
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <memory>

#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_child_process_observer.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
#include "content/public/browser/content_browser_client.h"
#include "content/public/browser/global_routing_id.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/fetch/fetch_api_request_headers_map.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/fetch/fetch_api_request.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/loader/referrer.mojom-forward.h"

#include <jni.h>

namespace base {
class CommandLine;
}  // namespace base

// A collection of functions designed for use with unit and browser tests.

namespace content {

class RenderFrameHost;

// Create an blink::mojom::FetchAPIRequestPtr with given fields.
blink::mojom::FetchAPIRequestPtr CreateFetchAPIRequest(
    const GURL& url,
    const std::string& method,
    const blink::FetchAPIRequestHeadersMap& headers,
    blink::mojom::ReferrerPtr referrer,
    bool is_reload);

// Deprecated: Use RunLoop::Run(). Use RunLoop::Type::kNestableTasksAllowed to
// force nesting in browser tests.
void RunMessageLoop();

// Turns on nestable tasks, runs all pending tasks in the message loop, then
// resets nestable tasks to what they were originally. Can only be called from
// the UI thread. Only use this instead of RunLoop::RunUntilIdle() to work
// around cases where a task keeps reposting itself and prevents the loop from
// going idle.
// TODO(gab): Assess whether this API is really needed. If you find yourself
// needing this, post a comment on
void RunAllPendingInMessageLoop();

// Deprecated: For BrowserThread::IO use
// BrowserTaskEnvironment::RunIOThreadUntilIdle. For the main thread use
// RunLoop. In non-unit-tests use RunLoop::QuitClosure to observe async events
// rather than flushing entire threads.
void RunAllPendingInMessageLoop(BrowserThread::ID thread_id);

// Runs all tasks on the current thread and ThreadPool threads until idle.
// Note: Prefer BrowserTaskEnvironment::RunUntilIdle() in unit tests.
void RunAllTasksUntilIdle();

// Get task to quit the given RunLoop. It allows a few generations of pending
// tasks to run as opposed to run_loop->QuitClosure().
// Prefer RunLoop::RunUntilIdle() to this.
// TODO(gab): Assess the need for this API (see comment on
// RunAllPendingInMessageLoop() above).
base::OnceClosure GetDeferredQuitTaskForRunLoop(base::RunLoop* run_loop);

// Returns true if all sites are isolated. Typically used to bail from a test
// that is incompatible with --site-per-process.
bool AreAllSitesIsolatedForTesting();

// Returns true if |origin| is currently isolated with respect to the
// BrowsingInstance of |site_instance|. This is only relevant for
// OriginAgentCluster isolation, and not other types of origin isolation.
// Note: this only indicates logcial OriginAgentCluster isolation, and says
// nothing about process-isolation (RequiresOriginKeyedProcess).
bool IsOriginAgentClusterEnabledForOrigin(SiteInstance* site_instance,
                                          const url::Origin& origin);

// Returns true if default SiteInstances are enabled. Typically used in a test
// to mark expectations specific to default SiteInstances.
bool AreDefaultSiteInstancesEnabled();

// Returns true if the process model only allows a SiteInstance to contain
// a single site.
bool AreStrictSiteInstancesEnabled();

// Returns true if a test needs to register an origin for isolation to ensure
// that navigations, for that origin, are placed in a dedicated process. Some
// process model modes allow sites to share a process if they are not isolated.
// This helper indicates when such a mode is in use and indicates the test must
// register an isolated origin to ensure the origin gets placed in its own
// process.
bool IsIsolatedOriginRequiredToGuaranteeDedicatedProcess();

// Appends --site-per-process to the command line, enabling tests to exercise
// site isolation and cross-process iframes. This must be called early in
// the test; the flag will be read on the first real navigation.
void IsolateAllSitesForTesting(base::CommandLine* command_line);

// Whether same-site navigations might result in a change of RenderFrameHosts -
// this will happen when ProactivelySwapBrowsingInstance, RenderDocument or
// back-forward cache is enabled on same-site main frame navigations. Note that
// even if this returns true, not all same-site main frame navigations will
// result in a change of RenderFrameHosts, e.g. if RenderDocument is disabled
// but BFCache is enabled, this will return true but only same-site navigations
// from pages that are BFCache-eligible will result in a RenderFrameHost change.
bool CanSameSiteMainFrameNavigationsChangeRenderFrameHosts();

// Whether same-site navigations will result in a change of RenderFrameHosts,
// which will happen when RenderDocument is enabled. Due to the various levels
// of the feature, the result may differ depending on whether the
// RenderFrameHost is a main/local root/non-local-root frame.
bool WillSameSiteNavigationChangeRenderFrameHosts(bool is_main_frame,
                                                  bool is_local_root = true);

// Whether same-site navigations might result in a change of SiteInstances -
// this will happen when ProactivelySwapBrowsingInstance or back-forward cache
// is enabled on same-site main frame navigations.
// Note that unlike WillSameSiteNavigationChangeRenderFrameHosts()
// above, this will not be true when RenderDocument for main-frame is enabled.
bool CanSameSiteMainFrameNavigationsChangeSiteInstances();

