
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module auction_worklet.mojom;

import "content/services/auction_worklet/public/mojom/bidder_worklet.mojom";
import "content/services/auction_worklet/public/mojom/seller_worklet.mojom";
import "content/services/auction_worklet/public/mojom/auction_network_events_handler.mojom";
import "content/services/auction_worklet/public/mojom/auction_shared_storage_host.mojom";
import "sandbox/policy/mojom/sandbox.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/url_loader_factory.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/interest_group/interest_group_types.mojom";
import "url/mojom/origin.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";

struct BrowserSignals {
  url.mojom.Origin top_frame_origin;
  url.mojom.Origin seller;

// The permissions policy features state of the bidder/seller worklet
// environment. Only a few features exist in the worklet, so rather than
// propagating the state of all available permissions policy features, we only
// propagate the state of the features that are potentially needed in the
// worklet.
struct AuctionWorkletPermissionsPolicyState {
  bool private_aggregation_allowed;
  bool shared_storage_allowed;

// The public key is used for encryption and decryption of trusted signals in
// both bidder and seller worklets.
struct TrustedSignalsPublicKey {
  string key;
  uint8 id;

// Used by the browser to load and run FLEDGE worklets. This can run in a
// sandboxed utility process (non-Android) or inside a regular renderer
// (Android).
// See
interface AuctionWorkletService {
  // Attempts to load Javascript at the specified URL and create a BidderWorklet
  // from the response body. A single BidderWorklet object can be used for
  // multiple different InterestGroups, as long as they share the `bidding_url`
  // `wasm_helper_url`, and `trusted_scoring_signals_url` that were passed in
  // when creating the BidderWorklet. A single BidderWorklet can be used in
  // multiple auctions as long as they share a `top_window_origin`. In practice,
  // the DevTools hooks restrict sharing to auctions within a single
  // RenderFrame.
  // All methods may be invoked immediately upon creation. If there's a pending
  // load of the script, callbacks will be delayed until it completes.
  // On load error, the worklet will close its pipe with a reason string. The
  // reason string, and worklet errors messages more generally, are considered
  // privileged and should not be passed to renderer processes.
  // Arguments:
  // `bidder_worklet` The pipe to communicate with the BidderWorklet. Closing
  //  the pipe will abort any in-progress loads and destroy the worklet.
  // `shared_storage_hosts` The pipes for the BidderWorklet threads to send
  // shared storage requests to the browser process. Will all be null if the
  // `kSharedStorageAPI` feature or the "shared-storage" permissions policy is
  // disabled.
  // `pause_for_debugger_on_start` If this is true, the worklet should not
  //  commence any work until it gets a Runtime.runIfWaitingForDebugger debugger
  //  command.
  // `url_loader_factory` The URLLoaderFactory used to load the worklet script
  //  and trusted bidding signals. It's recommended that the implementation be
  //  restricted to exactly those URLs (keeping in mind query parameter usage
  //  for trusted bidding signals and the allowed coalescing).
  // `script_source_url` The URL of the seller worklet script.
  // `wasm_helper_url` The URL of the wasm helper to load.
  // `trusted_bidding_signals_url` The trusted bidding signals URL to fetch
  //  for any any `trusted_bidding_signals_keys` provided to the BidderWorklet's
  //  GenerateBid() method.
  // `trusted_bidding_signals_slot_size_param` A string of either the form
  //  "all-slots-requested-sizes=<width1>,<height1>,..." or
  //  "slot-size=<width>,<height>", if the InterestGroup's
  //  trustedBiddingSignalsSlotSizeMode and AuctionConfig indicate such a string
  //  be appended to trusted bidding signals fetches. The empty string,
  //  otherwise.
  // `top_window_origin` The origin of the top-level window running the
  //  auction(s) the BidderWorklet will be used in.
  // `permissions_policy_state` The permissions policy state of the worklet.
  // `experiment_group_id`: An optional parameter to pass to trusted bidding
  // server.
  // `public_key`: An optional parameter for trusted bidding signals encryption
  // and decryption. Bidder worklet will execute trusted signals KVv2 call flow
  // when this field is valid.
      pending_receiver<BidderWorklet> bidder_worklet,
      array<pending_remote<AuctionSharedStorageHost>?> shared_storage_hosts,
      bool pause_for_debugger_on_start,
      pending_remote<network.mojom.URLLoaderFactory> url_loader_factory,
      pending_remote<AuctionNetworkEventsHandler> auction_network_events_handler,
      url.mojom.Url script_source_url,
      url.mojom.Url? wasm_helper_url,
      url.mojom.Url? trusted_bidding_signals_url,
      string trusted_bidding_signals_slot_size_param,
      url.mojom.Origin top_window_origin,
      AuctionWorkletPermissionsPolicyState permissions_policy_state,
      uint16? experiment_group_id,
      TrustedSignalsPublicKey? public_key);

  // Attempts to load Javascript at the specified URL and loads a SellerWorklet.
  // While a single SellerWorklet object can be used in auctions with different
  // AuctionAdConfigs, the configs of all auctions using a single SellerWorklet
  // object must share a `script_source_url` and `trusted_scoring_signals_url`,
  // which match the ones passed in when creating the SellerWorklet. All
  // auctions sharing a SellerWorklet must also have the same
  // `top_window_origin`. In practice, the DevTools hooks and URLLoaderFactory
  // hooks (which make script fetches act as if they were made from the parent
  // frame) restrict sharing to auctions within a single RenderFrame.
  // On load error, the worklet will close its pipe with a reason string. The
  // reason string, and worklet errors messages more generally, are considered
  // privileged and should not be passed to renderer processes.
  // Arguments:
  // `seller_worklet` The pipe to communicate with the SellerWorklet. Closing
  //  the pipe will abort any in-progress loads destroy the worklet. The
  //  callback will be invoked on seller worklet destruction if it hasn't
  //  already, since it's on the AuctionWorkletService pipe instead of the
  //  SellerWorklet pipe.
  // `shared_storage_hosts` The pipes for the SellerWorklet threads to send
  // shared storage requests to the browser process. Will all be null if the
  // `kSharedStorageAPI` feature or the "shared-storage" permissions policy is
  // disabled.
  // `pause_for_debugger_on_start` If this is true, the worklet should not
  //  commence any work until it gets a Runtime.runIfWaitingForDebugger debugger
  //  command.
  // `url_loader_factory` The UrlLoaderFactory used to load the worklet script.
  //  It's recommended that the implementation be restricted to only load the
  //  script URL.
  // `script_source_url` is the URL of the seller worklet script.
  // `trusted_scoring_signals_url` The trusted scoring signals URL for the
  //  auction, if there is one.
  // `top_window_origin` The origin of the top-level window running the auction.
  // `permissions_policy_state` The permissions policy state of the worklet.
  // `experiment_group_id`: An optional parameter to pass to trusted signals
  // server and as part of AuctionConfig.
      pending_receiver<SellerWorklet> seller_worklet,
      array<pending_remote<AuctionSharedStorageHost>?> shared_storage_hosts,
      bool pause_for_debugger_on_start,
      pending_remote<network.mojom.URLLoaderFactory> url_loader_factory,
      pending_remote<AuctionNetworkEventsHandler> auction_network_events_handler,
      url.mojom.Url script_source_url,
      url.mojom.Url? trusted_scoring_signals_url,
      url.mojom.Origin top_window_origin,
      AuctionWorkletPermissionsPolicyState permissions_policy_state,
      uint16? experiment_group_id);