
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "content/renderer/pepper/host_var_tracker.h"
#include "ppapi/shared_impl/callback_tracker.h"
#include "ppapi/shared_impl/ppapi_globals.h"
#include "ppapi/shared_impl/resource_tracker.h"
#include "ppapi/shared_impl/var_tracker.h"

namespace content {

class PepperPluginInstanceImpl;
class PluginModule;

class HostGlobals : public ppapi::PpapiGlobals {

  HostGlobals(const HostGlobals&) = delete;
  HostGlobals& operator=(const HostGlobals&) = delete;

  ~HostGlobals() override;

  // Getter for the global singleton. Generally, you should use
  // PpapiGlobals::Get() when possible. Use this only when you need some
  // host-specific functionality.
  inline static HostGlobals* Get() {
    return static_cast<HostGlobals*>(PpapiGlobals::Get());

  // PpapiGlobals implementation.
  ppapi::ResourceTracker* GetResourceTracker() override;
  ppapi::VarTracker* GetVarTracker() override;
  ppapi::CallbackTracker* GetCallbackTrackerForInstance(
      PP_Instance instance) override;
  ppapi::thunk::PPB_Instance_API* GetInstanceAPI(PP_Instance instance) override;
  ppapi::thunk::ResourceCreationAPI* GetResourceCreationAPI(
      PP_Instance instance) override;
  PP_Module GetModuleForInstance(PP_Instance instance) override;
  void LogWithSource(PP_Instance instance,
                     PP_LogLevel level,
                     const std::string& source,
                     const std::string& value) override;
  void BroadcastLogWithSource(PP_Module module,
                              PP_LogLevel level,
                              const std::string& source,
                              const std::string& value) override;
  ppapi::MessageLoopShared* GetCurrentMessageLoop() override;
  base::TaskRunner* GetFileTaskRunner() override;

  HostVarTracker* host_var_tracker() { return &host_var_tracker_; }

  // PP_Modules ----------------------------------------------------------------

  // Adds a new plugin module to the list of tracked module, and returns a new
  // module handle to identify it.
  PP_Module AddModule(PluginModule* module);

  // Called when a plugin modulde was deleted and should no longer be tracked.
  // The given handle should be one generated by AddModule.
  void ModuleDeleted(PP_Module module);

  // Returns a pointer to the plugin modulde object associated with the given
  // modulde handle. The return value will be NULL if the handle is invalid.
  PluginModule* GetModule(PP_Module module);

  // PP_Instances --------------------------------------------------------------

  // Adds a new plugin instance to the list of tracked instances, and returns a
  // new instance handle to identify it.
  PP_Instance AddInstance(PepperPluginInstanceImpl* instance);

  // Called when a plugin instance was deleted and should no longer be tracked.
  // The given handle should be one generated by AddInstance.
  void InstanceDeleted(PP_Instance instance);

  void InstanceCrashed(PP_Instance instance);

  // Returns a pointer to the plugin instance object associated with the given
  // instance handle. The return value will be NULL if the handle is invalid or
  // if the instance has crashed.
  PepperPluginInstanceImpl* GetInstance(PP_Instance instance);

  // PpapiGlobals overrides.
  bool IsHostGlobals() const override;

  static HostGlobals* host_globals_;

  ppapi::ResourceTracker resource_tracker_;
  HostVarTracker host_var_tracker_;

  // Tracks all live instances and their associated object.
  typedef std::map<PP_Instance, PepperPluginInstanceImpl*> InstanceMap;
  InstanceMap instance_map_;

  // Tracks all live modules. The pointers are non-owning, the PluginModule
  // destructor will notify us when the module is deleted.
  typedef std::map<PP_Module, PluginModule*> ModuleMap;
  ModuleMap module_map_;

  scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> file_task_runner_;

}  // namespace content