// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_instance.h"
#include "ppapi/proxy/connection.h"
#include "ppapi/proxy/resource_message_params.h"
namespace IPC {
class Message;
class MessageReplyDeserializer;
} // namespace
namespace content {
class RendererPpapiHostImpl;
// This class fakes an IPC channel so that we can take the new resources with
// IPC backends and run them in-process.
// (See pepper_in_process_resource_creation.h for more background.)
// This class just provides the fake routing for in-process plugins.
// Asynchronous messages are converted into an asynchronous execution of the
// message receiver on the opposite end. Synchronous messages just call right
// through.
// The resources in ppapi/proxy assume that there is an IPC connection to
// both the renderer and the browser processes. They take a connection object
// that includes both of these channels. However, in-process plugins don't
// have a BrowserPpapiHost on the browser side to receive these messages.
// As a result, we can't support resources that rely on sending messages to the
// browser process. Since this class is a stopgap until all interfaces are
// converted and all plugins are run out-of-procss, we just choose not to
// support faking IPC channels for resources that send messages directly to the
// browser process. These resources will just have to use the "old" in-process
// implementation until the conversion is complete and all this code can be
// deleted.
// To keep things consistent, we provide an IPC::Sender for the browser channel
// in the connection object supplied to resources. This dummy browser channel
// will just assert and delete the message if anything is ever sent over it.
// There are two restrictions for in-process resource calls:
// Sync messages can only be sent from the plugin to the host.
// The host must handle sync messages synchronously.
class PepperInProcessRouter {
// The given host parameter owns this class and must outlive us.
PepperInProcessRouter(RendererPpapiHostImpl* host_impl);
PepperInProcessRouter(const PepperInProcessRouter&) = delete;
PepperInProcessRouter& operator=(const PepperInProcessRouter&) = delete;
// Returns the dummy sender for the cooresponding end of the in-process
// emulated channel.
IPC::Sender* GetPluginToRendererSender();
IPC::Sender* GetRendererToPluginSender();
// Returns a connection pair for use by a resource proxy. This includes
// the plugin->renderer sender as well as a dummy sender to the browser
// process. See the class comment above about the dummy sender.
ppapi::proxy::Connection GetPluginConnection(PP_Instance instance);
// Handles resource reply messages from the host.
static bool OnPluginMsgReceived(const IPC::Message& msg);
bool SendToHost(IPC::Message* msg);
bool SendToPlugin(IPC::Message* msg);
void DispatchHostMsg(IPC::Message* msg);
void DispatchPluginMsg(IPC::Message* msg);
bool SendToBrowser(IPC::Message* msg);
raw_ptr<RendererPpapiHostImpl> host_impl_;
class Channel;
std::unique_ptr<Channel> browser_channel_;
// Renderer -> plugin channel.
std::unique_ptr<Channel> host_to_plugin_router_;
// Plugin -> renderer channel.
std::unique_ptr<Channel> plugin_to_host_router_;
// Pending sync message id.
int pending_message_id_;
// Reply deserializer of the pending sync message.
std::unique_ptr<IPC::MessageReplyDeserializer> reply_deserializer_;
// Reply result of the pending sync message.
bool reply_result_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<PepperInProcessRouter> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace content