
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file defines macros for defining browser tests. The macros mirror
// googletest's built-in `TEST_F()` and `TEST_P()` macros. Note that there is no
// equivalent to googletest's `TEST()` macro, as browser tests always require a
// test fixture.
// `IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(TestFixture, Name)` is analogous to `TEST_F()`.
// `TestFixture` should be a subclass of `content::BrowserTestBase`, e.g.
// `content::ContentBrowserTest` for browser tests that only need features from
// content_shell, `InProcessBrowserTest` for tests that require Chrome features,
// et cetera.
// To add additional functionality, e.g. helper methods, to a test fixture,
// subclass `content::ContentBrowserTest`, `InProcessBrowserTest`, et cetera,
// *not* `content::BrowserTestBase`. `content::BrowserTestBase` provides
// low-level functionality shared amongst different types of browser tests, but
// does not actually define how to launch and run the test in an actual browser.
// `IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_P(TestFixture, Name)` is similar to `TEST_P()`.
// Parameterized tests will need to define their own test fixture by subclassing
// from `content::ContentBrowserTest`, `InProcessBrowserTest`, et cetera as
// noted above *and* `::testing::WithParamInterface<T>`.
// Finally, note that like googletest, the browser test fixture is *not* reused
// across different test runs, and each test run gets a clean profile. However,
// browser tests that need to exercise functionality across browser restarts can
// define two tests and link them together using `PRE_` tests, e.g.:
//   using MyBrowserTest = content::ContentBrowserTest;
//   IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(MyBrowserTest, PRE_MyTest) {
//     ...
//   }
//   IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(MyBrowserTest, MyTest) {
//     ...
//   }
// MyBrowserTest.PRE_MyTest will always run before MyBrowserTest.MyTest; more
// importantly, profile data is not reset between runs. In addition, the `PRE_`
// prefix applies recursively, e.g. `PRE_PRE_MyTest` runs before `PRE_MyTest`.


// We only want to use InProcessBrowserTest in test targets which properly
// isolate each test case by running each test in a separate process.
// This way if a test hangs the test launcher can reliably terminate it.
// InProcessBrowserTest cannot be run more than once in the same address space
// anyway - otherwise the second test crashes.
#error Can't reliably terminate hanging event tests without OOP test runner.

#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

#define IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_(test_case_name, test_name, parent_class,        \

#define IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(test_fixture, test_name)

#define IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_P_(test_case_name, test_name)

// Wrap the real macro with an outer macro to ensure that the parameters are
// evaluated (e.g., if |test_name| is prefixed with MAYBE_).
#define IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_P(test_case_name, test_name)