
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "content/services/auction_worklet/trusted_signals_request_manager.h"

#include <cstddef>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
#include "base/test/bind.h"
#include "base/test/scoped_feature_list.h"
#include "base/test/task_environment.h"
#include "content/services/auction_worklet/auction_v8_helper.h"
#include "content/services/auction_worklet/trusted_signals.h"
#include "content/services/auction_worklet/worklet_test_util.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_remote.h"
#include "net/http/http_status_code.h"
#include "services/network/test/test_url_loader_factory.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/features.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "v8/include/v8-context.h"
#include "v8/include/v8-forward.h"

namespace auction_worklet {
namespace {

// Very short time used by some tests that want to wait until just before a
// timer triggers.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kTinyTime =;

// Common JSON used for most bidding signals tests.
const char kBaseBiddingJson[] =;

// Common JSON used for most scoring signals tests.
const char kBaseScoringJson[] =;

// Expected result when fetch trusted scoring signals with `renderUrl` of
// `"https://foo.test/"` and `adComponentRenderURLs` in `kBaseScoringJson[]`.
const char kBaseScoringExpectedResult[] =;

const char kTopLevelOrigin[] =;

// Callback for loading signals that stores the result and runs a closure to
// exit a message loop.
void LoadSignalsCallback(scoped_refptr<TrustedSignals::Result>* results_out,
                         std::optional<std::string>* error_msg_out,
                         base::OnceClosure quit_closure,
                         scoped_refptr<TrustedSignals::Result> result,
                         std::optional<std::string> error_msg) {}

// Callback that should never be invoked, for cancellation tests.
void NeverInvokedLoadSignalsCallback(
    scoped_refptr<TrustedSignals::Result> result,
    std::optional<std::string> error_msg) {}

class TrustedSignalsRequestManagerTest : public testing::Test {};

TEST_F(TrustedSignalsRequestManagerTest, BiddingSignalsError) {}

TEST_F(TrustedSignalsRequestManagerTest, ScoringSignalsError) {}

TEST_F(TrustedSignalsRequestManagerTest, BiddingSignalsBatchedRequestError) {}

TEST_F(TrustedSignalsRequestManagerTest, ScoringSignalsBatchedRequestError) {}

TEST_F(TrustedSignalsRequestManagerTest, BiddingSignalsOneRequestNullKeys) {}

TEST_F(TrustedSignalsRequestManagerTest, BiddingSignalsOneRequest) {}

TEST_F(TrustedSignalsRequestManagerTest, ScoringSignalsOneRequest) {}

TEST_F(TrustedSignalsRequestManagerTest, BiddingSignalsSequentialRequests) {}

TEST_F(TrustedSignalsRequestManagerTest, ScoringSignalsSequentialRequests) {}

// Test the case where there are multiple network requests live at once.
       BiddingSignalsSimultaneousNetworkRequests) {}

// Test the case where there are multiple network requests live at once.
       ScoringSignalsSimultaneousNetworkRequests) {}

TEST_F(TrustedSignalsRequestManagerTest, BiddingSignalsBatchedRequests) {}

TEST_F(TrustedSignalsRequestManagerTest, ScoringSignalsBatchedRequests) {}

// Make two requests, cancel both, then try to start a network request. No
// requests should be made. Only test bidders, since sellers have no significant
// differences in this path.
TEST_F(TrustedSignalsRequestManagerTest, CancelAllQueuedRequests) {}

// Make two requests, cancel the first one, then try to start a network request.
// A request should be made, but only for the key in the request that was not
// cancelled. Only test bidders, since sellers have no significant differences
// in this path.
TEST_F(TrustedSignalsRequestManagerTest, CancelOneRequest) {}

// Make two requests, try to start a network request, then cancel both requests.
// The network request should be cancelled. Only test bidders, since sellers
// have no significant differences in this path.
TEST_F(TrustedSignalsRequestManagerTest, CancelAllLiveRequests) {}

// Make two requests, try to start a network request, then cancel the first one.
// The request that was not cancelled should complete normally. Only test
// bidders, since sellers have no significant differences in this path.
TEST_F(TrustedSignalsRequestManagerTest, CancelOneLiveRequest) {}

// Test that when `automatically_send_requests` is false, requests are not
// automatically started.
TEST_F(TrustedSignalsRequestManagerTest, AutomaticallySendRequestsDisabled) {}

TEST_F(TrustedSignalsRequestManagerTest, AutomaticallySendRequestsEnabled) {}

       AutomaticallySendRequestsCancelAllRequestsRestartsTimer) {}

       AutomaticallySendRequestsCancelSomeRequestsDoesNotRestartTimer) {}

// Test bidding signals request carries experiment ID.
TEST_F(TrustedSignalsRequestManagerTest, BiddingExperimentGroupIds) {}

