
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module auction_worklet.mojom;

import "mojo/public/mojom/base/big_buffer.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/unguessable_token.mojom";

// Compression schemes that can be used by Trusted Signals response bodies.
enum TrustedSignalsCompressionScheme {

// Client that receives a trusted signals response for a single request.
// There will be only one method call for a single
// TrustedSignalsCache::GetTrustedSignals() invocation. The
// remote side of the pipe will close it immediately after calling one of the
// two available methods.
// An interface is used for this rather than a callback to allow for
// cancellation.
// Note that multiple requests may be combined into a single network
// request. On success, the response will be the response for an entire
// compression group, still compressed.
interface TrustedSignalsCacheClient {
  // Called on success, with the response data associated with the
  // provided `compression_group_compression_group_key`.
  // `compression_group_data` is data from the server, which the server claims
  // was compressed with `compression_scheme`.
  OnSuccess(TrustedSignalsCompressionScheme compression_scheme,
            mojo_base.mojom.BigBuffer compression_group_data);

  // Called on error. Errors can happen in the case of a network error,
  // an error parsing the response, or if the corresponding auction is
  // cancelled.
  OnError(string error_message);

// An interface to allow a Protected Audience script process to request a
// trusted bidding or scoring signals response fetched by the browser process.
// Each applicable GenerateBid() or ScoreAd() call configured to request
// signals from a TEE ("Trusted signals API version 2") receives a
// `compression_group_token`, which can then be passed to the global
// TrustedSignalsCache to retrieve the corresponding response.
// The reason for this architecture is that multiple scripts may be able to use
// the same response, so passing in IDs instead of the response itself reduces
// copies sent between processes. The fetching is done in the browser process to
// allow responses to be cached in the browser process for longer than script
// processes last.
interface TrustedSignalsCache {
  // Requests the compression group associated `compression_group_token`. A
  // single call will be made to `client` with an error or the corresponding
  // trusted signals response. If the response is not immediately available,
  // the `client` will only receive a message notified once it has been
  // received.
  GetTrustedSignals(mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken compression_group_token,
                    pending_remote<TrustedSignalsCacheClient> client);