// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module auction_worklet.mojom;
import "content/services/auction_worklet/public/mojom/private_aggregation_request.mojom";
import "content/services/auction_worklet/public/mojom/real_time_reporting.mojom";
import "content/services/auction_worklet/public/mojom/reject_reason.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "services/network/public/mojom/url_loader_factory.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/devtools/devtools_agent.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/interest_group/ad_display_size.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/interest_group/interest_group_types.mojom";
import "url/mojom/origin.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
// The other seller associated with a bid. For component (nested)
// SellerWorklets, `top_level_seller` is the seller for the parent auction.
// For top-level SellerWorklets, `component_seller` is the seller in the
// nested component auction where the bid was originally made.
union ComponentAuctionOtherSeller {
url.mojom.Origin top_level_seller;
url.mojom.Origin component_seller;
// When ScoreAd() is invoked for a component seller worklet, it returns an
// additional set of parameters that are passed to the top-level seller
// worklet in place of output from the GenerateBid() call that created the bid.
struct ComponentAuctionModifiedBidParams {
// Ad metadata to send to the top-level seller in place of
// BidderWorkletBid::ad.
string ad;
// Bid value and currency to send to the top-level seller seller in place of
// BidderWorkletBid::bid.
double? bid;
blink.mojom.AdCurrency? bid_currency;
// Input parameters specific to a component auction's ReportResult() method.
struct ComponentAuctionReportResultParams {
// Metadata returned by the top-level seller's ReportResult() method, as JSON.
string top_level_seller_signals;
// The stochastically rounded numeric value of the bid returned by the
// component seller's ScoreAd() method. May be the same value as the original
// bid.
double? modified_bid;
// Represents the time between SellerWorklet::ScoreAd and each of the
// dependencies to SellerWorklet::ScoreAdIfReady, which can help to identify
// the slowest dependency, both in absolute terms and relative to other
// dependencies. Each of the latencies recorded here may be null if that
// dependency didn't apply for this call to ScoreAd.
struct ScoreAdDependencyLatencies {
// Load of Script
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta? code_ready_latency;
// Download of DirectFromSellerSignals
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta? direct_from_seller_signals_latency;
// Download of TrustedScoringSignals
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta? trusted_scoring_signals_latency;
// Times of each step of the ScoreAd flow, used to compute start and end
// times for latency phase UKMs.
mojo_base.mojom.TimeTicks deps_wait_start_time;
mojo_base.mojom.TimeTicks score_ad_start_time;
mojo_base.mojom.TimeTicks score_ad_finish_time;
// Interface for returning ScoreAd results. The advantage of having an interface
// is that it makes ScoreAd() calls cancellable, and allows callbacks passed
// over the Mojo pipe to be deleted when the Mojo pipe is, to avoid setting off
// the raw pointer lifetime validation logic.
interface ScoreAdClient {
// Called when a ScoreAd() invocation completes.
// Parameters:
// `score` Non-negative score the SellerWorklet assigns to the bid. A value
// of 0 indicates either an error running the script, or that the script
// indicated the bid should not be used.
// `bid_in_seller_currency` If present, denotes the conversion of bidder's
// bid to seller's currency. Should be present only when auction
// configuration specifies what the seller currency is.
// `reject_reason` The reason this bid was rejected by the auction (i.e., the
// reason why `score` was non-positive). Default to kNotAvailable if not set.
// Will be ignored if `score` is positive.
// `component_auction_modified_bid_params` If this is a component seller
// worklet, contains parameters to pass to the top-level seller worklet
// in place of values from the original bidder worklet's BidderWorkletBid.
// `scoring_signals_data_version` The value of the Data-Version header served
// with the trusted scoring signals. nullopt when the header wasn't present.
// `debug_loss_report_url` The URL to request if this bid does not win the
// auction. It's requested if the auction runs to completion and this is not
// the winning bid, including the case that this worklet rejects this bid
// outright, giving it a score <= 0. This field has the debug prefix because
// it's part of an interim reporting API that will be replaced with
// standardized reporting APIs once available. It must be a valid HTTPS URL.
// `debug_win_report_url` The URL to request if this bid wins the auction.
// This field has the debug prefix because it's part of an interim reporting
// API that will be replaced with standardized reporting APIs once available.
// It must be a valid HTTPS URL.
// `pa_requests` The various requests made to the Private Aggregation API.
// `real_time_contributions` Real time reporting contributions.
