
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "base/task/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/renderer/media/android/stream_texture_factory.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/mailbox.h"
#include "media/base/android/stream_texture_wrapper.h"
#include "media/base/video_frame.h"

namespace content {

// Concrete implementation of StreamTextureWrapper. Any method can be called on
// any thread, but additional threading considerations are listed in the
// comments of individual methods.
// The StreamTexture is an abstraction allowing Chrome to wrap a SurfaceOwner
// living in the GPU process. It allows VideoFrames to be created from the
// SurfaceOwner's texture, in the Renderer process.
// The general idea behind our use of StreamTexture is as follows:
// - We request the creation of a StreamTexture via the StreamTextureFactory.
// The call is sent to the GPU process via the CommandBuffer. A StreamTexture is
// then created, wrapping a SurfaceOwner. The SurfaceOwner's
// OnFrameAvailable() callback is tied to StreamTexture's OnFrameAvailable(),
// which fires an IPC across the GPU channel.
// - We create a StreamTextureProxy in the Renderer process which listens for
// the IPC fired by the StreamTexture's OnFrameAvailable() callback.
// - We bind the StreamTextureProxy's lifetime to the |compositor_task_runner_|.
// - We create a SharedImage mailbox representing the StreamTexture at a given
// size.
// - We create a VideoFrame which takes ownership of this SharedImage mailbox.
// - When the SurfaceOwner's OnFrameAvailable() callback is fired (and routed
// to the StreamTextureProxy living on the compositor thread), we notify
// |client_| that a new frame is available, via the DidReceiveFrame() callback.
// - When the StreamTextureProxy is destroyed, it delivers a notification over
// the channel, cleaning up the StreamTexture ref in the GPU process.
class CONTENT_EXPORT StreamTextureWrapperImpl
    : public media::StreamTextureWrapper {
  // |enable_texture_copy| controls the VideoFrameMetadata::COPY_REQUIRED flag,
  // making sure it is correctly set on |current_frame_|, for webview scenarios.
  static media::ScopedStreamTextureWrapper Create(
      bool enable_texture_copy,
      scoped_refptr<StreamTextureFactory> factory,
      scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> main_task_runner);

  StreamTextureWrapperImpl(const StreamTextureWrapperImpl&) = delete;
  StreamTextureWrapperImpl& operator=(const StreamTextureWrapperImpl&) = delete;

  // Creates the underlying StreamTexture, and binds |stream_texture_proxy_| to
  // |compositor_task_runner|.
  // Additional threading considerations:
  //   - Can be called from any thread.
  //   - Initialization will be posted to |main_task_runner_|.
  //   - |init_cb| will be run on the calling thread, and will be passed a bool
  //     indicating whether the initialization was successful.
  //   - New frames will be signaled on |compositor_task_runner| via |client|'s
  //     DidReceiveFrame() method.
  void Initialize(
      const base::RepeatingClosure& received_frame_cb,
      scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> compositor_task_runner,
      StreamTextureWrapperInitCB init_cb) override;

  // Should be called when the Video size changes.
  // Can be called from any thread, but runs on |main_task_runner_|.
  void UpdateTextureSize(const gfx::Size& rotated_visible_size) override;

  // Returns the latest frame.
  // N.B: We create a single VideoFrame at initialization time (and update it
  // in UpdateTextureSize()), and repeatedly return it here. The underlying
  // texture's changes are signalled via |client|'s DidReceiveFrame() callback.
  scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame> GetCurrentFrame() override;

  // Sends the StreamTexture to the browser process, to fulfill the request
  // identified by |request_token|.
  // Uses the gpu::ScopedSurfaceRequestConduit to forward the underlying
  // SurfaceTexture to the ScopedSurfaceRequestManager.
  void ForwardStreamTextureForSurfaceRequest(
      const base::UnguessableToken& request_token) override;

  // Clears the |received_frame_cb| passed in Initialize().
  // Should be safe to call from any thread.
  void ClearReceivedFrameCBOnAnyThread() override;

      bool enable_texture_copy,
      scoped_refptr<StreamTextureFactory> factory,
      scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> main_task_runner);
  ~StreamTextureWrapperImpl() override;

  // Destroys |this| safely on |main_task_runner_|.
  void Destroy() override;

  void InitializeOnMainThread(const base::RepeatingClosure& received_frame_cb,
                              StreamTextureWrapperInitCB init_cb);

  void CreateVideoFrame(const gpu::Mailbox& mailbox,
                        const gfx::Size& coded_size,
                        const gfx::Rect& visible_rect,
                        const std::optional<gpu::VulkanYCbCrInfo>& ycbcr_info);

  void SetCurrentFrameInternal(scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame> video_frame);

  bool enable_texture_copy_;

  // Object for calling back the compositor thread to repaint the video when a
  // frame is available. It should be bound to |compositor_task_runner_|.
  ScopedStreamTextureProxy stream_texture_proxy_;

  // Visible size of the video with rotation applied.
  gfx::Size rotated_visible_size_;

  scoped_refptr<StreamTextureFactory> factory_;

  base::Lock current_frame_lock_;
  scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame> current_frame_;

  scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> main_task_runner_;
  scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> compositor_task_runner_;

  base::WeakPtrFactory<StreamTextureWrapperImpl> weak_factory_{this};

}  // namespace media