EXPORT"
export_define = "CONTENT_IMPLEMENTATION=1"
export_header = "content/common/content_export.h"
overridden_deps = [ "//third_party/blink/public/mojom:mojom_platform" ]
component_deps = [ "//third_party/blink/public/common" ]
cpp_typemaps = [
types = [
mojom = "content.mojom.DropData"
cpp = "::content::DropData"
traits_headers = [ "drop_data.h" ]
traits_private_headers = _common_param_traits_headers
traits_deps = _common_param_traits_deps
types = [
mojom = "content.mojom.WebPluginInfo"
cpp = "::content::WebPluginInfo"
traits_headers = [ "webplugininfo.h" ]
traits_private_headers = [ "webplugininfo_param_traits.h" ]
traits_public_deps = [
traits_deps = [ "//ipc" ]
mojom("renderer_type") {
sources = [ "media_playback_renderer_type.mojom" ]
if (is_android) {
java_cpp_features("java_features_srcjar") {
# External code should depend on ":common_java" instead.
visibility = [ ":*" ]
sources = [ "//content/public/common/content_features.cc" ]
template = "//content/public/common/android/java_templates/ContentFeatures.java.tmpl"
android_library("common_java") {
# Right now, this only includes the Java features. But if we need more Java
# files, they should be added here as necessary.
srcjar_deps = [ ":java_features_srcjar" ]