// `scoring_latency` How long it took to execute the scoreAd() JavaScript,
// (including the top-level).
// `trusted_signals_fetch_latency` How long it took to fetch the trusted
// scoring signals, if any. 0 if there weren't any.
// `errors` are various error messages to be used for debugging. These are too
// sensitive for the renderers to see. `errors` should not be assumed to be
// empty if `score` is positive, nor should it be assumed to be non-empty if
// `score` is 0.
OnScoreAdComplete(double score,
RejectReason reject_reason,
double? bid_in_seller_currency,
uint32? scoring_signals_data_version,
url.mojom.Url? debug_loss_report_url,
url.mojom.Url? debug_win_report_url,
array<PrivateAggregationRequest> pa_requests,
array<RealTimeReportingContribution> real_time_contributions,
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta scoring_latency,
ScoreAdDependencyLatencies score_ad_dependency_latencies,
array<string> errors);
// Manages the auction workflow for one loaded FLEDGE seller worklet.
// See https://github.com/WICG/turtledove/blob/main/FLEDGE.md
// The SellerWorklet is functionally stateless, so methods are idempotent
// and can be called multiple times, in any order, for multiple auctions
// using the same worklet. There is no need to wait for one callback to be
// invoked before calling another method. There is no guarantee methods will
// complete in the order they are invoked.
interface SellerWorklet {
// Calls the Javascript scoreAd() function to evaluate a bid. No data is
// leaked between consecutive invocations of this method, or between
// invocations of this method and ReportResult().
// In the case a worklet needs to fetch trusted scoring signals before
// running any Javascript, the method may wait so it can merge several signals
// fetched together. See SendPendingSignalsRequests() for more information.
// Arguments:
// `ad_metadata_json` JSON representation of the `ad` value returned by the
// BidderWorklet that offered the bid.
// `bid` The numeric value of the bid offered by the BidderWorklet.
// `bid_currency` Currency of the bid offered by the BidderWorklet.
// `auction_ad_config_non_shared_params` Values in an AuctionConfig that can
// vary between auctions that can share a SellerWorklet.
// `direct_from_seller_seller_signals` The subresource URL of the
// DirectFromSellerSignals for the seller, as produced by concatenating the
// `directFromSellerSignals` URL prefix field passed from runAdAuction() with
// "?sellerSignals". Since this is fetched from a subresource bundle, it may
// only be fetched using the URLLoaderFactory passed in when creating the
// worklet.
// `direct_from_seller_seller_signals_header_ad_slot` A JSON string of the
// DirectFromSellerSignals for the seller. Must not be passed if
// `direct_from_seller_seller_signals` or
// `direct_from_seller_auction_signals` is passed.
// `direct_from_seller_auction_signals` The subresource URL of the
// directFromSellerSignals for the seller and all buyers, as produced by
// concatenating the `directFromSellerSignals` URL prefix field passed from
// runAdAuction() with "?auctionSignals". Since this is fetched from a
// subresource bundle, it may only be fetched using the URLLoaderFactory
// passed in when creating the worklet.
// `direct_from_seller_auction_signals_header_ad_slot` A JSON string of the
// DirectFromSellerSignals for the seller and all buyers. Must not be passed
// if `direct_from_seller_auction_signals` or
// `direct_from_seller_seller_signals` is passed.
// `browser_signals_other_seller` The origin of the other seller associated
// with the bid. If this is a component seller worklet, it's the
// top-level seller. If this is a top-level seller scoring a bid from a
// component auction, it's the seller in the component auction.
// Null if this is the top-level seller scoring its own bids.
// `component_expect_bid_currency` If this is a component auction, specifies
// what currency the top-level auction expects it to provide, if any.
// nullopt for top-level auction.
// `browser_signal_interest_group_owner` The owner of the interest group
// that offered the bid.
// `browser_signal_render_url` The `renderUrl` returned by the
// BidderWorklet making the bid.
// `browser_signal_selected_buyer_and_seller_reporting_id`
// The selected reporting id from the interest group's ad's
// `selectableBuyerAndSellerReportingIds` array.
// `browser_signal_buyer_and_seller_reporting_id` This is the reporting id
// from from the interest group's ad's buyerAndSellerReportingId field,
// which is provided to both buyer and seller reporting worklets
// (reportWin() and reportResult() respectively). This is only provided to
// scoreAd() if browser_signal_selected_buyer_and_seller_reporting_id is
// also present.
