
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


namespace content {

// This is a list of global descriptor keys to be used with the
// base::FileDescriptorStore object (see base/file_descriptor_store.h)

extern const char kV8SnapshotDataDescriptor[];
extern const char kV8Snapshot32DataDescriptor[];
extern const char kV8Snapshot64DataDescriptor[];
extern const char kV8ContextSnapshotDataDescriptor[];
extern const char kV8ContextSnapshot32DataDescriptor[];
extern const char kV8ContextSnapshot64DataDescriptor[];

// A list of directories the network service needs (recursive) access to in
// order to function.
extern const char kNetworkContextParentDirsDescriptor[];

}  // namespace content