
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include <memory>
#include <vector>

#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "services/network/public/cpp/url_loader_completion_status.h"

namespace content {

class BrowserContext;
class KeepAliveURLLoadersTestObserverImpl;

// Observes behaviors of all `KeepAliveURLLoader` instances in synchronous way.
// KeepAliveURLLoader itself is running in browser UI thread, but there can be
// multiple instances created and triggered by different renderers.
// For example:
//   - Renderer A triggers `KeepAliveURLLoader::OnReceiveRedirectForwarded()`
//     and then `KeepAliveURLLoader::OnReceiveResponseProcessed()
//   - Renderer B triggers `KeepAliveURLLoader::OnReceiveRedirectForwarded()`
//     twice.
//   - Users can call `WaitForTotalOnReceiveRedirectForwarded()` to wait until
//     all 3 triggerings of `KeepAliveURLLoader::OnReceiveRedirectForwarded()`
//     completed.
// The methods provided by this class can also be used to assert that
// KeepAliveURLLoader has entered certain state, e.g.
// `WaitForTotalOnReceiveRedirectProcessed()` indicates the loader handles the
// redirect itself rather than handing over to renderer as renderer is gone.
class KeepAliveURLLoadersTestObserver {};

}  // namespace content