// `browser_signal_ad_component_urls` The `adComponents` array returned by
// the BidderWorklet making the bid.
// `browser_signal_bidding_duration_msecs` is the duration the BiddingWorklet
// took to generate the bid. Taken as milliseconds to reduce granularity of
// timing information passed to an untrusted process.
// `browser_signal_render_size` is the size associated with the `renderUrl`
// returned by the BidderWorklet making the bid. This argument is optional.
// When there is no size associated with the `renderUrl`, it will be a
// nullopt.
// See explainer: https://github.com/WICG/turtledove/blob/main/FLEDGE.md#32-on-device-bidding
// `browser_signal_for_debugging_only_in_cooldown_or_lockout` Whether the
// browser is under lockout or the seller's origin is under cooldown for
// sending forDebuggingOnly reports.
// `seller_timeout` Restrict the runtime of the seller's scoring script. Any
// timeout higher than 500 ms will be clamped to 500 ms before passing in as
// `seller_timeout`. Null if not provided by the publisher page. Null will be
// passed to the worklet in that case.
// `trace_id` ID of a nestable asynchronous trace event of category `fledge`
// to use with tracing calls.
// `score_ad_client` When the ScoreAd completes, successfully or not, its
// OnScoreAdComplete() method will be invoked with the results.
ScoreAd(string ad_metadata_json,
double bid,
blink.mojom.AdCurrency? bid_currency,
url.mojom.Url? direct_from_seller_seller_signals,
string? direct_from_seller_seller_signals_header_ad_slot,
url.mojom.Url? direct_from_seller_auction_signals,
string? direct_from_seller_auction_signals_header_ad_slot,
ComponentAuctionOtherSeller? browser_signals_other_seller,
blink.mojom.AdCurrency? component_expect_bid_currency,
url.mojom.Origin browser_signal_interest_group_owner,
url.mojom.Url browser_signal_render_url,
string? browser_signal_selected_buyer_and_seller_reporting_id,
string? browser_signal_buyer_and_seller_reporting_id,
array<url.mojom.Url> browser_signal_ad_component_render_urls,
uint32 browser_signal_bidding_duration_msecs,
blink.mojom.AdSize? browser_signal_render_size,
bool browser_signal_for_debugging_only_in_cooldown_or_lockout,
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta? seller_timeout,
uint64 trace_id,
pending_remote<ScoreAdClient> score_ad_client);
// Hint to the worklet to send a network request for any needed trusted
// signals data now. SellerWorklets normally wait briefy for there to be a
// number of ScoreAd() calls before requesting trusted scoring signals so the
// request can be batched together. This method can be called once all bids
// have been generated to minimize the amount of time an auction spends
// waiting on trusted signals data once the final bid has been generated. Does
// nothing if no trusted scoring signals need to be fetched.
// Calls the Javascript reportResult() function to get the information needed
// to report the result of the auction to the seller. May only be called once
// ScoreAd() has successfully scored an ad, which will ensure the worklet has
// completed loading. It does not make sense to invoke this with a score not
// generated by a previous ScoreAd() call, so this should not limit consumers.
// No data is leaked between consecutive invocations of this method, or
// between invocations of this method and ScoreAd().
// Arguments:
// `auction_ad_config_non_shared_params` Values in an AuctionConfig that can
// vary between auctions that can share a SellerWorklet.
// `direct_from_seller_seller_signals` The subresource URL of the
// DirectFromSellerSignals for the seller, as produced by concatenating the
// `directFromSellerSignals` URL prefix field passed from runAdAuction() with
// "?sellerSignals". Since this is fetched from a subresource bundle, it may
// only be fetched using the URLLoaderFactory passed in when creating the
// worklet.
// `direct_from_seller_seller_signals_header_ad_slot` A JSON string of the
// DirectFromSellerSignals for the seller. Must not be passed if
// `direct_from_seller_seller_signals` or
// `direct_from_seller_auction_signals` is passed.
// `direct_from_seller_auction_signals` The subresource URL of the
// directFromSellerSignals for the seller and all buyers, as produced by
// concatenating the `directFromSellerSignals` URL prefix field passed from
// runAdAuction() with "?auctionSignals". Since this is fetched from a
// subresource bundle, it may only be fetched using the URLLoaderFactory
// passed in when creating the worklet.