// Returns true if navigation queueing is fully enabled, where we will queue new
// navigations that happen when there is an existing pending commit navigation.
bool IsNavigationQueueingEnabled();

// Makes sure that navigations that start in |rfh| won't result in a proactive
// BrowsingInstance swap (note they might still result in a normal
// BrowsingInstance swap, e.g. in the case of cross-site navigations).
void DisableProactiveBrowsingInstanceSwapFor(RenderFrameHost* rfh);

// Returns a GURL constructed from the WebUI scheme and the given host.
GURL GetWebUIURL(const std::string& host);

// Returns a string constructed from the WebUI scheme and the given host.
std::string GetWebUIURLString(const std::string& host);

// Creates a WebContents and attaches it as an inner WebContents, replacing
// |rfh| in the frame tree. |rfh| should not be a main frame (in a browser test,
// it should be an <iframe>). Delegate interfaces are mocked out.
// Returns a pointer to the inner WebContents, which is now owned by the outer
// WebContents. The caller should be careful when retaining the pointer, as the
// inner WebContents will be deleted if the frame it's attached to goes away.
WebContents* CreateAndAttachInnerContents(RenderFrameHost* rfh);

// Spins a run loop until IsDocumentOnLoadCompletedInPrimaryMainFrame() is true.
void AwaitDocumentOnLoadCompleted(WebContents* web_contents);

// Sets the focused frame of `web_contents` to the `rfh` for tests that rely on
// the focused frame not being null.
void FocusWebContentsOnFrame(WebContents* web_contents, RenderFrameHost* rfh);

// Helper class to Run and Quit the message loop. Run and Quit can only happen
// once per instance. Make a new instance for each use. Calling Quit after Run
// has returned is safe and has no effect.
// Note that by default Quit does not quit immediately. If that is not what you
// really need, pass QuitMode::IMMEDIATE in the constructor.
// DEPRECATED. Consider using base::RunLoop, in most cases MessageLoopRunner is
// not needed.  If you need to defer quitting the loop, use
// RunLoop::RunUntilIdle() and if you really think you need deferred quit (can't
// reach idle, please post details in a comment on
class MessageLoopRunner : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<MessageLoopRunner> {};

// Helper to wait for loading to stop on a WebContents.
// This helper class exists to avoid the following common pattern in tests:
//   PerformAction()
//   WaitForCompletionNotification()
// The pattern leads to flakiness as there is a window between PerformAction
// returning and the observers getting registered, where a notification will be
// missed.
// Rather, one can do this:
//   LoadStopObserver signal(web_contents)
//   PerformAction()
//   signal.Wait()
class LoadStopObserver : public WebContentsObserver {};

// Unit tests can use code which runs in the utility process by having it run on
// an in-process utility thread. This eliminates having two code paths in
// production code to deal with unit tests, and also helps with the binary
// separation on Windows since chrome.dll doesn't need to call into Blink code
// for some utility code to handle the single process case.
// Include this class as a member variable in your test harness if you take
// advantage of this functionality to ensure that the in-process utility thread
// is torn down correctly. See for more information.
// Note: this class should be declared after the BrowserTaskEnvironment and
// ShadowingAtExitManager (if it exists) as it will need to be run before they
// are torn down.
class InProcessUtilityThreadHelper : public BrowserChildProcessObserver {};

// This observer keeps tracks of whether a given RenderFrameHost has received
// WebContentsObserver::RenderFrameDeleted.
class RenderFrameDeletedObserver : public WebContentsObserver {};

// This class holds a RenderFrameHost*, providing safe access to it for testing.
// If the RFH is destroyed, it can no longer be accessed. Attempting to access
// it via dereference will cause a DCHECK failure.
// For convenience, it also wraps a RenderFrameDeletedObserver and provides
// access to |deleted| and |WaitForDeleted|. Note, deletion of the RenderFrame
// does not always correspond to destruction of the RenderFrameHost, see
// the comments on |RenderFrameDeletedObserver|).
class RenderFrameHostWrapper {};

// Watches a WebContents. Can be used to block until it is destroyed or just
// merely report if it was destroyed.
class WebContentsDestroyedWatcher : public WebContentsObserver {};

// Watches a web contents for page scales.
class TestPageScaleObserver : public WebContentsObserver {};

class EffectiveURLContentBrowserClientHelper {};

// A custom ContentBrowserClient that simulates GetEffectiveURL() translation
// for one or more URL pairs.  |requires_dedicated_process| indicates whether
// the client should indicate that each registered URL requires a dedicated
// process.  Passing |false| for it will rely on default behavior computed in
// SiteInstanceImpl::DoesSiteRequireDedicatedProcess().
// Do not use this in browser tests. Instead use
// EffectiveURLContentBrowserTestContentBrowserClient.
class EffectiveURLContentBrowserClient : public ContentBrowserClient {};

// Wrapper around `SetBrowserClientForTesting()` that ensures the
// previous content browser client is restored upon destruction. This is
// unnecessary in browser tests. In browser tests subclass
// ContentBrowserTestContentBrowserClient and it will take care of this for you.
class ScopedContentBrowserClientSetting final {};

}  // namespace content