// Test scoring signals request carries experiment ID.
TEST_F(TrustedSignalsRequestManagerTest, ScoringExperimentGroupIds) {}

// Test a single bidding request with 0 (unlimited) length limit.
// TODO( Remove this test because it will be duplicated
// with `BiddingSignalsOneRequest` after the split feature is enabled by
// default.
       BiddingSignalsOneRequestWithZeroLimit) {}

// Test a single scoring request with 0 (unlimited) length limit.
// TODO(xtlsheep): Remove this test because it will be duplicated with
// `ScoringSignalsOneRequest` after the split feature is enabled by default.
       ScoringSignalsOneRequestWithZeroLimit) {}

// Test a single bidding request with a tiny length limit that is smaller than
// the URL generated by itself.
       BiddingSignalsOneRequestWithTinyLimit) {}

// Test a single scoring request with a tiny length limit that is smaller than
// the URL generated by itself.
       ScoringSignalsOneRequestWithTinyLimit) {}

// Test a single bidding request with normal length limit that is larger than
// the URL generated by itself.
       BiddingSignalsOneRequestWithNormalLimit) {}

// Test a single scoring request with normal length limit that is larger than
// the URL generated by itself.
       ScoringSignalsOneRequestWithNormalLimit) {}

// Test two requests are issued in one request when their joint URL length is
// smaller than either of their limits:
// Request A has a limit of 0.
// Request B has a limit of 1000.
// The combined URL length of requests A and B is 131.
TEST_F(TrustedSignalsRequestManagerTest, BiddingSignalsJointBatchedRequests) {}

// Test two requests are issued in one request when their joint URL length is
// smaller than either of their limits:
// Request A has a limit of 0.
// Request B has a limit of 1000.
// The combined URL length of requests A and B is 208.
TEST_F(TrustedSignalsRequestManagerTest, ScoringSignalsJointBatchedRequests) {}

// Test two requests are issued separately in two requests when their joint URL
// length is bigger than either of their limits:
// Request A has a limit of 130.
// Request B has a limit of 130.
// The combined URL length of requests A and B is 131.
TEST_F(TrustedSignalsRequestManagerTest, BiddingSignalsSplitBatchedRequests) {}

// Test two requests are issued in one request when their joint URL length is
// smaller than either of their limits:
// Request A has a limit of 200.
// Request B has a limit of 200.
// The combined URL length of requests A and B is 208.
TEST_F(TrustedSignalsRequestManagerTest, ScoringSignalsSplitBatchedRequests) {}

// Test whether three requests are issued in two requests: request A and B can
// be issued together because adding request C will result in an oversized URL.
// Request A has a limit of 0.
// Request B has a limit of 1000.
// Request C has a limit of 130.
// The combined URL length of requests A and B is 131.
// The combined URL length of requests A, B and C is 137.
       BiddingSignalsPartlyJointBatchedRequests1) {}

// Test whether three requests are issued in two requests: request A and B can
// be issued together because adding request C will result in an oversized URL.
// Request A has a limit of 0.
// Request B has a limit of 1000.
// Request C has a limit of 200.
// The combined URL length of requests A and B is 208.
// The combined URL length of requests A, B and C is 234.
       ScoringSignalsPartlyJointBatchedRequests1) {}

// Test whether three signal requests are issued in two fetch requests: request
// A is issued individually, because requests A and B will result an oversized
// URL for B's limit.
// Request A has a limit of 0. Request B has a limit of 131.
// Request C has a limit of 131.
// The combined URL length of requests A and B is 143.
// The combined URL length of requests B and C is 131.
       BiddingSignalsPartlyJointBatchedRequests2) {}

// Test whether three signal requests are issued in two fetch requests: request
// A is issued individually, because requests A and B will result an oversized
// URL for B's limit.
// Request A has a limit of 0. Request B has a limit of 208.
// Request C has a limit of 208.
// The combined URL length of requests A and B is 221.
// The combined URL length of requests B and C is 208.
       ScoringSignalsPartlyJointBatchedRequests2) {}

// Test two identical signal requests with same interest group name and no
// bidder keys will result two separate fetch request.
// Request A has a limit of 104.
// Request B has a limit of 104.
TEST_F(TrustedSignalsRequestManagerTest, BiddingSignalsIdenticalRequests) {}

// Test two identical signal requests with same render url and no
// ad component urls will result two separate fetch request.
// Request A has a limit of 73.
// Request B has a limit of 73.
TEST_F(TrustedSignalsRequestManagerTest, ScoringSignalsIdenticalRequests) {}

}  // namespace
}  // namespace auction_worklet