// `direct_from_seller_auction_signals_header_ad_slot` A JSON string of the
// DirectFromSellerSignals for the seller and all buyers. Must not be passed
// if `direct_from_seller_auction_signals` or
// `direct_from_seller_seller_signals` is passed.
// `browser_signals_other_seller` The origin of the other seller associated
// with the bid. If this is a component seller worklet, it's the
// top-level seller. If this is a top-level seller scoring a bid from a
// component auction, it's the seller in the component auction.
// Null if this is the top-level seller scoring its own bids.
// `browser_signal_interest_group_owner` The owner of the interest group
// that offered the winning bid.
// `browser_signal_buyer_and_seller_reporting_id`. If the winning ad
// specified buyerAndSellerReportingId, and that ID passed the appropriate
// k-anonymity check, a value to set as
// browserSignals.buyerAndSellerReportingId will be included here; otherwise
// it is nullopt.
// `browser_signal_selected_buyer_and_seller_reporting_id` If the winning bid
// specified selectedBuyerAndSellerReportingId, and that ID passed the
// appropriate k-anonymity check, a value to set as
// browserSignals.selectedBuyerAndSellerReportingId will be included here;
// otherwise it is nullopt.
// `browser_signal_render_url` The render URL provided by the winning bid.
// `browser_signal_bid` The stochastically rounded numeric value of the
// winning bid.
// `browser_signal_bid_currency` The currency the bid is in. This is either
// the sellerCurrency from auction configuration, or unset to denote it's in
// the bidder's currency.
// `browser_signal_desirability` The stochastically rounded numeric value of
// the score returned by ScoreAd() for the winning bid.
// `browser_signal_highest_scoring_other_bid` The stochastically rounded
// numeric value of the bid that got the second highest score, or 0 if it's
// not available, either because there is no such thing or because no
// currency conversion was performed.
// `browser_signal_highest_scoring_other_bid_currency` The currency associated
// with `browser_signal_highest_scoring_other_bid`. This is either the
// sellerCurrency from auction configuration, if it's set, or nullopt to
// denote it's in the bidder's currency.
// `browser_signals_component_auction_report_result_params` Extra parameters
// passed to the component auction's ReportResult() method. Should be null
// for top-level sellers.
// `scoring_signals_data_version` The value of the Data-Version header served
// with the trusted scoring signals, if the header was present.
// `trace_id` ID of a nestable asynchronous trace event of category `fledge`
// to use with tracing calls.
// Returns:
// `signals_for_winner` The value to pass to the winning bidder's
// ReportWin function, as a JSON string. Null if no value is provided.
// `report_url` The URL to request to report the result of the auction to the
// seller, if any.
// `ad_beacon_map` The map of ad reporting events to URLs for fenced frame
// reporting.
// `pa_requests` The various requests made to the Private Aggregation API.
// `reporting_latency` How long it took to run `reportResult()` JS, including
// the top-level.
// `errors` are various error messages to be used for debugging. These are too
// sensitive for the renderers to see. `errors` should not be assumed to be
// empty if the other values are populated, nor should it be assumed to be
// non-empty if the other values are null.
url.mojom.Url? direct_from_seller_seller_signals,
string? direct_from_seller_seller_signals_header_ad_slot,
url.mojom.Url? direct_from_seller_auction_signals,
string? direct_from_seller_auction_signals_header_ad_slot,
ComponentAuctionOtherSeller? browser_signals_other_seller,
url.mojom.Origin browser_signal_interest_group_owner,
string? browser_signal_buyer_and_seller_reporting_id,
string? browser_signal_selected_buyer_and_seller_reporting_id,
url.mojom.Url browser_signal_render_url,
double browser_signal_bid,
blink.mojom.AdCurrency? browser_signal_bid_currency,
double browser_signal_desirability,
double browser_signal_highest_scoring_other_bid,
blink.mojom.AdCurrency? browser_signal_highest_scoring_other_bid_currency,
uint32? scoring_signals_data_version,
uint64 trace_id) =>
(string? signals_for_winner,
url.mojom.Url? report_url,
map<string, url.mojom.Url> ad_beacon_map,
array<PrivateAggregationRequest> pa_requests,
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta reporting_latency,
array<string> error_msgs);
// Establishes a debugger connection to the worklet thread.
// Arguments:
// `thread_index` The index of the thread in the thread pool.
pending_associated_receiver<blink.mojom.DevToolsAgent> agent,
uint32 thread_index);